Jewish Demons, Ghosts, and Goblins
תניא אבא בנימין אומר אלמלי נתנה רשות לעין לראות אין כל בריה יכולה לעמוד מפני המזיקין
In another baraita it was taught that Abba Binyamin says: If the eye was given permission to see, no creature would be able to withstand the abundance and ubiquity of the demons and continue to live unaffected by them.
אמר אביי אינהו נפישי מינן וקיימי עלן כי כסלא לאוגיא
Similarly, Abaye said: They are more numerous than we are and they stand over us like mounds of earth surrounding a pit.
אמר רב הונא כל חד וחד מינן אלפא משמאליה ורבבתא מימיניה
Rav Huna said: Each and every one of us has a thousand demons to his left and ten thousand to his right. God protects man from these demons, as it says in the verse: “A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; they will not approach you” (Psalms 91:7).
אמר רבא האי דוחקא דהוי בכלה מנייהו הוי הני ברכי דשלהי מנייהו הני מאני דרבנן דבלו מחופיא דידהו הני כרעי דמנקפן מנייהו

Summarizing the effects of the demons, Rava said: The crowding at the kalla, the gatherings for Torah study during Elul and Adar, is from the demons; those knees that are fatigued even though one did not exert himself is from the demons; those clothes of the Sages that wear out, despite the fact that they do not engage in physical labor, is from friction with the demons; those feet that are in pain is from the demons.

האי מאן דבעי למידע להו לייתי קיטמא נהילא ונהדר אפורייה ובצפרא חזי כי כרעי דתרנגולא האי מאן דבעי למחזינהו ליתי שלייתא דשונרתא אוכמתא בת אוכמתא בוכרתא בת בוכרתא ולקליה בנורא ולשחקיה ולימלי עיניה מניה וחזי להו ולשדייה בגובתא דפרזלא ולחתמי' בגושפנקא דפרזלא דילמא גנבי מניה ולחתום פומיה כי היכי דלא ליתזק רב ביבי בר אביי עבד הכי חזא ואתזק בעו רבנן רחמי עליה ואתסי:
One who seeks to know that the demons exist should place fine ashes around his bed, and in the morning the demons’ footprints appear like chickens’ footprints, in the ash. One who seeks to see them should take the afterbirth of a firstborn female black cat, born to a firstborn female black cat, burn it in the fire, grind it and place it in his eyes, and he will see them. He must then place the ashes in an iron tube sealed with an iron seal [gushpanka] lest the demons steal it from him, and then seal the opening so he will not be harmed. Rav Beivai bar Abaye performed this procedure, saw the demons, and was harmed. The Sages prayed for mercy on his behalf and he was healed.
אביי מרביא ליה [אמיה] אמרא למיעל בהדיה לבית הכסא ולרביא ליה גדיא שעיר בשעיר מיחלף

Because fear of demons in bathrooms was common, the Gemara relates: Abaye’s mother raised a lamb to accompany him to the bathroom. The Gemara objects: She should have raised a goat for him. The Gemara responds: A goat could be interchanged with a goat-demon. Since both the demon and the goat are called sa’ir, they were afraid to bring a goat to a place frequented by demons.

רבא מקמי דהוי רישא מקרקשא ליה בת רב חסדא אמגוזא בלקנא בתר דמלך עבדא ליה כוותא ומנחא ליה ידא ארישיה
Before Rava became the head of the yeshiva, his wife, the daughter of Rav Ḥisda, would rattle a nut in a copper vessel for him. This was in order to fend off demons when he was in the bathroom. After he was chosen to preside as head of the yeshiva, he required an additional degree of protection, so she constructed a window for him, opposite where he would defecate, and placed her hand upon his head.
ת"ר לא ישתה אדם מים בלילה ואם שתה דמו בראשו מפני הסכנה מאי סכנה סכנת שברירי ואם צחי מאי תקנתיה אי איכא אחרינא בהדיה ליתרייה ולימא ליה צחינא מיא ואי לא נקרקש בנכתמא אחצבא ונימא איהו לנפשיה פלניא בר פלניתא אמרה לך אימך אזדהר משברירי ברירי רירי ירי רי בכסי חיורי:
The Sages taught: A person should not drink water at night. And if he drank, his blood is upon his own head, due to the danger. The Gemara asks: What is this danger? The Gemara answers: The danger of the shavrirei, an evil spirit that rules over water. And if he is thirsty, what is his remedy? If there is another person with him, he should wake him and say to him: I thirst for water, and then he may drink. And if there is no other person with him, he should knock with the lid on the jug and say to himself: So-and-so, son of so-and-so, your mother said to you to beware of the shavrirei verirei rirei yirei rei, found in white cups. This is an incantation against the evil spirit.
רבא ברא גברא שדריה לקמיה דר' זירא הוה קא משתעי בהדיה ולא הוה קא מהדר ליה אמר ליה מן חבריא את הדר לעפריך
Indeed, Rava created a man, a golem, using forces of sanctity. Rava sent his creation before Rabbi Zeira. Rabbi Zeira would speak to him but he would not reply. Rabbi Zeira said to him: You were created by one of the members of the group, one of the Sages. Return to your dust.
לָעֶרֶב, מוֹלִיכוֹ לְגֵיהִנָּם. וּמַרְאֶה לוֹ שָׁם אֶת הָרְשָׁעִים שֶׁמַּלְאֲכֵי חַבָּלָה מַכִּים אוֹתָן בְּמַקְלוֹת שֶׁל אֵשׁ, וְקוֹרְאִין וַי וַי וְאֵינָם מְרַחֲמִים עֲלֵיהֶם. וְאוֹמֵר לוֹ עוֹד אוֹתוֹ מַלְאָךְ לְאוֹתוֹ הָרוּחַ, תֵּדַע מִי הֵן אֵלּוּ. וְאוֹמֵר: לֹא אֲדוֹנִי. וְאוֹמֵר לוֹ הַמַּלְאָךְ, אֵלּוּ הַנִּשְׂרָפִין, נוֹצְרוּ כְּמוֹתְךָ וְיָצְאוּ לָעוֹלָם וְלֹא שָׁמְרוּ הַתּוֹרָה וְחֻקּוֹתָיו שֶׁל הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא, לְכָךְ בָּאוּ לְחֶרְפָּה זוֹ שֶׁאַתָּה רוֹאֶה. וְאַתָּה דַע לְךָ, שֶׁסּוֹפְךָ לָצֵאת לָעוֹלָם, וֶהֱוֵי צַדִּיק וְאַל תְּהִי רָשָׁע, וְתִזְכֶּה וְתִחְיֶה לָעוֹלָם הַבָּא. וּמִנַּיִן שֶׁהוּא כֵן. שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר: כִּי בֵן הָיִיתִי לְאָבִי רַךְ וְיָחִיד לִפְנֵי אִמִּי, וַיֹּרֵנִי וַיֹּאמֶר לִי יִתְמָךְ דִּבָרַי לִבֶּךָ, שְׁמֹר מִצְוֹתַי וֶחְיֵּה (משלי ד, ג-ד).
That evening he led him to the netherworld and showed him the wicked ones whom the demons were smiting with brands of fire and who were crying: “Woe is me, woe is me,” and none had mercy for them. The angel then said to the soul: “Do you know who these are?” And he replied: “No, my master.” Whereupon the angel told him: “These are the ones who will be consumed. They were formed like you and went out into the world, but they did not keep the Torah and the statutes of the Holy One, blessed be He, and that is why they have come to this disgraceful end that you are witnessing. Be assured that you will ultimately leave this world, but if you are righteous and not wicked, you will be worthy to enjoy life in the world-to-come.” How do we know that this is so? From the fact that it is said: For I was a son unto my father, tender and an only one in the sight of my mother. And he taught me, and said unto me: “Let thy heart hold fast upon My words, keep My commandments and live” (Prov. 4:3–4).
אינהו נמי אידמויי אידמו דחזו ליה בבואה אינהו נמי אית להו בבואה דחזו ליה בבואה דבבואה ודלמא אינהו נמי אית להו א"ר חנינא לימדני יונתן בני בבואה אית להו בבואה דבבואה לית להו
The Gemara objects: Demons too can appear in human form, and therefore the fact that the being looked human is not a proof that it is not a demon. The Gemara explains: It is a case where they saw that he has a shadow [bavua]. The Gemara objects: Demons also have a shadow. The Gemara explains: It is a case where they saw that he has the shadow of a shadow. The Gemara objects: And perhaps demons too have the shadow of a shadow? Rabbi Ḥanina says: Yonatan my son taught me that demons have a shadow but they do not have the shadow of a shadow.
וכתב הרמב"ן ז"ל כי עיקר הויתם משני יסודות קלים, והם האש והרוח, ועל כן יטוסו לרוב דקותם וקלותם, וכשם שכל הנבראים בעולם השפל הזה בכלל בין בעלי חיים ובעלי הצומח והדומם הם מורכבים מארבעה יסודות, כן היתה יצירת השדים במעשה בראשית מורכבת משני יסודות אלה, אבל היו המורכבים מארבעה יסודות גוף גס ומורגש להשגת האדם, והשדים המורכבים משני יסודות אלה הם גוף דק איננו מורגש ולא מושג לחושי האדם, אבל הם מתדמים ומתלבשים צורה לעיני הרואים, והנה הם גוף רוחני, כי כן היסודות האלה רוחניים, וכשם שהמורכבים מארבע יסודות הויתם וקיומם הוא חבור היסודות, ובריאותם מזג היסודות, וחלים כאשר יגברו זה על זה, ומיתתם פרודם זה מזה, כן הוית השדים וקיומם הוא חבור שני היסודות ומיתתם בהפרדם זה מזה, וזה שאמרו רבותינו ז"ל ששה דברים נאמרו בשדים, שלשה כמלאכי השרת, יש להם כנפים כמלאכי השרת וטסין כמלאכי השרת ויודעין מה שעתיד להיות כמלאכי השרת, יודעין סלקא דעתך, אלא אימא שומעין מה שעתיד להיות כמלאכי השרת.
These “demons” were primarily composed of only 2 of the 4 elements which man is made of, i.e. of fire and air (spirit). Seeing that they are also light in weight they can fly all over at will. At the time of their creation they were composed of only two elements instead of the four elements which human beings, animals, as well as the plants have in common. As a result, instead of possessing solid bodies such as human beings and animals which therefore are tangible and easily recognizable, these demons are of such transparent shape that they cannot be easily seen and identified. However, they are able to assume a visible form when they so desire by “dressing up” as if they were humans or animals. Their “bodies” are essentially spiritual in nature The creatures composed of four elements are germane to their environment being a composition of the elements in which they exist, i.e. earth, and they fall sick when the correct balance of their four elements is disturbed so that they die as a result and the respective elements disintegrate each to merge again with its constituent part. These demons experience a similar fate when there is an imbalance in the two elements they consist of.
This is what our sages (Chagigah 16) meant when they said that we have been told of six features possessed by these demons to help us identify them. In three respects they are like human beings, whereas in another three respects they are like angels, i.e. disembodied creatures. These demons have wings, can fly, and have foreknowledge of future events just like the angels.
The two "wives" of these two "spies" did not submit to Joshua at the time, however. They represented the "hard" attribute of Justice and the attribute of impurity and had not submitted to Joshua. When king Solomon ascended the throne of Israel and the glory of Israel was at its height, kings from all over the world came to bring him presents, and he inherited the crown of every domain including the domains ruled over by the various demons.
According to a version in the Targum Sheyni on the Book of Esther, Solomon sent a threatening letter to the queen of Sheba warning her that if she would not come and submit to his rule, he would despatch all kinds of demons who would kill her while she was asleep.

There is also a story in the Zohar that Solomon dispatched one of the demons to king Chirom while the latter was in bed. This demon took king Chirom well into the depths of purgatory until he expressed his willingness to submit to the rule of king Solomon. This is what is meant in Kings I 5,26: "The Lord had given Solomon wisdom as He had promised him. There was peace between Chirom and Solomon and the two of them made a treaty." When the two women Lilith and Machalat heard this, they also submitted to Solomon and even prostrated themselves before him. This is the meaning of Kings I 3,16 that "then two prostitutes came and stood before the king". The verse emphasises the arrival of these two women by stating אז תבאנה, "then they came," as if to state that until then they were not prepared to come and to submit to Solomon.

אמר אמימר אמרה לי רישתינהי דנשים כשפניות האי מאן דפגע בהו בנשים כשפניות נימא הכי חרי חמימי בדיקולא בזייא לפומייכו נשי דחרשייא קרח קרחייכי פרח פרחייכי

One who encounters witches should say this incantation: Hot feces in torn date baskets in your mouth, witches; may your hairs fall out; your crumbs scatter; your spices should scatter; the wind should carry away the fresh saffron that you witches hold.