Tables as Tickets to Olam Haba An ELI Talk by Beth Huppin

"Seeing the world through our tables’ eyes, we have the potential to create community. Our tables can be the source of behavior and relationships that bring positive changes to us and our world."

שכמה נהגו לקבור בארונות שעשו משלחנם שלמדו עליו או שזנו עניים או שעבדו עליו באמונה

(כל בו על אבלות 182 ועיין בקב הישר פרק מ"ו)

It has been the custom in some places for a number of people to be buried in coffins which were made from the tables upon which they studied, or upon which they fed the poor, or upon which they worked faithfully at their trade. (Kav HaYashar – Mussar text by R Tzvi Hirsch Kaidanover, published 1705 – translation by Danny Siegel)

טובי לבב שהאכילו עניים על שלחנם יש לעשות להם ארון מן השלחן כמו שנאמר: והלך לפניך צדקך (ישעיה נח:ח)

קיצור ש"ע קצט

Good-hearted people who fed the poor at their tables should have a coffin made from that table, as it is written: “And your righteousness shall go before you.” (Isaiah 58:8) (Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, 1874)

א"ר שמואל בר נחמני א"ר יונתן כל העושה מצוה אחת בעוה"ז ממקדמתו והולכת לפניו לעוה"ב שנאמר (ישעיהו נח:ח) והלך לפניך צדקך וכל העובר עבירה אחת בעוה"ז מלפפתו והולכת לפניו ליום הדין שנאמר (איוב ו : יח) ילפתו ארחות דרכם יעלו בתוהו ויאבדו סוטה ג:

R. Samuel b. Nahmani said in the name of R. Jonathan: Whoever performs one precept in this world, it precedes him for the world to come; as it is said: “And thy righteousness shall go before thee” (Isaiah 58:8) and whoever commits one transgression in this world, it clings to him and precedes him for the Day of Judgment, as it is said: “The paths of their way are turned aside; they go up into the waste and perish.” (Job 6:18) Talmud Sotah 3b

Hevruta questions

  1. In text 1, there are 3 different tables listed. Why those 3 tables? Can you think of others that should be listed?
  2. What do your tables witness?
  3. What do the tables of your loved ones or friends witness?
  4. What would happen if you saw the world through the eyes of tables?
  5. What more do you learn when you see the context of the Isaiah proof text?
  6. What is the connection between tables and olam haba?
  7. Do you have any table stories to share?