97 Makkot 3/9-12

(ט) יש חורש תלם אחד. וחייב עליו משום שמונה לאוין. החורש בשור וחמור. והן מוקדשים. בכלאים בכרם ובשביעית. ויום טוב וכהן ונזיר בבית הטומאה. חנניא בן חכינאי אומר אף הלובש כלאים. אמרו לו אינו השם. אמר להם אף לא הנזיר הוא השם:

(י) כמה מלקין אותו ארבעים חסר אחת. שנאמר (דברים כה, ג) במספר ארבעים מנין שהוא סמוך לארבעים. רבי יהודה אומר ארבעים שלמות הוא לוקה. והיכן הוא לוקה את היתירה בין כתפיו:

(יא) אין אומדין אותו אלא במכות הראויות להשתלש. אמדוהו לקבל ארבעים. לקה מקצת. ואמרו שאין יכול לקבל ארבעים פטור. אמדוהו לקבל שמנה עשרה. משלקה אמרו שיכול הוא לקבל ארבעים. פטור. עבר עבירה שיש בה שני לאוין. אמדוהו אומד אחד. לוקה. ופטור. ואם לאו לוקה ומתרפא וחוזר ולוקה:

(יב) כיצד מלקין אותו. כופת שתי ידיו על העמוד. הילך והילך. וחזן הכנסת אוחז בבגדיו. אם נקרעו נקרעו. ואם נפרמו נפרמו. עד שהוא מגלה את לבו. והאבן נתון מאחריו. חזן הכנסת עומד עליו. ורצועה של עגל בידו כפולה אחד לשנים. ושנים לארבעה. ושני רצועות עולות ויורדות בה:

(9) There is [the possibility that one could] plow only one furrow and become liable [on that account] for eight prohibited acts: [This is the case where] one (1) plows with an ox and a donkey [yoked together] (in violation of Deuteronomy 22:10) (2 and 3) that are [two animals] dedicated to the sanctuary, (4) [plowing] mixed seeds [sown] in a vineyard (in violation of Deuteronomy 22:9), (5) during a Sabbatical year (in violation of Leviticus 25:4), (6) on a Festival-day (in violation of, for example, Leviticus 23:7), (7) [when the plower is] a priest (in violation of Leviticus 21:1) (8) and a Nazirite (in violation of Numbers 6:6) plowing in a contaminated place. Chananya ben Chachinai says: Also he may have been wearing [while plowing] a garment of mixed [wool and linen] fabrics (in violation of Leviticus 19:19 and Deuteronomy 22:11). They said to him: This is not in the same category [as the other violations]. He said to them: Neither is the Nazirite in the same category [as the other violations].

(10) How many lashes does one incur? Forty minus one [thirty nine] As the verse says "...by number. Forty..." (Deuteronomy 25:2-3) [the] number that immediately precedes [the number] forty. R' Yehuda says "[he is lashed with] a total of forty lashes". And where is the extra lash administered? Between his shoulders.

(11) [When we assess how many lashes he can take,] we only assess him with a lashes that can be divided in thirds. [If] they assessed him to be able to receive forty [lashes], and they gave him some of the lashes and then they said "he is unable to receive forty", he is exempt [from the rest]. [If] they assessed him to be able to receive eighteen and after they lashed him [the eighteen] they said "he is able to receive forty", he is exempt [from receiving any more]. [If] he transgressed a transgression that involved two violations [each of which he'd be culpable forty lashes] and they gave him one assessment [for both], he gets lashed and is exempt [from receiving any more]. And if not [they only assessed him for one violation], he is lashed, allowed to heal, returns and is lashed [again].

(12) How do they lash him? His two hands are bound on each side of the column and the administer grabs [ pulling them away from the area to be lashed] If they [the clothing] are torn, they are torn [so be it] and if they become unstitched, they are unstitched [so be it], until his heart [chest] is uncovered. And a stone is placed behind him, and the administrator stands on it. And a strap of calfskin is in his hand, doubled over once into two [straps] and a second time into four [straps] and there are two [other] straps going up and down with it.