Metzudat David, Judges 4:4
מצודת דוד, שופטים ד:ד

"אשת לפידות - ר""ל אשת חיל זריזה במעשיה כלפיד אש והוא ענין מליצה וכאשר יאמרו הבריות: היא שופטה - בעבור שהיתה נביאה וזריזה במעשיה בא לה המעלה הזאת להיות שופטת את ישראל"

Eshet Lapidot - The intention is that she was a woman of valor, diligent in her ways, quick as a fire-torch, and this is a common phrase of people. "And she judged" - because she was a prophetess and diligent in her ways, she earned this status of being judge of Israel [AJWS translation]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. What qualities did Deborah have that enabled her to serve as a judge of Israel?

2. How do we know if a judge is doing their job properly? What should we expect of our leaders?

Time Period: Medieval (Geonim through the 16th Century)