132 Eduyot 7/5-8

(ה) העיד רבי יהושע. ורבי יקים איש הדר. על קלל של חטאת שנתנו על גבי השרץ. שהוא טמא. שרבי אליעזר מטהר. העיד רבי פפייס על מי שנזר שתי נזירות. שאם גלח את הראשונה יום שלשים. שמגלח השניה יום ששים. ואם גילח יום ששים חסר אחד יצא. שיום שלשים עולה לו מן המנין:

(ו) העיד רבי יהושע ורבי פפייס על ולד של שלמים. שיקרב שלמים. שרבי אליעזר אומר שולד שלמים לא יקרב שלמים. וחכמים אומרים יקרב. אמר רבי פפייס אני מעיד שהיתה לנו פרה זבחי שלמים ואכלנוה בפסח. ואכלנו ולדה שלמים בחג:

(ז) הם העידו על ארוכות של נחתומים שהן טמאות. שרבי אליעזר מטהר. הם העידו על תנור שחתכו חוליות. ונתן חול בין חוליא לחוליא שהוא טמא. שרבי אליעזר מטהר. הם העידו שמעברין את השנה בכל אדר. שהיו אומרים עד הפורים. הם העידו שמעברים את השנה על תנאי. ומעשה ברבן גמליאל שהלך ליטול רשות מהגמון בסוריא. ושהה לבא ועברו את השנה על תנאי לכשירצה רבן גמליאל. וכשבא אמר רוצה אני ונמצאת השנה מעוברת:

(ח) העיד מנחם בן סגנאי על מוסף היורה של שולקי זיתים שהוא טמא. ושל צבעים שהוא טהור. שהיו אומרים חלוף הדברים:

(5) Rabbi Yehoshua and Rabbi Yakim, leader of Hadar, testified about an [earthenware] jar that contained [ashes of the red heifer, biblically referred to as] the sin-offering, which was passed over an insect, that it was impure. Rabbi Eliezer declared it pure. Rabbi Pappayis testified about one who vows two Nazarite vows [each thirty days long], that if he cut his hair on the thirtieth day of the first [vow], he could cut his hair on the sixtieth day of the second one. If he had cut his hair on the day before the sixtieth day [i.e. the fifty-ninth day], he [nevertheless] fulfilled his Nazarite vows, because the thirtieth day [when he cut his hair for the first time] counts for him from the count [as both the end of the first vow and the beginning of the second vow].

(6) Rabbi Yehoshua and Rabbi Pappayis testified about the offspring of [an animal that was set aside as a] peace-offering, that it was offered as a peace-offering [as well, since it is consecrated through its mother when it was in the womb]. But Rabbi Eliezer says: The offspring of a peace-offering does not [need to be] offered as a peace-offering. Said Rabbi Pappayis: I testify that we had a cow to sacrifice as a peace-offering, and we ate it on Passover, and we ate its offspring as a peace-offering during the holiday [of Shavuot].

(7) They testified that the boards of bakers are [capable of becoming] impure. But Rabbi Eliezer declared them pure. They testified about an oven that was cut into round pieces, and one puts sand between each piece, that it [was capable of becoming] impure. But Rabbi Eliezer declared it pure. They testified that they could intercalate a year throughout the whole Adar [i.e. they had until the end of Adar to declare a leap year]. For they used to say it was only until Purim. They testified that they could intercalate a year on condition [if the Nasi approved it]. And it once happened to Rabban Gamliel, that he went to take permission from the governor of Syria, and he delayed in coming [back], and they intercalated the year on condition that Rabban Gamliel would acquiesce [to it], and when he came back, he said "I acquiesce [to it]," and the year became a leap year.

(8) Menachem the son of Signai testified about the [plaster] ledge attached to the olive-boiler's cauldron, that it was [capable of becoming] impure, and [the ledge on the cauldron] of dyers, that it was pure. But they used to say the opposite [was true].