Psalms 9:9-10
וְהוּא יִשְׁפֹּט תֵּבֵל בְּצֶדֶק יָדִין לְאֻמִּים בְּמֵישָׁרִים: וִיהִי ה' מִשְׂגָּב לַדָּךְ מִשְׂגָּב לְעִתּוֹת בַּצָּרָה:
It is God who judges the world with righteousness, rules the peoples with equity. The LORD is a haven for the oppressed, a haven in times of trouble. [JPS translation. Edited for gender neutrality]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. What is the connection between these two verses?

2. In what ways do we fail to provide a haven for the oppressed and for those in times of trouble? How could we become more protective of the vulnerable?

Time Period: Biblical (early ancestors to 165 BCE)