8th Grade Siyyum, Unit 2 (Tikkun Olam) Performance Assessment


Tikkun Olam—Perfecting the World—תִּקּוּן עוֹלָם

We believe that we are God’s partners in perfecting the world by making it more peaceful, just and compassionate. Through gemilut hasadim (acts of kindness) and hands-on service projects, our students make a difference in their own communities and in the world at large.

Big Ideas

1. Tikkun Olam is essential to Judaism but it is not its essence

2. There are multiple ways to partner with God and people to perfect the world.

Essential Question

1. How do we balance Tikkun Olam (helping the world) with helping ourselves (whether as individuals or as a community)?

Unit 2-Tikkun Olam-Performance Assessment

In this performance assessment, you will work in assigned pairs to create a Tikkun Olam puzzle. Each puzzle will contain four separate images, representing the four different approaches to Tikkun Olam that we explored in class. Through the assembly of our puzzles, we will symbolically repair the world by making it whole again.

To review, the four approaches are:

1.Improving the physical world (Bereshit/Bereshit Rabbah)

2.Fixing social/legal systems that are broken (Mishnah Gittin)

3.Mending the broken vessels (Kabbalah texts)

4.A Mix of the Previous Approaches/Social Action (HDS Core Jewish Value)

Task 1 – The Puzzle

In this task, you will create your puzzle. Your puzzle will include four distinct images, each representing one of our four approaches to Tikkun Olam.

A good puzzle should be:

☐ A reflection of a thoughtful and thoroughly developed idea

☐ Creative

☐ Visually appealing

Before drawing on the puzzle pieces, each pair must turn in a draft for approval. The draft should be drawn to scale and completed with attention to detail. After your draft is signed by your teacher, you’ll receive your actual puzzle.

Creativity Rubric






1. Development of Idea

Students created sketches to develop ideas

Students did some planning ahead to develop ideas

Students began working without showing idea development

2. Creativity of final product

Puzzle is considered to be unique and unlike anything else

Puzzle is considered to be somewhat unique

Puzzle utilizes existing idea

3. Visual appeal

Puzzle is completed with attention to detail

Puzzle contains finishing touches

Puzzle is completed but lacks some of the finishing touches

Puzzle is completed but the work looks sloppy

Task 2 – The Explanation

After creating your puzzle, you realize that not everyone will understand the depth of the artwork simply by looking at the assembled image. You and your partner decide to write an explanation for your puzzle. Your explanation should include:

☐ A description of what your audience sees when they assemble the puzzle (the puzzle as a whole and the four different images)

☐ An explanation of the connection between each image and its respective approach to Tikkun Olam. Each explanation must be supported by at least one text that we studied this unit. This means you will need your packet so that you can paraphrase and/or quote the texts.

☐ A thorough explanation as to how your work demonstrates an understanding of our two Big Ideas

Each pair will turn in one written explanation. The explanation must be written in complete sentences using Arial 12 point font, double spaced.






1. Description of Puzzle

Description thoroughly and accurately identifies the different elements of the puzzle

Description accurately identifies some parts of the puzzle

Description of puzzle is incomplete

2. Connection to Tikkun Olam

Work clearly explains how the images relate to Tikkun Olam

Jewish texts are utilized appropriately and reflect class discussions

Work explains how the images relate to Tikkun Olam somewhat clearly

Jewish texts are utilized and somewhat reflect class discussions

Explanation of how the images relate to Tikkun Olam is unclear

Jewish texts are not utilized appropriately

3. Connection to Big Idea

Work thoroughly explains the unit’s Big Ideas

Work identifies at least 2 places where Big Ideas are present in the puzzle

Work explains the unit’s Big Ideas

Work somewhat accurately identifies 2 places where the Big Ideas are present in the puzzle

Work somewhat explains the unit’s Big Ideas

Work inaccurately identifies places where Big Ideas are present in the puzzle

Task 3 – The Review

Once your puzzle is complete, you will trade puzzles with another pair and assemble their puzzle. After assembling the puzzle, you and your partner will write a review of the puzzle. Your review must include:

☐ The names of the creators of the puzzle

☐ A brief description of what you saw when you assemble the puzzle (the puzzle as a whole and the four different images)

☐ A description of what you thought the meaning behind each image was

☐ A brief description (2-3 sentences) of the actual meaning of the puzzle, as told to you by the puzzle’s creators

☐ A thorough explanation as to how the puzzle demonstrates understanding of our two Big Ideas






1. Names of the creators

Names are provided

2. Assembled puzzle

Description of puzzle is accurate

Description of puzzle is somewhat accurate

Description of puzzle is inaccurate

3. Meaning behind each image

Work describes thought process behind student speculation

Work attempts to describe thought process behind student speculation

Work describes student speculation

4. Actual meaning of puzzle (based on the creators)

Description of meaning behind puzzle is accurate

Description of meaning behind puzzle is somewhat accurate

Description behind meaning is inaccurate

5. Connection to Big Ideas

Work identifies at least 2 places where Big Ideas are present in the puzzle

Work somewhat accurately identifies 2 places where the Big Ideas are present in the puzzle

Work inaccurately identifies places where Big Ideas are present in the puzzle

Collaboration Rubric






1. Collaboration

Both members contribute equally

Ideas and feedback are communicated directly and respectfully

Both members contribute equally

Ideas and feedback are communicated

Members do not contribute equally

Ideas and feedback are either not communicated or not communicated respectfully

2. Use of Time

Students use class time effectively

Students use most of their class time effectively

Students are unable to complete project in class or rush through project because time was not used effectively