What Do You Want to Remember?
What happened when we left Egpyt?
The story of the enslavement in Egypt and the miraculous exodus is full of detailed descriptions, and the Passover Seder is set up to evoke these experiences and feelings.
What parts of the Seder can you think of that are meant to remind us of the experience and the feelings of that time?
Which ones resonate most with you?
Some answers might include:
- Dipping in salt water (to represent the tears)
- Eating charoset (to represent the mortar)
- Matzah (the unrisen bread we ate when we had to get on the road quickly)
- The retelling of the story, and reminding ourselves that we should see ourselves as if we were there
What would you want people to remember about this time? Build a time capsule or create Seder symbolism.
What are the defining features of this Passover? What make it different from all others?