Surviving Stress

(יא) שלשה מביאין לידי דאגה. צער גדול. וגדול צפרנים. ובגדים פצועים:

Three things bring anxiety: great pain, long fingernails, and ripped clothing.


Do you agree with these three things? Anything missing? If these were categories, what would they be?

(כה) דְּאָגָ֣ה בְלֶב־אִ֣ישׁ יַשְׁחֶ֑נָּה וְדָבָ֖ר ט֣וֹב יְשַׂמְּחֶֽנָּה׃

(25) If there is anxiety in a man’s mind let him quash it, And turn it into joy with a good word.


What does it mean to "quash" it? What is the meaning of the "good word"? Do you agree with this instruction?

(משלי יב, כה) דאגה בלב איש ישחנה

רבי אמי ורבי אסי,

חד אמר: ישחנה מדעתו

וחד אמר: ישיחנה לאחרים

§ The Gemara explains another verse in Proverbs: “If there is anxiety in a man’s heart, let him quash it [yashḥena]” (Proverbs 12:25). Rabbi Ami and Rabbi Asi dispute the verse’s meaning. One said: He should forcefully push it [yasḥena] out of his mind. One who worries should banish his concerns from his thoughts. And one said: It means he should tell [yesiḥena] others his concerns, which will lower his anxiety.


Rabbis Ami and Asi provide two approaches to dealing with stress, which one reflects how you act or want to act? Who do YOU talk to?