פדיון שבויים - עיון בספרות ההלכתית
הדף מאת: רועי הורן / בית מדרש אלול
פדיון השבויים במחיר כבד, היא אחת הדילמות הכבדות ביותר המלוות את עם ישראל באלפיים שנות גלותו, ומוסיף ללוותו גם במסגרת מדינת ישראל הצעירה. החל מפרשת ג'יבריל דרך פרשת רון ארד ועד לסוגיית גלעד שליט (שנכון לרגע זה עוד לא הושלמה) עם ישראל מתלבט בשאלה - עד כמה נכון לשלם עבור חטופיו? האם היענות לדרישות החוטפים אינה מסכנת אותנו בעתיד? למה יש לתת יותר משקל - להווה או לעתיד? ננסה לעסוק בשאלות אלו מבעד למקורות - החל מן המשנה וכלה בפוסקים המאוחרים יותר. נראה כי אף ההלכה איננה תמימת דעים בסוגייה קשה זו.
מקומה של מצוות פדיון שבויים במסורת היהודית
פדיון שבויים, קודם לפרנסת עניים ולכסותן;
ואין לך מצוה רבה כמו פדיון שבויים: שהשבוי הרי הוא בכלל הרעבים והצמאים, ובכלל הערומים; ועומד בסכנת נפשות. והמעלים עיניו מפדיונו--הרי זה עובר על "לא תאמץ את לבבך, ולא תקפוץ את ידך" (דברים טו,ז), ועל "לא תעמוד על דם ריעך" (ויקרא יט,טז), ועל "לא ירדנו בפרך, לעיניך" (ויקרא כה,נג); וביטל מצות "פתוח תפתח את ידך" (דברים טו,ח; דברים טו,יא), ומצות "וחי אחיך, עימך" (ויקרא כה,לו), "ואהבת לרעך כמוך" (ויקרא יט,יח), ו"הצל, לקוחים למוות" (משלי כד,יא), והרבה דברים כאלו.
ואין לך מצוה רבה כפדיון שבויים.
אנשי העיר שגבו מעות לבניין בית הכנסת, ובא להן דבר מצוה--מוציאין בו את המעות. קנו אבנים וקורות--לא ימכרו אותן לדבר מצוה, אלא לפדיון שבויים; אף על פי שהביא את הלבינים, וגדרו את האבנים, ופצלו את הקורות, והתקינו הכול לבניין--מוכרין הכול לפדיון שבויים בלבד. אבל אם בנו וגמרו--לא ימכרו את בית הכנסת, אלא יגבו לפדיונן מן הציבור.

  • הרמב"ם (בעקבות התלמוד והפוסקים) מעמיד את מצוות פדיון שבויים בראש סולם העדיפויות הדתי והחברתי. הכול נדחה מפני פדיון שבויים, אפילו בניית בית כנסת
The redemption of captives held for ransom takes precedence over sustaining the poor and clothing them. You do not find a mitzvah greater than the redemption of captives, for captivity is in the same category as famine, drought, or exposure, and one stands in danger to one's life. One who averts his eyes from redeeming [the captive] transgresses [the commandment], (Deut. 15:7) Do not harden your heart and shut your hand, and (Lev. 19:16) Do not stand upon the blood of your neighbor, and (Lev. 25:53) He shall not rule ruthlessly over him in your sight, and nullifies the commandment (Deut. 15:8) You must open your hand, and the commandment, (Lev. 25:36) Let him live by your side as your kinsman, and (Lev. 19:18) Love your fellow as yourself, and (Proverbs 24:11) If you refrained from rescuing those taken off to death, [those condemned to slaughter--if you say, "We knew nothing of it," surely He who fathoms hearts will discern], and many such sayings. You cannot find a greater mitzvah than the redemption of captives.153See Babylonian Talmud Bava Batra 8a-b on the importance of redeeming captives and Chullin 7a where Rabbi Phineas ben Yair travels to redeem captives and, on the way, a river parts for him, enabling him to pass through on dry land to fulfill his duty. If people of a city have collected money for the building of a synagogue, and a matter of a mitzvah comes before them, they should use the money [for the mitzvah]. But if they already purchased stones and beams, they should only sell them in the case of redeeming captives. Even if they have brought the stones and made walls of them, beams and laid them out, they sell it all for the sake of redeeming captives and that alone, but if they have built and completed [the synagogue], they do not sell the synagogue. Rather, they collect for their [the captives'] redemption from the public.154On the public collection of charity, see Babylonian Talmud Bava Batra 8b.
משנה: אין פודין את השבויין יתר על כדי דמיהן מפני תיקון העולם [...]
גמרא: איבעיא להו: האי 'מפני תיקון העולם': משום דוחקא דצבורא הוא, או דילמא משום דלא לגרבו ולייתו טפי?
תא שמע: דלוי בר דרגא פרקא לברתיה בתליסר אלפי דינרי זהב.
אמר אביי: ומאן לימא לן דברצון חכמים עבד דילמא שלא ברצון חכמים עבד?

  • המשנה קובעת תקנה שאין לפדות שבויים, עם כל החשיבות העצומה של מצווה זו, אם החוטפים דורשים תשלום מופקע. הגמרא מתלבטת בשאלת הטעם של תקנה זו - האם זוהי תקנה הנועדה להקל את העול הכלכלי מעל גביה של הקהילה, שהרי אין קהילה יכולה לעמוד בתשלומים אדירים החוזרים ונשנים; או שמא הטעם הוא שאם הקהילה תשלם את המחיר, הדבר יעודד את החוטפים להמשיך ולחטוף אנשים מישראל - וזוהי כבר תקנה הדואגת לשלומה הפיזי של הקהילה. מובן שאם הטעם הוא משום הבעיה הכלכלית, הרי שאדם פרטי המבקש לפדות את קרובו בכספו האישי, יכול לעשות זאת, ואילו על פי הטעם השני, גם אדם פרטי אינו רשאי לעשות זאת. הגמרא מבקשת להביא ראיה, אך זו נדחתה. השאלה נשארת כשאלה פתוחה.
MISHNA: The captives are not redeemed for more than their actual monetary value, for the betterment of the world; and one may not aid the captives in their attempt to escape from their captors for the betterment of the world, so that kidnappers will not be more restrictive with their captives to prevent them from escaping. Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says: For the betterment of the captives, so that kidnappers will not avenge the escape of the captives by treating other captives with cruelty. GEMARA: A dilemma was raised before the Sages: With regard to this expression: For the betterment of the world, is it due to the financial pressure of the community? Is the concern that the increase in price will lead to the community assuming financial pressures it will not be able to manage? Or perhaps it is because the result of this will be that they will not seize and bring additional captives, as they will see that it is not worthwhile for them to take Jews captive? The Gemara suggests: Come and hear an answer based on the fact that Levi bar Darga redeemed his daughter who was taken captive with thirteen thousand gold dinars. This indicates that private citizens may pay excessive sums to redeem a captive if they so choose. Therefore, it must be that the reason for the ordinance was to avoid an excessive burden being placed upon the community. If the ordinance was instituted to remove the incentive for kidnappers to capture Jews, a private citizen would also not be permitted to pay an excessive sum. Abaye said: And who told us that he acted in accordance with the wishes of the Sages? Perhaps he acted against the wishes of the Sages, and this anecdote cannot serve as a proof.
  • מה דעתך על תקנה מעין זו?
  • עם איזה מן הטעמים אתה מזדהה יותר? האם זכותו של הציבור להגן על עצמו מטעמים כלכליים, גם כשמדובר בשבי איום ונורא של אדם מן הקהילה? האם הטעם האומר שפדיון במחיר גבוה מסכן את הציבור בעתיד, הוא אכן עילה מספקת מבחינתך כדי שלא לפדות אדם הנמצא בשבי כעת?
  • מהם הגבולות (מבחינתך) של הגבלה מעין זו? האם גם כשהשבוי נמצא בסכנת חיים ברורה עדיין אין לפדותו מהטעמים הנ"ל?
פסק הרמב"ם בשאלת טעם תקנת השבויים
אין פודין את השבויים ביתר על דמיהן, מפני תיקון העולם--שלא יהיו האויבים רודפין אחריהם לשבותם.
They may not redeem the captives for more than their worth for the sake of civilization, so that the enemies will not pursue after them to enslave them [once they find out they are will to pay anything]. And they do not try to make the captives escape for the sake of civilization, so that the enemies will not increase the weight of their yoke and add more guards.155See Mishnah Gittin 4:6. The translation "for the sake of civilization" is used to try to capture the nuance that there is a duty to make the world a less chaotic and dangerous place.
  • באיזה מן הטעמים של הגמרא שלמעלה בחר הרמב"ם?
  • מהן ההשלכות של פסיקה זו?
מעשה ברבי יהושע בן חנניה שהלך לכרך גדול שברומי.
אמרו לו: תינוק אחד יש בבית האסורים, יפה עיניים וטוב רואי וקווצותיו סדורות לו תלתלים.
הלך ועמד על פתח בית האסורים. אמר: 'מי נתן למשסה יעקב וישראל לבוזזים'?
ענה אותו תינוק ואמר: 'הלא ה' זו חטאנו לו ולא אבו בדרכיו הלוך ולא שמעו בתורתו' (ישעיה מב:כד).
אמר, מובטחני בו שמורה הוראה בישראל.
העבודה, שאיני זה מכאן עד שאפדנו בכל ממון שפוסקין עליו.
אמרו, לא זז משם עד שפדאו בממון הרבה, ולא היו ימים מועטין עד שהורה הוראה בישראל. ואותו תינוק ר' ישמעאל בן אלישע היה.

  • ר' יהושע בן חנניה אמר את חציו הראשון של הפסוק מישעיה, הפותח בהתרסה כלפי הבורא, על שבניו מבוזים בשבי. הילד היפה, ישמעאל הקטן, השלים את הפסוק, המקבל על עצמו את הדין באהבה, ותולה את הייסורים בחטאיהם של ישראל. ר' יהושע מתפעל הן מידענותו והן מאמונתו של הילד, ומחליט לפדות את הילד בכל מחיר.
The Sages taught another baraita (Tosefta, Horayot 2:5) relating to the fate of the Jewish children: There was an incident involving Rabbi Yehoshua ben Ḥananya who once went to the great city of Rome, where they said to him: There is a child in prison with beautiful eyes and an attractive appearance, and his curly hair is arranged in locks. Rabbi Yehoshua went and stood by the entrance to the prison. He said, as if speaking to himself: “Who gave Jacob for a spoil, and Israel to the robbers?” (Isaiah 42:24). That child answered by reciting the continuation of the verse: “Did not the Lord, He against Whom we have sinned, and in Whose ways they would not walk, neither were they obedient to His law?” Rabbi Yehoshua said: I am certain that, if given the opportunity, this child will issue halakhic rulings in Israel, as he is already exceedingly wise. He said: I take an oath by the Temple service that I will not move from here until I ransom him for whatever sum of money they set for him. They said that he did not move from there until he ransomed him for a great sum of money, and not even a few days had passed when this child then issued halakhic rulings in Israel. And who was this child? This was Rabbi Yishmael ben Elisha.
  • האם החלטתו של ר' יהושע לפדות את ישמעאל הקטן עולה בקנה אחד עם תקנת המשנה שלעיל?
  • במקורות הבאים נראה פרשנים שונים המבקשים להתמודד עם שאלה זו ומציעים תשובות שונות.
  • כל תשובה הינה הרת גורל, שכן היא מכריעה לחיים או למוות גורל של שבוי, ששוביו מבקשים בעבורו מחיר הגבוה מדמיו!
דעת בעלי התוספות בשאלת פדיון השבויים
כל ממון שפוסקים עליו -
כי איכא (כשיש) סכנת נפשות, פודים את השבויים יותר מכדי דמיהם [...]
אי נמי (טעם נוסף) דמופלג בחכמה היה.

  • בעלי התוספות מביאים שני נימוקים שונים לשאלה כיצד פדה ר' יהושע את ישמעאל הקטן בכסף רב, בניגוד לתקנת המשנה. טעמים אלו שונים מאוד זה מזה: על פי הטעם הראשון, בשעה שיש סכנת נפשות, לא עושים שום חשבון ופודים את השבוי בכל מחיר! על פי הטעם השני, כאשר מדובר באדם שעתיד להיות בעל השפעה ציבורית רבה מאוד, אפשר לחרוג מן התקנה הכללית ולפדות אותו גם במחיר מופקע.
in the time when the Jubilee Year is practiced, and every sale of land is only for its produce, because the land returns to its original owners in the Jubilee Year, Rabbi Yoḥanan says: The purchaser brings the first fruits and recites the verses. Reish Lakish says: The purchaser brings the first fruits but he does not recite the verses. The Gemara explains: Rabbi Yoḥanan says that the purchaser brings the first fruits and recites the verses, because he holds that the acquisition of an item for its produce is considered to be like the acquisition of the item itself. Consequently, the one bringing the fruits can truthfully recite: “The land which You, Lord, have given me” (Deuteronomy 26:10). Reish Lakish says that the purchaser brings the first fruits but he does not recite the verses, because he holds that the acquisition of an item for its produce is not considered to be like the acquisition of the item itself. The Gemara comments: And it is necessary to state the dispute between Rabbi Yoḥanan and Reish Lakish in both cases. Because if it was stated only in that case, with regard to one who acquires a field for its produce, one might say that it is only in that case that Reish Lakish says that he does not recite the verses, since already when he descended to the field, i.e., took possession of the land, he descended with the intention of acquiring only the produce, as stipulated at the time of the sale; but in this case, with regard to one who purchases the field when the Jubilee Year is practiced, when he descended to the field with the intention of acquiring the land itself, say that he concedes to Rabbi Yoḥanan that he recites the verses. Therefore, it is necessary to state explicitly that Reish Lakish holds that he does not recite the verses in this case as well. And if it was stated only in this case, with regard to one who purchases the field when the Jubilee Year is practiced, one might say that it is only in this case that Rabbi Yoḥanan says that it is like the acquisition of the item itself and recites the verses, as he purchased the field to fully own it; but in that case, where the sale was only with regard to the produce, say that he concedes to Reish Lakish that he does not recite the verses. Therefore, it is necessary to state the dispute in both cases. The Gemara offers a proof in support of Rabbi Yoḥanan’s opinion: Come and hear a proof from the mishna (Bikkurim 1:11): One who acquires a tree and its surrounding land brings the first fruits of those trees and recites the verses, even though he is required to return the land in the Jubilee Year. The Gemara responds: With what are we dealing here according to the opinion of Reish Lakish? The mishna is referring to one who acquires a tree and its surrounding land in the time when the Jubilee Year is not practiced, so the acquisition is permanent. The Gemara suggests another proof in support of Rabbi Yoḥanan’s opinion: Come and hear a proof from the mishna (Bikkurim 1:16): One who acquires two trees in another’s field brings the first fruits of those trees but does not recite the verses, as he acquires only the trees but not the land. But if one acquires three trees, he brings the first fruits of those trees and recites the verses, because he also acquires the land surrounding the trees, despite the fact that the land is returned in the Jubilee Year. The Gemara rejects this: Here too, Reish Lakish would explain that the mishna is referring to one who acquires three trees in the time when the Jubilee Year is not practiced. The Gemara comments: And now that Rav Ḥisda said: The dispute between Rabbi Yoḥanan and Reish Lakish is with regard to land sold during the second Jubilee, after the Jewish people already practiced the Jubilee Year once and people could trust that the land would be returned in the Jubilee Year, but with regard to land sold during the first Jubilee, which was practiced by the Jews immediately following their entry into Eretz Yisrael, everyone agrees that he brings the first fruits and recites the verses, as they did not yet rely on the fact that the fields would be returned, there is no need to claim that according to Reish Lakish these mishnayot are referring to when the Jubilee Year was not practiced. Instead, one could answer that it is not difficult: This, the mishnayot that state that he brings the first fruits and recites the verses, are referring to land sold during the first Jubilee. That, where Reish Lakish rules that he brings the first fruits but does not recite the verses, is referring to land sold during the second Jubilee. The Gemara suggests: Let us say that the dispute between Rabbi Yoḥanan and Reish Lakish is parallel to a dispute between tanna’im. The halakha is that if one consecrated but did not redeem his ancestral field, and the Temple treasury sold it to another Jew, it becomes the property of the priesthood in the Jubilee Year. However, if one purchases a field from another Jew and consecrates it, it reverts back to the original owner in the Jubilee Year. The baraita taught: From where is it derived that one who purchases a field from his father in the time when the Jubilee Year was practiced and consecrated it, and afterward his father died, from where is it derived that it should be considered before him like an ancestral field, and it does not revert to the son’s ownership in the Jubilee Year? The baraita continues: The verse states: “And if he sanctify to the Lord a field which he has bought, which is not of the field of his ancestral field” (Leviticus 27:22). The addition of the phrase: “Which is not of the field of his ancestral field,” teaches that the halakha that the field reverts to the original owner applies specifically to a field that is not fit to be an ancestral field, meaning that he would not inherit it in the future. This field, which the son was entitled to inherit after he had consecrated it, is excluded, as it is fit to be an ancestral field, although the son had purchased it. This is the statement of Rabbi Yehuda and Rabbi Shimon. The baraita continues: Rabbi Meir says: From where is it derived that one who purchases a field from his father at the time when the Jubilee Year was practiced and his father died, and afterward he consecrated it, from where is it derived that it should be considered before him like an ancestral field, and does not revert to the son in the Jubilee Year? The verse states: “And if he sanctify to the Lord a field which he has bought, which is not of the field of his ancestral field.” The addition of the phrase: “Which is not of the field of his ancestral field,” teaches that the halakha that the field reverts to the original owner applies specifically to a field that is not an ancestral field, meaning that he did not inherit it. This field, which the son inherited before he consecrated it, is excluded, as it is an ancestral field, while according to the opinion of Rabbi Yehuda and Rabbi Shimon, a verse is not required to teach that in a case where his father died, and he consecrated it afterward, it is considered an ancestral field, as this is obvious. The Gemara explains why the other tanna’im do not require a verse to teach the halakha in the case discussed by Rabbi Meir: The Gemara clarifies: What, is it not that they disagree about this, as Rabbi Meir holds: The acquisition of an item for its produce is considered to be like the acquisition of the item itself, and in this case, when he purchased the field, i.e., the rights to the produce, from his father before his death, it is the case that he inherits nothing when his father dies, as he had already taken ownership of the field when he purchased it from his father, and nothing changed with his father’s death; and therefore, if his father died and he consecrated it afterward, then a verse is necessary to teach that it is treated like an ancestral field, as one might have thought that the field is his entirely as a result of the purchase, and not because of an ancestral inheritance. While Rabbi Yehuda and Rabbi Shimon hold that the acquisition of an item for its produce is not considered to be like the acquisition of the item itself, and in this case, when he had purchased the field from his father before his father died, with the death of his father he now inherits the field as well, since until now he owned only the rights to the produce; and therefore if his father died and he consecrated the field afterward, a verse is not necessary to teach that it is an ancestral field, as it is obvious that he now owns it due to his inheritance. And when a verse was necessary, it is for a case where he consecrated the field and his father died afterward that it was necessary. The Gemara rejects this explanation of the dispute. Rav Naḥman bar Yitzḥak said: Actually, I could say to you that in general Rabbi Yehuda and Rabbi Shimon hold that the acquisition of an item for its produce is considered to be like the acquisition of the item itself, and they agree that the verse is necessary to teach the halakha concerning a case where he consecrated the field after his father’s death. And here, Rabbi Yehuda and Rabbi Shimon found another element of the verse and they expounded it. They maintain that if the verse is teaching the halakha only in the case where he consecrated the field after his father’s death, then let the Merciful One write in the Torah: And if he sanctify to the Lord a field which he has bought, which is not his ancestral field. What is the meaning of the expression: “Of his ancestral field” (Leviticus 27:22)? This emphasizes: A field that is not fit to be an ancestral field, meaning that he would not inherit it in the future. This field, which the son was entitled to inherit after he had consecrated it, is excluded, as it is fit to be an ancestral field, although the son had purchased it. Rav Yosef said: If not for the fact that Rabbi Yoḥanan said that the acquisition of an item for its produce is considered to be like the acquisition of the item itself, he would not find his hands or his feet in the study hall, i.e., there would be a contradiction between Rabbi Yoḥanan’s statements. As Rav Asi says that Rabbi Yoḥanan says: Brothers who divided property received as an inheritance are considered to be purchasers from one another, and as purchasers of land they must return the portions to each other in the Jubilee Year, at which point they may redistribute the property. And if it enters your mind to say that the legal status of the acquisition of an item for its produce is not like that of the acquisition of the item itself, then according to Rabbi Yoḥanan’s opinion you will find that one brings first fruits by Torah law only when he is an only child the son of an only child, and so forth, dating back to the time of Joshua, son of Nun. Only in such a case does the child fully inherit the land. In any other case, the children inherit only the rights to the produce, as they must return the actual land to each other in the Jubilee Year, and would not be able to recite the verses connected with the first fruits, since they could not refer to the land that the Lord has given them. Since Rabbi Yoḥanan holds that the acquisition of an item for its produce is considered to be like the acquisition of the item itself, anyone who inherits land may recite the verses. Rava said: A verse and a baraita support the opinion of Reish Lakish. A verse, as it is written:
פירוש עץ יוסף
בדרך פשוט, יש לומר שמה שאומרת המשנה "אין פודים.. מפני תיקון העולם", שלא ירבו השוטים לשבות מאיתנו שבי, ופסקו הפוסקים שעל פי שורת הדין אינו חייב לפדות יותר מכפי דמיהן, אבל לפנים משורת הדין הרוצה להחמיר יחמיר.

  • פרשנים והסברים ה'עץ יוסף' מחדש חידוש חשוב - הפסק שלא לפדות מפני תיקון העולם הוא רק משורת הדין, אך אדם הרוצה 'להחמיר' על עצמו ולפדות במחיר מופקע, יכול לעשות זאת!
מילים: אהוד מנור; לחן: בועז שרעבי

ביום מן הימים,
ימים שנחתמים בקצה תפילה.
כשתבוא, נגיש לך פרחים, פרחים שנפתחים ללא מילה.
ואם תהיה עייף, ואם בעצב תתעטף, נשיר לך בשקט.
נשיר לך ברוך -ונחכה, ונלטף, עד שתצטרף,
ואז נשיר ברון...נשיר ברון...

הביתה מן הקור, הביתה אל האור,הלב ירעד.
כשתבוא, מבעד לדמעות, תבחין באותיות, לחופש נולד.
ואם תהיה עייף, ואם בעצב תתעטף, נשיר לך בשקט.
נשיר לך ברוך -ונחכה, ונלטף, עד שתצטרף,
ואז נשיר ברון...נשיר ברון...
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  • שיר שנכתב באחד מן הקמפיינים הגדולים לשחרורו של הנווט השבוי רון ארד.