Justice Project: Gender and Sexual Orientation
Sifre, Numbers 133
Translation Original
"And the daughters of Zelophehad drew near" - When the daughters of Zelophehad heard that the land of Israel was being divided among the tribes with portions given to the males but not the females, they gathered together to seek counsel. They said, “The mercies of God are not like the mercies of people. People have more concern for males than females. But the One who said and brought forth the world is not like this. Rather, God’s concern is for both males and for females. God’s concern is for all, as it is said, “God gives sustenance to all flesh” and "who gives beasts their food" and "God is good to all and God's mercy is upon all God's works." [AJWS translation]
ותקרבנה בנות צלפחד, כיון ששמעו בנות צלפחד שהארץ מתחלקת לשבטים לזכרים ולא לנקבות נתקבצו כולן זו על זו ליטול עצה אמרו לא כרחמי בשר ודם רחמי המקום בשר ודם רחמיו על הזכרים יותר מן הנקבות אבל מי שאמר והיה העולם אינו כן אלא רחמיו על הזכרים ועל הנקבות רחמיו על הכל שנאמר נותן לחם לכל בשר וגו' (תהלים קלו:כה) נותן לבהמה לחמה וגו' (תהלים קמז:ט) ואומר טוב ה' לכל ורחמיו על כל מעשיו (תהלים קמה:ט)
Suggested Discussion Questions

1. What policy were the daughters of Zelophehad protesting? What was their argument?
2. If God cares equally about males and females, what causes people to put more attention into the needs of males? How can we combat this tendency?

Golda Meir, Women's Liberation
Women's Liberation is just a lot of foolishness. It's the men who are discriminated against. They can't bear children. And no one's likely to do anything about that.
Suggested Discussion Questions

1. What was Golda Meir's intention with this quote?
2. How does her humorous tone impact the seriousness of the issues at hand?

Iggrot Moshe, Orach Chayim 4:115
Translation Original
"A response to one who has stumbled with lying with men, may The Merciful One save us, The first of the New Moon of Adar I, 5734 (Winter, 1974) to the honored young man, may he merit a long and good life, peace and a blessing to merit complete repentance. Despite my many obligations, since our sages of blessed memory said many things regarding helping people repent, certainly we are obligated to respond to a penitent, whether it is to decide a law, or whether it is to help him that his spirit shouldn't fail, or become complacent regarding something that needs much reinforcement to be saved from the designs of the wicked inclination, therefore I have made some time in order to respond to his letter. I do not see a halakhic question in his letter . . . rather you want that I should write you words of encouragement to help save you from the evil inclination and some advice. First, the knowledge of the severity of the ban, [that is punishable] with stoning and karet, it is called an abomination, it is one of the most disgusting of sins, and that even non-Jews are commanded regarding it, is very powerful to stand up to the evil inclination. Second . . . the lust for male sex is against he essential desire and even the wicked do not lust for this articular, a person has such a craving because it is a prohibited thing and the evil inclination seduces him to rebel against he will of the Holy One, blessed be He. This knowledge is a great strength against the evil inclination that has already one. Because you believe in the Holy One, blessed be he, and in all of the Thirteen Principles [of faith], and in the Torah, with this you can defeat him when he entices you to betray and anger him . . . Third, the disgust to people, since all over the world, even the wicked scorn those who sin by lying with men, and even in the eyes of the other wicked person with whom he performs the sin he is disgraced and shamed, is a strength against the evil inclination . . . It is good advice against the desire for this disgusting and shameful transgression, that is not only against the Torah, in the most severe fashion, but is also against the essence of humanity, as he is made lowly and disgraced in the greatest possible humiliation. Not only is it shameful for him, but it is the greatest shame for his entire family. The greatest piece of advice is to study Torah in depth, since it is saves and protects from all illicit relationships, and even from [lustful] thoughts . . . I will finish with a blessing that your repentance should be full and complete and that you will grow in Torah and in the fear of Heaven. Moses Feinstein" [Translation by Rabbi Steven Greenberg]
"תשובה לנכשל במשכב זכור רחמנא לצלן, א' דראש חודש אדר ראשון תשל""ו. מעלה כבודו הבחור הנכבד שליט""א שלום וברכה לזכות לתשובה גמורה. הנה אף לטרדותי המרובות מכיון שחז""ל אמרו כמה דברים מפני תקנת השבים כל שכן שמוכרחין להזדקק להשיב לבעל תשובה בין שהוא להשיב להלכה בין שהוא לחזוק שאל יפול רוחו ולהתרשל בדבר שצריך חזוק גדול להנצל מעצות היצר הרע, שלכן פניתי מעט להשיב לו על מכתבו, והנה איני רואה שאלה להלכה במכתבו . . . ונמצא שאתה רוצה שאכתוב לך דברי חזוק להנצל מיצר הרע ואיזה עצה. והנה ראשית הידיעה דחומר האיסור דסקילה וכרת וגם שנקרא תועבה והוא מחטאים המגונים ביותר ואף בני נח נצטוו על זה הוא כח גדול לעמוד כנגד היצר הרע, ושנית . . . תאוה למשכב זכור הוא נגד עצם התאוה וגם רשעים אין להם תאוה לזה בעצם אלא שכל התאוה הוא רק מחמת שהוא דבר אסור והיצר הרע מסיתו להמרות נגד רצון הקדוש ברוך הוא. וידיעה זו הוא חזוק גדול נגד יצר הרע שכבר נצחתו שאתה מאמין בקדוש ברוך הוא ובכל הי""ג עיקרים ובכל התורה שבזה תנצחהו על מה שמסיתך להמרותו ולהכעיסו. . . . ושלישית הגנאי אף לבני אדם שכל העולם אף הרשעים מבזין לבעלי עבירה דמשכב זכור ואף בעיני הרשע השני שעושה עמו העבירה הוא מזולזל ובזוי שזהו חזוק גדול נגד היצר הרע . . . שזהו עצה טובה לחזק עצמו מתאות הממון וכמו כן היא עצה טובה נגד תאות עבירה מגונה ובזויה זו שלבד שהוא נגד התורה באיסור חמור היותר גדול הוא גם נגד עצם האנושיות שנעשה שפל ובזוי בתכלית השפלות, ולא רק שהוא גנאי הוא גם גנאי היותר גדול לכל משפחתו. והעצה הגדולה הוא למוד התורה בעיון שהוא מציל ושומר מכל העריות ואף מהרהורים . . . והנני גומר בברכה שתהא תשובתך שלימה וגמורה ותתגדל בתורה ויראת ה'. משה פיינשטיין."
Suggested Discussion Questions

1. Is the author's reason for the prohibition of homosexuality compelling?
2. Why does the author need to give a reason for this commandment?
3. What is the significance of giving a reason for a commandment?
4. Does this reason apply today?
5. Compare this responsum to his response in Yoreh De'ah 3:115. What is your impression of the language that Rabbi Feinstein uses? How does it compare with earlier responsa and laws that you have seen?

Genesis 19:1-10
וַיָּבֹאוּ שְׁנֵי הַמַּלְאָכִים סְדֹמָה בָּעֶרֶב וְלוֹט יֹשֵׁב בְּשַׁעַר סְדֹם וַיַּרְא לוֹט וַיָּקָם לִקְרָאתָם וַיִּשְׁתַּחוּ אַפַּיִם אָרְצָה: וַיֹּאמֶר הִנֶּה נָּא אֲדֹנַי סוּרוּ נָא אֶל בֵּית עַבְדְּכֶם וְלִינוּ וְרַחֲצוּ רַגְלֵיכֶם וְהִשְׁכַּמְתֶּם וַהֲלַכְתֶּם לְדַרְכְּכֶם וַיֹּאמְרוּ לֹּא כִּי בָרְחוֹב נָלִין: וַיִּפְצַר בָּם מְאֹד וַיָּסֻרוּ אֵלָיו וַיָּבֹאוּ אֶל בֵּיתוֹ וַיַּעַשׂ לָהֶם מִשְׁתֶּה וּמַצּוֹת אָפָה וַיֹּאכֵלוּ: טֶרֶם יִשְׁכָּבוּ וְאַנְשֵׁי הָעִיר אַנְשֵׁי סְדֹם נָסַבּוּ עַל הַבַּיִת מִנַּעַר וְעַד זָקֵן כָּל הָעָם מִקָּצֶה: וַיִּקְרְאוּ אֶל לוֹט וַיֹּאמְרוּ לוֹ אַיֵּה הָאֲנָשִׁים אֲשֶׁר בָּאוּ אֵלֶיךָ הַלָּיְלָה הוֹצִיאֵם אֵלֵינוּ וְנֵדְעָה אֹתָם: וַיֵּצֵא אֲלֵהֶם לוֹט הַפֶּתְחָה וְהַדֶּלֶת סָגַר אַחֲרָיו: וַיֹּאמַר אַל נָא אַחַי תָּרֵעוּ: הִנֵּה נָא לִי שְׁתֵּי בָנוֹת אֲשֶׁר לֹא יָדְעוּ אִישׁ אוֹצִיאָה נָּא אֶתְהֶן אֲלֵיכֶם וַעֲשׂוּ לָהֶן כַּטּוֹב בְּעֵינֵיכֶם רַק לָאֲנָשִׁים הָאֵל אַל תַּעֲשׂוּ דָבָר כִּי עַל כֵּן בָּאוּ בְּצֵל קֹרָתִי: וַיֹּאמְרוּ גֶּשׁ הָלְאָה וַיֹּאמְרוּ הָאֶחָד בָּא לָגוּר וַיִּשְׁפֹּט שָׁפוֹט עַתָּה נָרַע לְךָ מֵהֶם וַיִּפְצְרוּ בָאִישׁ בְּלוֹט מְאֹד וַיִּגְּשׁוּ לִשְׁבֹּר הַדָּלֶת: וַיִּשְׁלְחוּ הָאֲנָשִׁים אֶת יָדָם וַיָּבִיאוּ אֶת לוֹט אֲלֵיהֶם הַבָּיְתָה וְאֶת הַדֶּלֶת סָגָרוּ:
The two angels arrived in Sodom in the evening, as Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom. When Lot saw them, he rose to greet them and, bowing low with his face to the ground, he said, "Please, my lords, turn aside to your servant's house to spend the night, and bathe your feet; then you may be on your way early." But they said, "No, we will spend the night in the square." But he urged them strongly, so they turned his way and entered his house. He prepared a feast for them and baked unleavened bread, and they ate. They had not yet lain down, when the townspeople, the men of Sodom, young and old -- all the people to the last man -- gathered about the house. And they shouted to Lot and said to him, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us, that we may be intimate with them." So Lot went out to them to the entrance, shut the door behind him, and said, "I beg you, my friends, do not commit such a wrong. Look, I have two daughters who have not known a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you may do to them as you please; but do not do anything to these men, since they have come under the shelter of my roof." But they said, "Stand back! The fellow," they said, "came here as an alien, and already he acts the ruler! Now we will deal worse with you than with them." And they pressed hard against the person of Lot, and moved forward to break the door. But the men stretched out their hands and pulled Lot into the house with them, and shut the door. [JPS translation]
Suggested Discussion Questions

1. What values are reflected in Lot's actions? What about the people of Sodom?
2. Why does Lot offer his daughters to the people of Sodom? Why does he want to protect his guests?
3. What themes of xenophobia are at play in this text? In what ways are these same ideas at play today?

Ezekiel 16:49
הִנֵּה-זֶה הָיָה, עֲו‍ֹן סְדֹם אֲחוֹתֵךְ: גָּאוֹן שִׂבְעַת-לֶחֶם וְשַׁלְוַת הַשְׁקֵט, הָיָה לָהּ וְלִבְנוֹתֶיהָ, וְיַד-עָנִי וְאֶבְיוֹן, לֹא הֶחֱזִיקָה.
Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom: pride, fullness of bread, and careless ease was in her and in her daughters; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. [Translation by Rabbi Steven Greenberg]
Suggested Discussion Questions
Babylonian Talmud, Shabbat 53b
תנו רבנן מעשה באחד שמתה אשתו והניחה בן לינק ולא היה לו שכר מניקה ליתן ונעשה לו נס ונפתחו לו דדין כשני דדי אשה והניק את בנו. אמר רב יוסף בא וראה כמה גדול אדם זה שנעשה לו נס כזה אמר לו אביי אדרבה כמה גרוע אדם זה שנשתנו לו סדרי בראשית אמר רב יהודה בא וראה כמה קשים מזונותיו של אדם שנשתנו עליו סדרי בראשית אמר רב נחמן תדע דמתרחיש ניסא ולא אברו מזוני
Our Rabbis taught: It once happened that a man's wife died and left behind a nursing child, and the man could not afford to pay a wet-nurse. A miracle happened to him and his breasts opened like a woman's breasts and he nursed his son. R. Yosef said, "Come and see how great was this man, that such a miracle was performed on his account!" Abayye said to him, "Just the opposite: how terrible was this man, that his body was changed!" R. Yehudah said, "Come and see how difficult it is to attain food for a person -- so much so that his body was changed! R. Nahman said: Know that miracles do occur, but food is not simply created. [Soncino translation, modified for accessibility and gender neutrality]
Suggested Discussion Questions

1. What do you make of the disagreement with Abayye and Rav Yosef about the gender-defying body of this man?
2. What does this text say about the interaction between gender and wealth?
3. How do you interpret the assertion that it is easier to change one's gender identity than it is to find work and food?