Learn Talmud - Berachot 10a-10b by Rabbi Mordechai Silverstein

Lesson #2 -Content and Questions

Our studies take a new turn this week. The sources we have are almost all aggadic, midrashic, and anecdotal. Our first episode is related to our studies from last week. At the end of last week's studies, we busied ourselves in interpreting a verse from the end of Psalm 104. This is where we pick up this week.

I want to say a word about rabbinic stories before we get started. It is generally accepted today that rabbinic stories are didactic, namely, they are meant to teach messages. One must be very careful about making historical presumptions from these stories. One of the reasons for these conclusions is the contradictory nature of so many of these stories. It seems that stories about rabbis were intended to convey important messages in the way that similar stories about heroic figures do the same.


1. [סיפורהדורשת את הפסוק מתהלים קד:ל]

הנהו בריוני דהוו בשבבותיה דרבי מאיר והווקא מצערו ליה טובא, הוה קא בעי רבי מאיר רחמי עלויהו כי היכי דלימותו. אמרה ליה ברוריאדביתהו: מאי דעתך? – משום דכתיב: (תהלים קד:ל) יתמו חטאים, מי כתיב חוטאים? חטאים כתיב!ועוד, שפיל לסיפיה דקרא: ורשעים עוד אינם, כיון דיתמו חטאים – ורשעים עוד אינם? אלא,בעי רחמי עלויהו דלהדרו בתשובה – ורשעים עוד אינם. בעא רחמי עלויהו והדרו בתשובה.

2. [עוד סיפור על ברוריה]

אמר לה ההוא מינא לברוריא: כתיב (ישעיהונד:א) רני עקרה לא ילדה,

משום דלא ילדה – רני?

אמרה ליה: שטיא! שפיל לסיפיה דקרא, דכתיב:כי רבים בני שוממה מבני בעולה אמר ה’;

אלא מאי עקרה לא ילדה – רני כנסת ישראלשדומה לאשה עקרה שלא ילדה בנים לגיהנם כותייכו.

3. [עודסיפור על מין]

אמר ליה ההוא מינא לרבי אבהו, כתיב (תהליםג:א) מזמור לדוד בברחו מפני אבשלום בנו,

וכתיב: (תהלים נז:א) לדוד מכתם בברחו מפנישאול במערה,

הי מעשה הוה ברישא? מכדי מעשה שאול הוהברישא, – לכתוב ברישא!

אמר ליה: אתון דלא דרשיתון סמוכין – קשיאלכו, אנן דדרשינן סמוכים – לא קשיא לן,

דאמר רבי יוחנן: סמוכין מן התורה מנין –

שנאמר: (תהלים קיא:ח) סמוכים לעד לעולםעשוים באמת וישר.

למה נסמכה פרשת אבשלום לפרשת גוג ומגוג- שאם יאמר לך אדם: כלום יש עבד שמורד ברבו? אף אתה אמור לו: כלום יש בן שמורד באביו?

אלא – הוה, הכא נמי – הוה.

4. [דרשותעל פסוקים]

אמר רבי יוחנן משום רבי שמעון בן יוחי,

מאי דכתיב: (משלי לא:כו) פיה פתחה בחכמהותורת חסד על לשונה,

כנגד מי אמר שלמה מקרא זה?

לא אמרו אלא כנגד דוד אביו, שדר בחמשה עולמיםואמר שירה;

דר במעי אמו ואמר שירה, שנאמר: (תהלים קג:א)ברכי נפשי את ה’ וכל קרבי את שם קדשו.

יצא לאויר העולם ונסתכל בכוכבים ומזלותואמר שירה, שנאמר: (תהלים קג:כ-כא) ברכו ה’ מלאכיו גברי כח עושי דברו לשמע בקול דברוברכו ה’ כל צבאיו וגו’.

ינק משדי אמו ונסתכל בדדיה ואמר שירה, שנאמר: (תהלים קג:ב) ברכי נפשי את ה’ ואל תשכחי כל גמוליו.

מאי כל גמוליו?

אמר רבי אבהו: שעשה לה דדים במקום בינה.

טעמא מאי?

אמר (רבי) +מסורת הש”ס: [רב]+ יהודה:כדי שלא יסתכל במקום ערוה;

רב מתנא אמר: כדי שלא יינק ממקום הטנופת.

ראה במפלתן של רשעים ואמר שירה, שנאמר: (תהלים קד:לה) יתמו חטאים מן הארץ ורשעים עוד אינם ברכי נפשי את ה’ הללויה.

נסתכל ביום המיתה ואמר שירה, שנאמר: (תהליםקד:א) ברכי נפשי את ה’ ה’ אלהי גדלת מאד הוד והדר לבשת.

מאי משמע דעל יום המיתה נאמר?

אמר רבה בר רב שילא: מסיפא דעניינא, דכתיב: (תהלים קד:כט) תסתיר פניך יבהלון תסף רוחם יגועון וגו’.

5. [עודדרשות]

רב שימי בר עוקבא ואמרי לה מר עוקבא הוהשכיח קמיה דרבי שמעון בן פזי, והוה מסדר אגדתא קמיה דרבי יהושע בן לוי; אמר ליה: מאידכתיב (תהלים ק”ג:א) ברכי נפשי את ה’ וכל קרבי את שם קדשו?

אמר ליה: בא וראה שלא כמדת הקדוש ברוך הואמדת בשר ודם: מדת בשר ודם – צר צורה על גבי הכותל ואינו יכול להטיל בה רוח ונשמה, קרביםובני מעים; והקדוש ברוך הוא אינו כן, צר צורה בתוך צורה ומטיל בה רוח ונשמה, קרביםובני מעים. והיינו דאמרה חנה: (שמואל א’ ב:ב) אין קדוש כה’ כי אין בלתך ואין צור כאלהינו.מאי אין צור כאלהינו? – אין צייר כאלהינו.

מאי כי אין בלתך? – אמר רבי יהודה בר מנסיא:אל תקרי כי אין בלתך אלא אין לבלותך, שלא כמדת הקדוש ברוך הוא מדת בשר ודם: מדת בשרודם – מעשה ידיו מבלין אותו, והקדוש ברוך הוא מבלה מעשיו.

אמר ליה: אנא הכי קא אמינא לך. הני חמשהברכי נפשי כנגד מי אמרן דוד?

לא אמרן אלא כנגד הקדוש ברוך הוא וכנגדנשמה:

מה הקדוש ברוך הוא מלא כל העולם – אף נשמהמלאה את כל הגוף;

מה הקדוש ברוך הוא רואה ואינו נראה – אףנשמה רואה ואינה נראית;

מה הקדוש ברוך הוא זן את כל העולם כלו- אף נשמה זנה את כל הגוף;

מה הקדוש ברוך הוא טהור – אף נשמה טהורה;

מה הקדוש ברוך הוא יושב בחדרי חדרים – אףנשמה יושבת בחדרי חדרים;

יבא מי שיש בו חמשה דברים הללו וישבח למישיש בו חמשה דברים הללו.

6. [סיפורעל חזקיהו המלך המתקשר לעניין סמיכת גאולה לתפילה]

אמר רב המנונא: מאי דכתיב: (קהלת ח:א) מיכהחכם ומי יודע פשר דבר?

מי כהקדוש ברוך הוא שיודע לעשות פשרה ביןשני צדיקים, בין חזקיהו לישעיהו.

חזקיהו אמר: ליתי ישעיהו גבאי, דהכי אשכחןבאליהו דאזל לגבי אחאב

(שנאמר: (מלכים א’ יח:ב) וילך אליהו להראותאל אחאב).

ישעיהו אמר: ליתי חזקיהו גבאי, דהכי אשכחןביהורם בן אחאב דאזל לגבי אלישע.

מה עשה הקדוש ברוך הוא – הביא יסורים עלחזקיהו, ואמר לו לישעיהו: לך ובקר את החולה: שנאמר: (מלכים ב’ כ:א), (ישעיהו לח:א)בימים ההם חלה חזקיהו למות ויבא אליו ישעיהו בן אמוץ הנביא ויאמר אליו: כה אמר ה'(צבאות) צו לביתך כי מת אתה ולא תחיה וגו’.

מאי כי מת אתה ולא תחיה – מת אתה – בעולםהזה, ולא תחיה – לעולם הבא.

אמר ליה: מאי כולי האי?

אמר ליה: משום דלא עסקת בפריה ורביה.

אמר ליה: משום דחזאי לי ברוח הקדש דנפקימינאי בנין דלא מעלו.

אמר ליה: בהדי כבשי דרחמנא למה לך? מאידמפקדת איבעי לך למעבד, ומה דניחא קמיה קודשא בריך הוא – לעביד.

אמר ליה: השתא הב לי ברתך, אפשר דגרמא זכותאדידי ודידך ונפקי מנאי בנין דמעלו.

אמר ליה: כבר נגזרה עליך גזירה.

אמר ליה: בן אמוץ, כלה נבואתך וצא! כך מקובלנימבית אבי אבא – אפילו חרב חדה מונחת על צוארו של אדם אל ימנע עצמו מן הרחמים.

7. [עוד מימרא בעניין דומה]

אתמר נמי, רבי יוחנן ורבי (אליעזר) +מסורתהש”ס: [אלעזר]+ דאמרי תרוייהו: אפילו חרב חדה מונחת על צוארו של אדם אל ימנע עצמומן הרחמים,

שנאמר: (איוב יג:טו) הן יקטלני לו איחל.

8. [עוד מימרא בעניין דומה]

אמר רבי חנן: אפילו בעל החלומות אומר לולאדם למחר הוא מת – אל ימנע עצמו מן הרחמים, שנאמר: (קהלת ה:ו) כי ברב חלמות והבליםודברים הרבה כי את האלהים ירא.

9. [חזרה לסיפור של חזקיה]

מיד: (ישעיהו לח:ב) ויסב חזקיהו פניו אלהקיר ויתפלל אל ה’.

מאי קיר?

אמר רבי שמעון בן לקיש: מקירות לבו,

שנאמר: (ירמיהו ד:יט) מעי מעי אוחילה קירותלבי וגו’.

רבי לוי אמר: על עסקי הקיר;

אמר לפניו: רבונו של עולם, ומה שונמית שלאעשתה אלא קיר אחת קטנה – החיית את בנה, אבי אבא שחפה את ההיכל כולו בכסף ובזהב – עלאחת כמה וכמה.

(ישעיהו לח:ג) זכר – נא את אשר התהלכתילפניך באמת ובלב שלם והטוב בעיניך עשיתי

– מאי והטוב בעיניך עשיתי?

אמר רב יהודה אמר רב: שסמך גאולה לתפלה.

רבי לוי אמר: שגנז ספר רפואות.

10. [ברייתא]

תנו רבנן: ששה דברים עשה חזקיהו המלך, עלשלשה הודו לו ועל שלשה לא הודו לו.

על שלשה הודו לו: גנז ספר רפואות – והודולו, כתת נחש הנחשת – והודו לו, גירר עצמות אביו על מטה של חבלים – והודו לו.

ועל שלשה לא הודו לו: סתם מי גיחון – ולאהודו לו, קצץ דלתות היכל ושגרם למלך אשור – ולא הודו לו, עבר ניסן בניסן – ולא הודולו.

11. [קושיא על המקרה האחרון]

ומי לית ליה לחזקיהו: (שמות יב:ב) החדשהזה לכם ראש חדשים – זה ניסן ואין אחר ניסן?

12. [תירוץ]

אלא, טעה בדשמואל;

דאמר שמואל: אין מעברין את השנה ביום שלשיםשל אדר, הואיל וראוי לקובעו ניסן,

סבר: הואיל וראוי לא אמרינן.

13. [מימרא]

אמר רבי יוחנן משום רבי יוסי בן זמרא: כלהתולה בזכות עצמו – תולין לו בזכות אחרים, וכל התולה בזכות אחרים – תולין לו בזכותעצמו.

משה תלה בזכות אחרים, שנאמר: (שמות לב:יג)זכר לאברהם ליצחק ולישראל עבדיך

– תלו לו בזכות עצמו, שנאמר: (תהלים קו:כג)ויאמר להשמידם לולי משה בחירו עמד בפרץ לפניו להשיב חמתו מהשחית;

חזקיהו תלה בזכות עצמו, דכתיב: זכר – נאאת אשר התהלכתי לפניך

– תלו לו בזכות אחרים, שנאמר: (מלכים ב’יט:לד) וגנותי אל העיר הזאת להושיעה למעני ולמען דוד עבדי.

והיינו דרבי יהושע בן לוי; דאמר רבי יהושעבן לוי, מאי דכתיב: (ישעיהו לח:יז) הנה לשלום מר לי מר? – אפילו בשעה ששיגר לו הקדושברוך הוא שלום – מר הוא לו.

1. [Story Interpreting the verse (Psalm 104:30)}

There were once some highwaymen in the neighborhood of R. Meir who caused him a great deal of trouble. R. Meir accordingly prayed that they should die. His wife Beruria said to him: How do you make out [that such a prayer should be permitted]? Because it is written Let hatta’im cease? Is it written hot’im? It is written hatta’im! Further,look at the end of the verse: and let the wicked men be no more. Since the sins will cease, there will be no more wicked men! Rather pray for them that theyshould repent, and there will be no more wicked people. He did pray for them,and they repented.

2. [Another story about the heroine of the previous story, Bruria, that interprets a verse from Isaiah]

A certain Min said to Beruria: it is written: "Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear". (Isaiah 54:1) Because she did not bear is she to sing? She replied to him: You fool! Look at the end of the verse, where it is written, For the children of the desolate shall be more than the children of the married wife, saith the Lord. But what then is the meaning of ‘abarren that did not bear’? Sing, O community of Israel, who resembles a barren woman, for not having born children like you for Gehenna.

3. [Another story about a heretic and interpretation of verses from Psalms]

A certain Min said to R. Abbahu: It is written: "A Psalm of David when he fled from Absalom his son". (Psalm 3:1) And it is also written, "A mihtam of David when he fled from Saul in the cave". (Psalm57:1) Which event happened first? Did not the event of Saul happen first? Then let him write it first? He replied to him: For you who do not derive interpretations from juxtaposition, there is a difficulty, but for us who do derive interpretations from juxtaposition there is no difficulty. For R. Johanan said: How do we know from the Torah that juxtaposition counts? Because it says, "They are joined for ever and ever, they are done in truth and uprightness". (Psalm 111:8) Why is the chapter of Absalom juxtaposed to the chapter of Gog and Magog? So that if one should say to you, is it possible that a slave should rebel against his master, you can reply to him: Is it possible that a son should rebel against his father? Yet this happened; and so this too [will happen].

4. [Collection of Drashot (interpretations on verses]

R. Johanan said in the name of R. Simeon b. Yohai: What is the meaning of the verse, "She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the law of kindness is on her tongue?" (Proverbs 21:6) To whom was Solomon alluding in this verse? He was alluding only to his father David who dwelt in five worlds and composed a psalm [for each of them]. He abode in his mother’s womb, and broke into song, as it says, "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all my inwards bless His holy name". (Psalm 103:1) He came out into the open air and looked upon the stars and constellations and broke into song, as it says, "Bless the Lord, ye angels of His, ye mighty in strength that fulfill His word, hearkening unto the voice of His word. Bless the Lord, all ye His hosts etc". (Psalm 103:20-21) He sucked from his mother’s bosom and looked on her breasts and broke into song, as it says, "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits". (Psalm 103:2) What means ‘all His benefits’? R. Abbahu said: That He placed her breasts at the source of understanding. For what reason is this? Rab Judah said: So that he should not look upon the place of shame; R. Mattena said: So that he should not suck from a place that is foul. He saw the downfall of the wicked and broke into song, as it says, "Let sinners cease out of the earth and let the wicked be no more. Bless the Lord, O my soul, Hallelujah". (Psalm 104:35) He looked upon the day of death and broke into song, as it says, "Bless the Lord,O my soul. O Lord my God, Thou art very great, Thou art clothed with glory and majesty". (Psalm 104:1) How does this verse refer to the day of death? Rabbah son of R. Shila said: We learn it from the end of the passage, where it is written: "You hide Your face, they vanish, You withdraw their breath, they perish etc". (Psalm 104:29)

5. [More Stories and Drashot on verses from Scripture]

R. Shimi b. ‘Ukba (others say, Mar ‘Ukba) was often in the company of R. Simeon b. Pazzi, who used to arrange aggadahs [and recite them] before R. Johanan. He said to him: What is the meaning of the verse, "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy name?" (Psalm 103:1) He replied: Come and observe how the qualities of human beings falls short of the qualities of the Holy One, blessed be He. It is in the capacity of a human being to draw a figure on a wall, but he cannot invest it with breath and spirit, bowels and intestines. But the Holy One, blessed be He, is not so; He shapes one form in the midst of another, and invests it with breath and spirit,bowels and intestines. And that is what Hannah said: "There is none holy as the Lord, for there is none beside You, neither is there any tzur [rock] like our God". (1 Samuel 2:2) What means,neither is there any tzur like our God’? There is no artist [zayyar] like our God. What means, ‘For there is none beside You’? R.Judah b. Menasiah said: Read not, There is none bilteka, but, There is none lebalotheka [to consume You]. For the nature of flesh and blood is not like that of the Holy One, blessed be He. It is the nature of flesh and blood to be outlived by its works, but the Holy One, blessed be He, outlives His works. He said to him: What I meant to tell you is this: To whom did David refer in these five verses beginning with ‘Bless the Lord, O my soul’? He was alluding only to the Holy One, blessed be He, and to the soul. Just as the Holy One, blessed be He, fills the whole world, so the soul fills the body. Just as the Holy One, blessed be He, sees, but is not seen, so the soul sees but is not itself seen. Just as the Holy One, blessed be He, feeds the whole world, so the soul feeds the whole body. Just as the Holy One, blessed be He, is pure, so the soul is pure. Just as the Holy One, blessed be He, abides in the innermost precincts, so the soul abides in the innermost precincts. Let that which has these five qualities come and praise Him who has these five qualities.

6. [A Story about Hezekiah the King regarding the juxtaposition of Geulal to Tefillah]

R. Hamnuna said: What is the meaning of the verse, "Who is as the wise man?And who knows the interpretation [pesher] of a thing?" (Ecclesiastes 8:1) Who is like the Holy One, blessed be He, who knew how to effect a reconciliation [pesharah] between two righteous men, Hezekiah and Isaiah? Hezekiah said: Let Isaiah come to me, for so we find that Elijah went to Ahab, as it says, "And Elijah went to show himself unto Ahab." (1 Kings 18:2) Isaiah said: Let Hezekiah come to me, for so we find that Jehoram son of Ahab went to Elisha. What did the Holy One, blessed be He, do? He brought sufferings upon Hezekiah and then said to Isaiah, Go visit the sick. For so it says, "In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And Isaiah the prophet, son of Amoz, came to him and said unto him, Thus said the Lord, Set thy house in order, for thou shalt die and not live etc." (2 Kings 20:1; Isaiah 38:1) What is the meaning of ‘thou shalt die and not live’? Thou shalt die in this world and not live in the world to come. He said to him: Why so bad? He replied: Because you did not try to have children. He said: The reason was because I saw by the Holy Spirit that the children issuing from me would not be virtuous. He said to him: What have you to do with the secrets of the All-Merciful? You should have done what you were commanded, and let the Holy One, blessed be He,do that which pleases Him. He said to him: Then give me now your daughter; perhaps through your merit and mine combined virtuous children will issue from me. He replied:The doom has already been decreed. Said the other: Son of Amoz, finish your prophecy and go. This tradition I have from the house of my ancestor: Even if a sharp sword rests upon a man’s neck he should not desist from prayer.

7. [Meimrot on the same subject]

This saying is also recorded in the names of R. Johanan and R. Eleazar: Even if a sharp sword rests on a man’s neck, he should not desist from prayer, as it says, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him". (Job 13:15)

8. [More Meimrot on Similar Issues]

Similarly, R. Hanan said: Even if the master of dreams says to a man that on the morrow he will die, he should not desist from prayer, for so it says, "For in the multitude of dreams are vanities and also many words, but fear thou God". (Ecclesiastes 5:6)

9. [Return to the Story of Hezekiah]

Thereupon straightway, "Hezekiah turned his face to the kir [wall] and prayed unto the Lord". (Isaiah 38:2) What is the meaning of ‘kir’?

R. Simeon b. Lakish said: [He prayed] from the innermost chambers [kiroth]of his heart, as it says, "My bowels, my bowels, I writhe in pain! Kiroth [The chambers] of my heart etc". (Jeremiah 4:19) R.Levi said: [He prayed] with reference to [another] ‘kir’. He said before Him: Sovereign of the Universe! The Shunammite woman made only one little chamber [on the roof] and You restored her son to life. How much more so then me whose ancestor overlaid the Temple with silver and gold! "Remember now,O Lord, I beseech Thee, how I have walked before Thee in truth and with a whole heart, and have done that which is good in Thy sight". (Isaiah 38:3) What means, ‘I have done that which is good in Thy sight’? Rab Judah says in the name of Rab: He joined the ge’ullah with the tefillah. R.Levi said: He hid away the Book of Cures.

10. [Baraita]

Our Rabbis taught: King Hezekiah did six things; of three of them they [the Rabbis] approved and of three they did not approve. Of three they approved: he hid away the Book of Cures; and they approved of it; he broke into pieces the brazen serpent, and they approved of it; and he dragged the bones of his father [to the grave] on a bed of ropes, and they approved of it. Of three they did not approve: He stopped up the waters of Gihon, and they did not approve of it; he cut off [the gold]from the doors of the Temple and sent it to the King of Assyria, and they did not approve of it; and he intercalated the month of Nisan during Nisan, and they did not approve of it.

11. [Kushiyah on the last case in the baraita]

But did not Hezekiah accept the teaching: This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: "[this means] that this is Nisan and no other month shall be Nisan?"

12. [Teirutz]

He went wrong over the teaching enunciated by Samuel. For Samuel said: The year must not be declared a prolonged year on the thirtieth of Adar, since this day may possibly belong to Nisan; and he thought: We do notpay heed to this possibility.

13. [Meimra]

R. Johanan said in the name of R. Jose b. Zimra: If a man makes his petition depend on his own merit, heaven makes it depend on the merit of others; and if he makes it depend on the merit of others, heaven makes it depend on his own merit. Moses made his petition depend on the merit of others, as it says, "Remember Abraham,Isaac and Israel Thy servants!" (Exodus 323:13) and Scripture made it depend on his own merit, as it says, "Therefore He said that He would destroy them, had not Moses His chosen stood before Him in the breach to turn back His wrath, lest He should destroy them". (Psalm 106:23) Hezekiah made his petition depend on his own merit, as it is written: "Remember now, O Lord, I beseech Thee, how I have walked before You", and God made it depend on the merit of others, as it says, "For I will defend this city to save it, for Mine own sake and for My servant David’s sake". (2 Kings 19:34) And this agrees with R. Joshua b. Levi. For R. Joshua b. Levi said: What is the meaning of the verse, "Behold for my peace I had great bitterness?" (Isaiah 38:27) Even when the Holy One, blessed be He, sent him [the message of] peace it was bitter for him.

Guide Questions and Issues

1. Our first story, about R.Meir and his wife, Bruria (two famous Tannaitic characters), is brought to interpret the verse (Psalm 104:35): "Yitamu hata'im", "may the sinners be destroyed", which we used in the previous sugya. In this episode, R. Meir prays that those who torment him will be destroyed. Bruria offers an alternative "midrashic" interpretation with a more positive message.

M. Benowitz asserts that the word "biryon" in this story is synonymous with "min", "heretic" and that it refers to someone who is apparently tormenting R. Meir.

What is the point of this story? Rabbi Meir's behavior, according to Bruria, is based on one interpretation of the verse (the pshat or plain sense of the verse). Bruria interprets the verse differently. Discuss the issue of pshat, drash and truth here.

2. This next story interprets another verse. It is another story about Bruria and is probably brought here for that reason. If in the first story her behavior was measured, here it is the opposite.

A. Distinguish between the pshat meaning of the verse and the drash meaning.

B. What is the purpose of Bruria's drasha and explain her hostility?

3. The previous two stories dealt with heretics. This story does as well. The main character in this story is Rabbi Abahu. Here, the heretic presents Rabbi Abahu with a conflict over the order of the psalms in the book of Psalms. The heretic is bothered by the current order of the book. Rabbi Abahu dismisses the heretic, pointing out that the sages had an "interpretive" explanation for the current order of the book.

a. What is that explanation?

b. What is its message?

c. What does this conflict say about the difference between the Jew, R. Abahu, and the heretic?

4. In this drasha, R. Yochanan offers an interpretation of the verse: "Her mouth brings forth wisdom and on her tongue is a teaching of love". (Proverbs 31:26); associating this verse with King David and songs that he sang regarding five worlds (stages of life or existence). From this point, the passage turns into a drasha on a number of verses from Psalms 103-4.

Each stage in life has a different proof verse. For each verse, determine on what in the verse the association is based.

Is there special significance to these stages. What do you think is the point of this drasha?

5. This section is a drasha on the first verse of psalm 103. Here, the focus of the drasha is on the second part of the verse, in particular, the word: "kravei" - all that is in me.

a. The initial drasha measures the difference between the creative powers of human beings and God. This drasha focuses on a verse from Hannah's prayer to God. It, too, relates those things which make God different from human beings since both human beings and God have creative capacities. What are the differences according to this drasha?

b. What is the textual basis in the verse from Hannah's prayer for establishing this difference?

In the continuation of this section, the five times the expression "barchi nafshi" is used are interpreted to draw a fascinating analogy between the human soul and God.

What is the significance in your eyes of these analogies?

6. In order to do this section, a Bible lesson is in order. We will need to open the Tanach to 2 Kings 20. This story can also be found in Isaiah 38.

In the first part of this section, the Talmud builds from this biblical story a dispute between the prophet Isaiah and King Hezekiah which is resolved by God. This story line forms the basis of a drasha on a verse from Ecclesiastes. Describe how the story serves as an interpretation of the verse.

Two interesting aspects of this story are worth consideration:

a. Isaiah decrees death for King Hezekiah because he has not practiced procreation (pru urvu).

b. Hezekiah defies the prophet and turns to prayer to avert the stern decree.

What reason does Hezekiah give for not performing the commandment? Does the debate on this question between Isaiah and Hezekiah resonate with any modern debates?

What point is made in this story in Hezekiah's defiant behavior?

Notice that Hezekiah tries to rectify his behavior but the prophet denies him the possibility. Why? What are your feelings about prayer in seemingly impossible situations?

What are your thoughts on the theological problems with this passage?

7. The Talmud brings a meimra to reinforce Hezekiah's behavior in the above story using a verse from Job as a proof verse. How does this verse justify Hezekiah's behavior?

8. Another meimra on the same subject. How does this memra justify Hezekiah's behavior?

9. Here we return to the story of Hezekiah and his prayers, interpreting the verse from Isaiah where he actually prays. This drasha will end in the real reason for including this story here, namely that Hezekiah's little episode ends as an example of the reward for juxtaposing ge'ula to tefillah in one's prayers. (Please note, since I know this question will come up. I do not know how the midrash made this association nor the following one. It just did.)

Notice how the case is justified through a kal v'homer - a less weighty example (the story of Bat Sheva) and them a weightier example (Solomon building the Temple). Through this argument before God, Hezekiah makes his case.

At the end of the story, a different example of one of Hezekiah's good deeds is presented, namely, that he hid the Book of Healing - a book of formulas for healing in order that people would pray for healing. (Rashi) Maimonides, on the other hand, thought it must have been a magic book. The act of hiding it was considered meritorious on Hezekiah's part.

10. The inclusion of this baraita was inspired by the previous story (or visa versa). In this baraita, we find a list of 3 things that Hezekiah did that God approved of and 3 that he disapproved of.

a. The first one we just discussed.

b. The snake - this refers to the bronze serpent that Moses made. See 2 Kings 18:4. The people probably forgot its original purpose and started worshiping it - now that is a sin in my book!

c. This one is not mentioned in the Tanach but the sages understood that he dragged his father's corpse around as atonement for his father's sins. This story considered this a virtue.

d. Stopped up the Gihon. See 2 Chronicles 32:30. But there is no mention that anyone disapproved of this action except in this baraita.

e. Cut the doors of the Temple. See 2 Kings 17:16.

f. Intercalated a month during Nisan. See 2 Chronicles 30:2-4; 18-19. This does not seem to indicate that he intercalated an addition month but rather celebrated the Second Pesah (if one was ritually impure or far from the Temple on Pesach, there was a second opportunity to sacrifice the Passover lamb a moth after Pesach) publicly. The sages understood it as adding an additional month at a time when it was improper to do so, namely, during Nisan.

11. The Talmud how Hezekiah could do such a thing considering the Torah explicitly says that there cannot be 2 months of Nisan.

12. This teirtutz explains that he did not make two months of Nisan rather he added a second month of Nisan on the 30th of the month which could potentially have been the month of Nisan if Adar had been a 29 day month.

13. This meimra speaks against haughtiness and arrogance using Hezekiah as an example.