Birkat Ha-Mazon for Heilicher בריך רחמנא

עוֹד לֹא אָכַלְנוּ

עוֹד לֹא שָׁתִינוּ

יָבֵשׁ לָנוּ בַּגָּרוֹן

הָבוּ לָנוּ מַשְׁקֶה

מִיט אַ בִּיסֶל קאַשקע

אָז נשירה וְנָרֹן

עוֹד לֹא אָכַלְנוּ

עוֹד לֹא שָׁתִינוּ

יָבֵשׁ לָנוּ בַּגָּרוֹן

מוּכָנִים כְּבָר אָנוּ

לֶאֱכוֹל כּוּלָנוּ

וְנׁאמָר בְּתֵיאָבוֹן


Od lo achalnu, Od lo shatinu
Yavesh lanu bagaron
Havu lanu mashke, mitte bissel kashke
V'nashira v;naron

Od lo achalnu, Od lo shatinu
Yavesh lanu bagaron

Muchanim kol anu
le'echol kulanu
v'nomar b'tei--a-von
Added by: Robby G

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א"ר אבא ובשבת חייב אדם לבצוע על שתי ככרות מ"ט (שמות טז, כב) לחם משנה כתיב
In connection to the various halakhot with regard to breaking bread, especially on Festivals, the Gemara cites another halakha. Rabbi Abba said: And on Shabbat one is obligated to break bread for the meal over two loaves. What is the reason? Because in the Torah portion that discusses gathering manna on Friday for Shabbat, the phrase: “Twice as much bread” (Exodus 16:22) is written. To commemorate this, Shabbat meals are based on two loaves of bread.

For a fascinating read about the rabbis' attitudes about food, why two loaves, and which foods should not be eaten because they will give you bad breath, or even worse, intestinal troubles, go to the source above by clicking on the underlined heading, and read through for a while. You won't be disappointed. Add quotes that you find interesting or intriguing here:

In my family we eat two challot. I make challah most Fridays and its delicious. I always leave extra to make Babka with Nutella on Shabbat morning. I also leave another portion for making a fun bread for later in the week. I have tried over 10 different challah recipes to get the best challah.

בנימין רעיא כרך ריפתא ואמר בריך מריה דהאי פיתא אמר רב יצא והאמר רב כל ברכה שאין בה הזכרת השם אינה ברכה דאמר בריך רחמנא מריה דהאי פיתא
Regarding blessings that do not conform to the formula instituted by the Sages, the Gemara relates that Binyamin the shepherd ate bread and afterward recited in Aramaic: Blessed is the Master of this bread. Rav said, he thereby fulfilled his obligation to recite a blessing. The Gemara objects: But didn’t Rav himself say: Any blessing that does not contain mention of God’s name is not considered a blessing? The Gemara emends the formula of his blessing. He said: Blessed is the All-Merciful, Master of this bread.


My custom with Challah is we eat one of the 2 challahs but if we are still Hungary we eat the other

A blessing can be said without the word G-d in it because it does not need to have something that G-d gave us

Zachary says that he agrees with this because one might have a personal prayer that does not involve g-d.