Social Service and Women's Rights

A Joint Program of Tzedek and YWCA Knoxville

Debbie Friedman cited in A Journey of Spirit. Prod. Ann Coppel (Jewish Women's Archive),
Translation Original
It was kol isha (the voice of women) for col isha (every woman) that inspired me to write inclusive music. It is beneficial not only for women, but for men and children as well. Singing helps us learn how to be vocal. Ultimately, the voices of women, their sense of empowerment, can be borne from song, which can form the core of political, spiritual, and economic transformation. The more our voices are heard in song, the more we become our lyrics, our prayers, and our convictions. Then every woman will be heard, and every voice will be heard: kol isha for col isha.
Suggested Discussion Questions

1. What is discriminatory about prohibiting a woman's voice from the public sphere?
2. How do you view voices and music and empowering?
3. What does the phrase "kol isha for col isha" mean to you?

Exodus 22:20-23
וְגֵר לֹא תוֹנֶה וְלֹא תִלְחָצֶנּוּ כִּי גֵרִים הֱיִיתֶם בְּאֶרֶץ מִצְרָיִם: כָּל אַלְמָנָה וְיָתוֹם לֹא תְעַנּוּן: אִם עַנֵּה תְעַנֶּה אֹתוֹ כִּי אִם צָעֹק יִצְעַק אֵלַי שָׁמֹעַ אֶשְׁמַע צַעֲקָתוֹ: וְחָרָה אַפִּי וְהָרַגְתִּי אֶתְכֶם בֶּחָרֶב וְהָיוּ נְשֵׁיכֶם אַלְמָנוֹת וּבְנֵיכֶם יְתֹמִים:
You shall not wrong or oppress a stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. You shall not ill-treat any widow or orphan. If you do mistreat them, I will heed their outcry as soon as they cry out to Me, and My anger shall blaze forth and I will put you to the sword, and your own wives shall become widows and your children orphans. [JPS translation. Edited for gender neutrality]
Suggested Discussion Questions

1. What does it mean to "oppress"? What does it mean to "wrong" a person? Why are we warned against both?
2. What is the punishment for these actions? Why?
3. What does this text teach us about the nature of oppression and punishment? Do you agree? Is this always true?

Rambam, Mishneh Torah, Laws of Character Development and Ethical Conduct 6:10
Translation Original
A person is obligated to show great care for orphans and widows because their spirits are very low and their feelings are depressed. This applies even if they are wealthy. We are commanded to [show this attention] even to a king's widow and his orphans as [implied by Exodus 22:21]: "Do not mistreat any widow or orphan." How should one deal with them? One should only speak to them gently and treat them only with honor. One should not cause pain to their persons with [overbearing] work or aggravate their feelings with harsh words and [one should] show more consideration for their financial interests than for one's own. [Translation by R. Eliyahu Touger] חייב אדם להזהר ביתומים ואלמנות מפני שנפשן שפלה למאד ורוחם נמוכה אע"פ שהן בעלי ממון * אפילו אלמנתו של מלך ויתומיו מוזהרים אנו עליהן שנאמר כל אלמנה ויתום לא תענון, והיאך נוהגין עמהן, לא ידבר אליהם אלא רכות, ולא ינהוג בהן אלא מנהג כבוד, ולא יכאיב גופם בעבודה ולבם בדברים קשים, ויחוס על ממונם יותר מממון עצמו
Suggested Discussion Questions

1. How are we obligated to care for the orphan and widow? Why?
2. Whom in society do the orphan and widow represent? Do we treat them the way that the Rambam commands us to?

Genesis Rabbah 8:1
אמר רבי ירמיה בן אלעזר: בשעה שברא הקב"ה את אדם הראשון אנדרוגינוס בראו. הדא הוא דכתיב: "זכר ונקבה בראם" א"ר שמואל בר נחמן: בשעה שברא הקב"ה את אדם הראשון דיו פרצופים בראו, ונסרו ועשאו גביים גב לכאן וגב לכאן. איתיבון ליה: והכתיב "ויקח אחת מצלעותיו?" אמר להון: מתרין סטרוהי, היך מה דאת אמר (שמות כו) ולצלע המשכן דמתרגמינן ולסטר משכנא וגו'.
Rabbi Yirmiyah ben Elazar said: When the Holy One created the first Adam, God made it androgynous. That's what it means when it says “male and female God created them.” Rabbi Shmuel bar Nachman said: When the Holy One created the first adam, God created it two faced and then (later) sawed it (in two) creating for it two backs, a back here and a back there. They asked him: But what of the verse “and God took one of his ribs (tzela)?” He answered them, [it really means that] "God took one of the flanks (tzela).” The word [tzela] is also used to describe the flank or side of the tabernacle in Exodus 26. [Translation by Rabbi Steve Greenberg]
Suggested Discussion Questions

1. How does this midrash differ from the standard interpretation of the creation of man and woman? How does this change our understanding of the origins of gender?
2. If R. Yirmiyah ben Elazar and R. Shmuel bar Nachman disagree, what might be their disagreement?

Sifre, Numbers 133
Translation Original
"And the daughters of Zelophehad drew near" - When the daughters of Zelophehad heard that the land of Israel was being divided among the tribes with portions given to the males but not the females, they gathered together to seek counsel. They said, “The mercies of God are not like the mercies of people. People have more concern for males than females. But the One who said and brought forth the world is not like this. Rather, God’s concern is for both males and for females. God’s concern is for all, as it is said, “God gives sustenance to all flesh” and "who gives beasts their food" and "God is good to all and God's mercy is upon all God's works." [AJWS translation] ותקרבנה בנות צלפחד, כיון ששמעו בנות צלפחד שהארץ מתחלקת לשבטים לזכרים ולא לנקבות נתקבצו כולן זו על זו ליטול עצה אמרו לא כרחמי בשר ודם רחמי המקום בשר ודם רחמיו על הזכרים יותר מן הנקבות אבל מי שאמר והיה העולם אינו כן אלא רחמיו על הזכרים ועל הנקבות רחמיו על הכל שנאמר נותן לחם לכל בשר וגו' (תהלים קלו:כה) נותן לבהמה לחמה וגו' (תהלים קמז:ט) ואומר טוב ה' לכל ורחמיו על כל מעשיו (תהלים קמה:ט)
Suggested Discussion Questions

1. What policy were the daughters of Zelophehad protesting? What was their argument?
2. If God cares equally about males and females, what causes people to put more attention into the needs of males? How can we combat this tendency?

Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 75a
אמר רב יהודה אמר רב: מעשה באדם אחד שנתן עיניו באשה אחת, והעלה לבו טינא. ובאו ושאלו לרופאים, ואמרו: אין לו תקנה עד שתבעל. אמרו חכמים: ימות, ואל תבעל לו. - תעמוד לפניו ערומה? - ימות ואל תעמוד לפניו ערומה. - תספר עמו מאחורי הגדר? - ימות ולא תספר עמו מאחורי הגדר.
Rav Yehudah said in the name of Rav: It happened once that a man cast his eye upon a woman and was overcome with great desire, so much so that he became gravely ill. They came and asked the doctors, who advised, “He cannot be healed unless he has sex with her.” The sages said, “Let him die and not have sex with her.” [The doctors suggested] “Let her stand before him naked.” The sages said, “Let him die and let her not stand before him naked.” [The doctors suggested] “Let her speak with him from behind a fence.” The sages said, “Let him die and not speak with her from behind a fence.” [AJWS translation]
Suggested Discussion Questions

1. Why was the man gravely ill? Why did he think that having sex with the woman would cure him?
2. Are we allowed to indulge our desires when they come at the expense of others? Why?
3. What values were the sages prioritizing? What is the rule that might come from this?