Fate and Destiny Coping with Adversity

...אמר רבא חיקוק בני ומזוני לא בזכותא תליא מילתא אלא במזלא תליא מילתא...

Said Rava: “[Length of] life, children and sustenance depend not on merit but [rather on] mazzal.”

את מספר ימיך אמלא תנאי היא דתניא את מספר ימיך אמלא
“The number of thy days I will complete” As it is taught by the sages refers to the years of the generations.

אלו שני דורות זכה משלימין לו לא זכה פוחתין לו דברי ר' עקיבא וחכמים אומרים זכה מוסיפים לו לא זכה פוחתין לו אמרו לו לרבי עקיבא

If one is worthy one is allowed to complete the full period; if unworthy the number is reduced; so said R. Akiba. But the Sages said: If one is worthy years are added to one's life; if unworthy, the years of his life are reduced.

Fate and Destiny by Rabbi J.B. Soloveitchik

  1. In short, the “I” of fate asks a speculative metaphysical question with regard to evil, and this question is not susceptible to solution and has no answer.
  2. In the second dimension of man‟s existence, destiny, the question of suffering takes on new form. What is an “Existence of Destiny? This is an active existence in which man confronts the environment into which he was cast with an understanding of his uniqueness, value, freedom and capacity without compromising his integrity and independence in his struggle with the outside. The slogan of the “I” of destiny is “Against your will you are born, and against your will you die [but with your free will do you live].” Man is born as an object, dies as an object but it is within his capacity to live as a “subject” – as a creator who impresses on his life his individual imprimatur and who lives autonomously. According to Judaism, man‟s mission in his world is to turn fate into destiny – an existence that is passive and influenced, to an existence that is active and influential; an existence of compulsion, perplexity, and speechlessness, to an existence full of will and initiative.


ותשובה ותפלה וצדקה מעבירין את רע הגזרה

But repentance, prayer and charity cancel the evil decree.

(כה) נַעַר הָיִיתִי גַּם זָקַנְתִּי וְלֹא רָאִיתִי צַדִּיק נֶעֱזָב...

(25) I have been young, and now am old; Yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken...