מוסף של ראש השנה

(כג) וַיְדַבֵּר יקוק אֶל מֹשֶׁה לֵּאמֹר. (כד) דַּבֵּר אֶל בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל לֵאמֹר בַּחֹדֶשׁ הַשְּׁבִיעִי בְּאֶחָד לַחֹדֶשׁ יִהְיֶה לָכֶם שַׁבָּתוֹן זִכְרוֹן תְּרוּעָה מִקְרָא קֹדֶשׁ. (כה) כָּל מְלֶאכֶת עֲבֹדָה לֹא תַעֲשׂוּ וְהִקְרַבְתֶּם אִשֶּׁה לַיקוק.

(23) And the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying: (24) Speak unto the children of Israel, saying: In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall be a solemn rest unto you, a memorial proclaimed with the blast of horns, a holy convocation. (25) Ye shall do no manner of servile work; and ye shall bring an offering made by fire unto the LORD.

אב) זכרון תרועה. זכרון פסוקי זכרונות ופסוקי שופרות, לזכור לכם עקידת יצחק שקרב תחתיו איל:

..."זכרון תרועה" - פסוקי זכרונות ופסוקי שופרות לזכור לכם עקדת יצחק שקרב תחתיו איל לשון רש"י והיה צריך הרב להביא גם פסוקי המלכיות מן המדרש שלא יתכן שיזכיר הכתוב פסוקי הזכרונות ושופרות ולא יזכיר המלכיות וכבר דרשו אותם מפסוק והיו לכם לזכרון לפני ה' אלהיכם (במדבר י י) שאין תלמוד לומר אני ה' אלהיכם ומה תלמוד לומר אני ה' אלהיכם אלא זה בנין אב כל מקום שאתה אומר זכרונות אתה סומך להם את המלכיות כדאיתא בת"כ (פרשה יא ב) ובמסכת ראש השנה (לב) אבל כל זה אסמכתא מדבריהם ומפורש אמרו (שם לד) הולכין למקום שתוקעין ואין הולכין למקום שמברכין פשיטא הא דאורייתא והא דרבנן...

ואמרו לפני בראש השנה מלכיות זכרונות ושופרות מלכיות כדי שתמליכוני עליכם זכרונות כדי שיעלה זכרוניכם לפני לטובה ובמה בשופר

(ה) סדר ברכות, אומר אבות וגבורות וקדשת השם, וכולל מלכיות עמהן, ואינו תוקע.קדשת היום, ותוקע.זכרונות, ותוקע.שופרות, ותוקע.ואומר עבודה והודאה וברכת כהנים, דברי רבי יוחנן בן נורי.אמר לו רבי עקיבא, אם אינו תוקע למלכיות, למה הוא מזכיר אלא אומר אבות וגבורות וקדשת השם, וכולל מלכיות עם קדשת היום, ותוקע.זכרונות, ותוקע.שופרות, ותוקע.ואומר עבודה והודאה וברכת כהנים.

(5) The order of the blessings to be said on the feast of new year is as follows: the blessings ‏אבות וגבורות וקדשת השם‎, are said, with which are connected the ‏מלכיות‎ [or series of texts relative to the supreme rule of the Almighty] without sounding the shophar; then, concerning the holiness of the day, after which the shophar is sounded; then follow the ‏זכרונות‎ [or texts relative to the kind remembrance of the Almighty to his creatures], after which the shophar is again sounded. Next follow the ‏שופרות‎ [or texts in which the sounding of the shophar is mentioned], and the shophar is sounded [the third time], he then says, ‏עבודה‎, ‏הודאה‎ and ‏ברכת כהנים‎. Such is the opinion of R. Jochanan ben Nourrie: but R. Akivah objected, saying to him, "If the shophar is not to be sounded after the reading of the ‏מלכיות‎, why are they to be mentioned?" But the proper order is the following:—‏אבות וגבורות וקדשת השם‎ are said, with which the ‏מלכיות‎ are to be combined; after which, the shophar is to be sounded, then the ‏זכרונות‎ are to be read, and the shophar sounded; next ‏שופרות‎, and the shophar is again sounded; after which ‏עבודה‎, ‏הודאה‎ and ‏ברכת כהנים‎ are said.

הני תשע דר"ה כנגד מי א"ר יצחק דמן קרטיגנין כנגד תשעה אזכרות שאמרה חנה בתפלתה דאמר מר בראש השנה נפקדה שרה רחל וחנה

Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon - " The Musaf prayer of Rosh Hashanah"

Translated by Rav Yoseif Bloch

"An answer to this question (at least according to the view of Rabbi Akiva, whom the halakha follows) may be found in the words of Rabbi Chayim of Brisk, who explains that the berakha of Kedushat ha-Yom and the berakha of Malkhuyot are intrinsically linked. The essential theme of Rosh Ha-shana is the coronation of God as Sovereign over the world. Consequently, Malkhuyot may be incorporated into the berakha which deals with the uniqueness of the day. Indeed, the conclusion of the fourth berakha, 'King over the entire land, Who sanctifies Israel and the Day of Remembrance,' is shared by all the prayers of Rosh Ha-shana; it is not unique to the Musaf prayer, the sole place where theberakha of Malkhuyot is found."

(ו) אין פוחתין מעשרה מלכיות, מעשרה זכרונות, מעשרה שופרות.רבי יוחנן בן נורי אומר, אם אמר שלש שלש מכלן, יצא.אין מזכירין זכרון מלכות ושופר של פרענות.מתחיל בתורה ומשלים בנביא.רבי יוסי אומר, אם השלים בתורה, יצא.
(6) Not less than ten texts of the Holy Scripture relative to ‏מלכיות‎ must be said, ten relating to ‏זכרונות‎, and ten to ‏שופרות‎. R. Jochanan ben Nourrie says, "The obligation [of reading these texts] will be duly fulfilled if three only of each [class] have been said, but no texts relating to either [class] containing predictions of punishment are to be used. The texts from the law are to be read first, and the concluding texts are to be from the prophets." But R. Jose says, "It is sufficient if the concluding verse be one from the law."

Yeshivat Har Etzion - Based on a speech by Rav Aharon Lichtenstein:

"In the Rosh Ha-shana prayers, the Anshei Knesset Ha-gedola (Men of the Great Assembly) defined it as Yom Ha-Zikkaron (the Day of Remembrance), and we are obligated to understand what it is that we are to remember, and how. I believe that the holiness of the day is bound up with remembrance in two senses. Undoubtedly, the first aspect is the reservoir of the past. There is amassing of facts, reviewing of information, as it were. It finds expression principally in the opening of the section of Zikhronot (the middle section of the three special additions to the Mussaf service on Rosh Ha-shana), where the character of Rosh Ha-shana as a day of judgment is spelled out. 'You remember the deeds of yore, and account for the primal creations. Before you all the wonders are revealed and many hidden things from since creation, for there is no forgetfulness before the seat of Your glory, and nothing is hidden from before You. You remember all that is done, and nothing in creation is concealed from You....'"

"At the same time, there is clearly a second aspect. This, too, is reflected in the section of Zikhronot... Initially, we say in our prayer, "For the remembrance of all of creation comes before You: man's every action, thought, plan, and desire...." In the wake of this fact a terrible threat seems to face man, who is exposed in his nakedness and his guile... But it also stands at the center of the request at the end of the berakha. The fact that "For You remember all the forgotten things forever, and there is no forgetfulness before the seat of Your glory" is repeated, but for a completely different purpose. That which is remembered is principally the covenant between God and Knesset Yisrael, and the selflessness of our forefathers - and their descendants - as its source and for its sake. If so, then the character of the remembering here is not one of bare factual knowledge, but rather of spiritual connection. On this level, the very fact of a connection with God is a positive phenomenon. Nothing can be worse for us than to be distanced from Him, exposed to a cold, an uncaring cosmos, cut off from the source of life and "forgotten" by Him. In light of the Ramban's statement that "Rosh Ha-shana is a day of judgment-in-mercy" (Commentary on the Torah, Vayikra 23:24), we may say that we open with praise of the King of Judgment, and in the midst thereof we describe the memory which gathers and knows, and also accuses. But we close with a request to our God and the God of our fathers - and thereby appeal to the supportive and redemptive memory, to the source of "the remembrance of salvation and mercy from the highest Heavens." Hence both aspects of Yom Ha-zikkaron find expression.