Baseless Hatred - Consolation or Anguish - Crisis in Israel and in Jewish Peoplehood - From Tisha B'Av to Yom Kippur - August 6, 2023
- recent video that went viral in Israel. Posted by Daniel Gordis.
Daniel Gordis on Israel from the Inside explains what Israelis are doing to find consolation and unity, and an ending to the cancer of Sinat Chinam, before Israel comes apart.
Keep Talking. Rabbi Sacks would say.
[MS: We began with Tisha B'Av and fears that Baseless Hatred - Sinat Chinam - may destroy Israel and rip apart Jewish Peoplehood.
See many recent Sheets in the Robert Alter Sheets Collection
But now Tradition commands that we move over the seven Shabbatot of Consolation after Tisha B'Av toward Yom Kippur and find consolation on the way.
In 2023, how do we use this Tradition to save us all?
What can be the path of consolation among Jewish Peoplehood and Israel?
How shall we move from Sinat Chinam - Baseless Hatred - to renewed trust and cooperation in Israel, in Peoplehood, in Tradition and in Democracy?
However we shall do this in 2023 is not known - but what is directed by Tradition and by Peoplehood is to try, and try again and not fail.]
"In these tumultuous times, one of the things are are seeking to provide in Israel from the Inside is a look at some of the issues, personalities, ideas, and even signs, songs and other cultural expressions that provide a window on what Israel is today, and which are for the most part not being covered in the English press. Remember — we’re not taking a stand on these views … we’re seeking to provide a window into Israeli life that is difficult to get if you’re not here and/or now able to read the Hebrew press." [MS:However, some Israelis are so anguished after months of protest and no let up, they are leaving, an unheard of uptick in Israeli young families leaving.]
*Confessing to Hating Others - Yom Kippur
Baseless hatred, which is cited by the rabbis as the reason for the destruction of the Second Temple, is listed as part of the Yom Kippur Confessional (Vidui). The Vidui is a focal part of the Yom Kippur liturgy during which worshippers gently beat their chests as they confess their transgressions.
Machzor Yom Kippur Ashkenaz, The Morning Prayers, Amidah 91
How do we remember, and what gives us hope? Israeli-born photographer, Zion Ozeri, combines powerful images with texts and questions to spark meaningful conversations. Check out Ideas for Tisha B'Av to get started.Beyond Baseless Hatred: This collection draws from multiple user interpretations of the Talmudic story of Kamtza and bar Kamtza, which is the classic tale of interpersonal relationships that prefigured the destruction of the Temple.Tisha B'Av is both the saddest day of the year, and one which pushes us to move forward with our lives. Navigate this special day with our Tisha B'Av 101 guide.
*"Consolation" - the concept is both interpersonal and communal; its field of meaning is vast. A Sefaria search of the word has hundreds of sources references and over a thousand Sefaria user Sheets.