Parashat Pinhas: Scavenger Hunt

Parashah Scavenger Hunt שְׁאֵלוֹת הַשָּׁבוּעַ

Welcome to Devash's Parashah Scavenger Hunt for Parashat Pinhas!
  1. What were the names of the two people struck down by Pinhas? Look for the answer in Aliyah #1 (Bemidbar 25:10-26:4)
  2. What happened to Korah’s sons? Look for the answer in Aliyah #2 (Bemidbar 26:5-51)
  3. Who was Tirtzah, and why is she mentioned? Look for the answer in Aliyah #3 (Bemidbar 26:52-27:5)
  4. According to the Torah, if a man has no children at all, who inherits from him when he dies? Look for the answer in Aliyah #4 (Bemidbar 27:6-23)
  5. When did Benei Yisrael first start offering the עֹלַת תָּמִיד (olat tammid, twice-daily olah sacrifice)? Look for the answer in Aliyah #5 (Bemidbar 28:1-15)
  6. What is Shavuot called in our parashah? Look for the answer in Aliyah #6 (Bemidbar 28:16- 29:11)
  7. What was the total number of bulls offered over all seven days of Sukkot? Look for the answer in Aliyah #7 (Bemidbar 29:12- 30:1)
  8. In the count of Benei Yisrael in our parashah, which tribe is the smallest?
  9. Who was Asher’s daughter?
  10. On which three special days was the עֹלָה (olah, burnt offering) supposed to be one bull, one ram, and seven lambs?
Scroll down to see the answers!
  1. Zimri and Kozbi (25:14-15)
  2. They did not die during their father’s rebellion (26:11)! Korah’s descendants seem to have gone on to become famous poets and singers—you can see some of their songs in Sefer Tehillim (e.g., Tehillim 42).
  3. She was a daughter of Tzelofhad, who died without any sons. She and her four sisters felt it was unfair to their father that his family would not inherit his land just because all his children were girls (27:1).
  4. His brother (27:9)
  5. At הַר סִינַי (Har Sinai, Mount Sinai) (28:6)
  6. יוֹם הַבִּכּוּרִים (Yom Ha-Bikkurim, the day of first fruits) (28:26)
  7. 70 (13+12+11+10+9+8+7) (29:13,17,20,23,26,29,32)
  8. The Tribe of Shimon, with 22,200 (26:14)—and they were the third biggest in the count at the beginning of Bemidbar (1:23)!
  9. Serah (26:46); she is mentioned both here and among those who went down to Egypt with Yaakov (Bereishit 46:17), leading some midrashim to say she lived hundreds and hundreds of years, or even forever (see Midrash section)!
  10. The first day of the seventh month (Rosh Hashanah) (29:1-2); the tenth day of the seventh month (Yom Kippur) (29:7-8); the eighth day after the 15th of the seventh month (Shemini Atzeret) (29:35-36)