36 Nedarim 3/2-4

(ב) נִדְרֵי הֲבַאי, אָמַר, קוֹנָם אִם לֹא רָאִיתִי בַדֶּרֶךְ הַזֶּה כְיוֹצְאֵי מִצְרָיִם, אִם לֹא רָאִיתִי נָחָשׁ כְּקוֹרַת בֵּית הַבָּד. נִדְרֵי שְׁגָגוֹת, אִם אָכָלְתִּי וְאִם שָׁתִיתִי, וְנִזְכַּר שֶׁאָכַל וְשָׁתָה. שֶׁאֲנִי אוֹכֵל וְשֶׁאֲנִי שׁוֹתֶה, וְשָׁכַח וְאָכַל וְשָׁתָה. אָמַר, קוֹנָם אִשְׁתִּי נֶהֱנֵית לִי, שֶׁגָּנְבָה אֶת כִּיסִי וְשֶׁהִכְּתָה אֶת בְּנִי, וְנוֹדַע שֶׁלֹּא הִכַּתּוּ וְנוֹדַע שֶׁלֹּא גְנָבָתּוּ. רָאָה אוֹתָן אוֹכְלִים תְּאֵנִים וְאָמַר, הֲרֵי עֲלֵיכֶם קָרְבָּן, וְנִמְצְאוּ אָבִיו וְאֶחָיו, וְהָיוּ עִמָּהֶן אֲחֵרִים, בֵּית שַׁמַּאי אוֹמְרִים, הֵן מֻתָּרִין וּמַה שֶּׁעִמָּהֶן אֲסוּרִין. וּבֵית הִלֵּל אוֹמְרִים, אֵלּוּ וָאֵלּוּ מֻתָּרִין:

(ג) נִדְרֵי אֳנָסִים, הִדִּירוֹ חֲבֵרוֹ שֶׁיֹּאכַל אֶצְלוֹ, וְחָלָה הוּא אוֹ שֶׁחָלָה בְנוֹ אוֹ שֶׁעִכְּבוֹ נָהָר, הֲרֵי אֵלּוּ נִדְרֵי אֳנָסִין:

(ד) נוֹדְרִין לָהֳרָגִין וְלָחֳרָמִין וְלַמּוֹכְסִין שֶׁהִיא תְרוּמָה אַף עַל פִּי שֶׁאֵינָהּ תְּרוּמָה, שֶׁהֵן שֶׁל בֵּית הַמֶּלֶךְ אַף עַל פִּי שֶׁאֵינָן שֶׁל בֵּית הַמֶּלֶךְ. בֵּית שַׁמַּאי אוֹמְרִים, בַּכֹּל נוֹדְרִין, חוּץ מִבִּשְׁבוּעָה. וּבֵית הִלֵּל אוֹמְרִים, אַף בִּשְׁבוּעָה. בֵּית שַׁמַּאי אוֹמְרִים, לֹא יִפְתַּח לוֹ בְנֶדֶר. וּבֵית הִלֵּל אוֹמְרִים, אַף יִפְתַּח לוֹ. בֵּית שַׁמַּאי אוֹמְרִים, בְּמַה שֶּׁהוּא מַדִּירוֹ. וּבֵית הִלֵּל אוֹמְרִים, אַף בְּמַה שֶּׁאֵינוֹ מַדִּירוֹ. כֵּיצַד, אָמְרוּ לוֹ, אֱמוֹר קוֹנָם אִשְׁתִּי נֶהֱנֵית לִי, וְאָמַר קוֹנָם אִשְׁתִּי וּבָנַי נֶהֱנִין לִי, בֵּית שַׁמַּאי אוֹמְרִים, אִשְׁתּוֹ מֻתֶּרֶת וּבָנָיו אֲסוּרִין. וּבֵית הִלֵּל אוֹמְרִים, אֵלּוּ וָאֵלּוּ מֻתָּרִין:

(2) Vows of exaggeration: [for example,] if someone said: "konam if I did not see on this path [a quantity of people similar to] those who left Egypt!” [six hundred thousand males], [or “konam] if I didn’t see a snake [as large] as the beam of an olive press!" Vows made in error: [an example might be if someone said: "konam] if I ate and drank", but then remembered that he did [in fact] eat or drink. [Or if one said: "konam] if I will eat or if I will drink," (thereby obligating himself to fast), [but then he] forgot, and ate or drank. [Similarly, if one said:] "konam if my wife benefits from me, because she stole my purse or because she hit my son," [but then] it becomes known that she did not [really] beat him, [or] it becomes known that she did not [really] steal [her husband's purse] , [it is a vow made in error]. If someone saw [in the distance, some people] eating [his] figs, and says: "[let those figs] be to you like a korban," but [he finds out that the men in the distance were] his father and his brothers. [If] others were with them, Beit Shammai says: [the father and brothers are] permitted [to eat the figs], but [the people] with them are forbidden. But Beit Hillel says: both [his relatives and the others] are permitted [to eat the figs].

(3) Vows made against one's will: [An example of this might be] if someone subjected his friend to a vow that [the friend] will eat with him, but [the friend] became sick or [the friend's] son became sick, or a river [rose and] prevented him [from traveling safely] - these are vows made against one's will.

(4) One may vow [in front of] murderers and thieves and [royal] tax collectors that [something] is terumah, even if it isn't terumah; [or] that they are property of the king, even if they aren't property of the king. Beit Shammai says: [this is true] regarding all vows except for oaths, and Beit Hillel says: even regarding oaths. Beit Shammai says: he [the victim] may not offer to make the vow. And Beit Hillel says: he may even offer [to make the vow]. Beit Shammai says: [he may only vow] regarding what he is asked to vow, and Beit Hillel says: even regarding that which he wasn't asked to vow. How so? If they [the murderers, thieves or tax collectors] order him to say: "konam that my wife may not benefit from me [if this is not terumah, etc.],"' but he says "konam that neither my wife nor my children may benefit from me" - Beit Shammai says: his wife is permitted to him but his children are forbidden, and Beit Hillel says: both are permitted.