התגנבות יחידים - מי שרוצה מצליח?
הדף מאת: ממזרח שמש / בית המדרש ממזרח שמש
"יש לו פוטנציאל אך הוא לא מממש אותו..."- משפט נפוץ בקרב מורים והורים. אך מה מלבד לפוטנציאל נדרש לו לאדם על מנת שיצליח?
רנדי פאוש וג'פרי זסלאו, ההרצאה האחרונה, 2010, הוצאת מטר תל אביב, עמ' 76
חומות לבנים נמצאות שם, כדי לעצור אנשים, שלא רוצים מספיק לעבור אותן. הן שם כדי לעצור אחרים, לא אותך.
אמרו עליו על הלל הזקן שבכל יום ויום היה עושה ומשתכר בטרפעיק, חציו היה נותן לשומר בית המדרש, וחציו לפרנסתו ולפרנסת אנשי ביתו. פעם אחת לא מצא להשתכר, ולא הניחו שומר בית המדרש להכנס. עלה ונתלה וישב על פי ארובה כדי שישמע דברי אלהים חיים מפי שמעיה ואבטליון. אמרו: אותו היום ערב שבת היה, ותקופת טבת היתה, וירד עליו שלג מן השמים. כשעלה עמוד השחר אמר לו שמעיה לאבטליון: אבטליון אחי! בכל יום הבית מאיר, והיום אפל, שמא יום המעונן הוא? הציצו עיניהן וראו דמות אדם בארובה, עלו ומצאו עליו רום שלש אמות שלג. פרקוהו, והרחיצוהו, וסיכוהו, והושיבוהו כנגד המדורה. אמרו: ראוי זה לחלל עליו את השבת
They said about Hillel the Elder that each and every day he would work and earn a half-dinar, half of which he would give to the guard of the study hall and half of which he spent for his sustenance and the sustenance of the members of his family. One time he did not find employment to earn a wage, and the guard of the study hall did not allow him to enter. He ascended to the roof, suspended himself, and sat at the edge of the skylight in order to hear the words of the Torah of the living God from the mouths of Shemaya and Avtalyon, the spiritual leaders of that generation. The Sages continued and said: That day was Shabbat eve and it was the winter season of Tevet, and snow fell upon him from the sky. When it was dawn, Shemaya said to Avtalyon: Avtalyon, my brother, every day at this hour the study hall is already bright from the sunlight streaming through the skylight, and today it is dark; is it perhaps a cloudy day? They focused their eyes and saw the image of a man in the skylight. They ascended and found him covered with snow three cubits high. They extricated him from the snow, and they washed him and smeared oil on him, and they sat him opposite the bonfire to warm him. They said: This man is worthy for us to desecrate Shabbat for him. Saving a life overrides Shabbat in any case; however, this great man is especially deserving. Clearly, poverty is no excuse for the failure to attempt to study Torah.
תלמוד ירושלמי, מסכת פסחים, פרק ו, עמוד לג טור א
פעם אחת חל ארבעה עשר להיות בשבת ולא היו יודעין אם פסח דוחה את השבת אם לאו. אמרו יש כאן בבלי אחד והלל שמו ששימש את שמעיה ואבטליון והוא יודע אם פסח דוחה את השבת ...לא קיבלו ממנו עד שאמר להן כך שמעתי משמעיה ואבטליון. כיוון ששמעו ממנו כן עמדו ומינו אותו נשיא עליהן.
תנו רבנן: עני ועשיר רשע באין לדין, לעני אומרים לו: מפני מה לא עסקת בתורה? אם אומר: עני הייתי וטרוד במזונותי אומרים לו: כלום עני היית יותר מהלל?!


נמצא, הלל מחייב את העניים
§ Apropos the great wealth of Rabbi Elazar ben Ḥarsum, the Gemara cites that which the Sages taught: A poor person, and a wealthy person, and a wicked person come to face judgment before the Heavenly court for their conduct in this world. To the poor person, the members of the court say: Why did you not engage in Torah? If he rationalizes his conduct and says: I was poor and preoccupied with earning enough to pay for my sustenance and that is why I did not engage in Torah study, they say to him: Were you any poorer than Hillel, who was wretchedly poor and nevertheless attempted to study Torah? They said about Hillel the Elder that each and every day he would work and earn a half-dinar, half of which he would give to the guard of the study hall and half of which he spent for his sustenance and the sustenance of the members of his family. One time he did not find employment to earn a wage, and the guard of the study hall did not allow him to enter. He ascended to the roof, suspended himself, and sat at the edge of the skylight in order to hear the words of the Torah of the living God from the mouths of Shemaya and Avtalyon, the spiritual leaders of that generation. The Sages continued and said: That day was Shabbat eve and it was the winter season of Tevet, and snow fell upon him from the sky. When it was dawn, Shemaya said to Avtalyon: Avtalyon, my brother, every day at this hour the study hall is already bright from the sunlight streaming through the skylight, and today it is dark; is it perhaps a cloudy day? They focused their eyes and saw the image of a man in the skylight. They ascended and found him covered with snow three cubits high. They extricated him from the snow, and they washed him and smeared oil on him, and they sat him opposite the bonfire to warm him. They said: This man is worthy for us to desecrate Shabbat for him. Saving a life overrides Shabbat in any case; however, this great man is especially deserving. Clearly, poverty is no excuse for the failure to attempt to study Torah. And if a wealthy man comes before the heavenly court, the members of the court say to him: Why did you not engage in Torah? If he says: I was wealthy and preoccupied with managing my possessions, they say to him: Were you any wealthier than Rabbi Elazar, who was exceedingly wealthy and nevertheless studied Torah? They said about Rabbi Elazar ben Ḥarsum that his father left him an inheritance of one thousand villages on land, and corresponding to them, one thousand ships at sea. And each and every day he takes a leather jug of flour on his shoulder and walks from city to city and from state to state to study Torah from the Torah scholars in each of those places. One time as he passed through the villages in his estate and his servants found him, did not recognize him, and, thinking he was a resident of the town, they pressed him into service [angarya] for the master of the estate. He said to them: I beseech you; let me be and I will go study Torah. They said: We swear by the life of Rabbi Elazar ben Ḥarsum that we will not let you be. The Gemara comments: And in all his days, he never went and saw all his possessions and his property; rather, he would sit and engage in the study of Torah all day and all night. And if a wicked man comes to judgment, the members of the court say to him: Why did you not engage in Torah? If he said: I was handsome and preoccupied with my evil inclination, as I had many temptations, they say to him: Were you any more handsome than Joseph, who did not neglect Torah despite his beauty? They said about Joseph the righteous: Each and every day, the wife of Potiphar seduced him with words. In addition, the clothes that she wore to entice him in the morning, she did not wear to entice him in the evening. The clothes that she wore to entice him in the evening, she did not wear to entice him in the morning of the next day. One day she said to him: Submit to me and have relations with me.
He said to her: No.
She said to him: I will incarcerate you in the prison. He said to her: I do not fear you, as it is stated: “God releases prisoners” (Psalms 146:7).
She said to him: I will cause you to be bent over with suffering.
He said: “God straightens those who are bent over” (Psalms 146:8).
She said I will blind your eyes.
He said to her “God opens the eyes of the blind” (Psalms 146:8).
She gave him a thousand talents of silver to submit to her, “to lie with her and be with her” (Genesis 39:10), and he refused. The Gemara elaborates: Had he submitted to her to lie with her in this world, it would have been decreed in Heaven that he would be with her in the World-to-Come. Therefore, he refused. Consequently, Hillel obligates the poor to study Torah, Rabbi Elazar ben Ḥarsum obligates the wealthy, and Joseph obligates the wicked. For each category of people, there is a role model who overcame his preoccupations and temptations to study Torah.
פירוש רבינו יונה על מסכת אבות, פרק א, משנה א
והעמידו תלמידים הרבה - כדעת בית הלל. ...ובית הלל אומרים מלמדין לכל אדם - מאה בשביל שיצאו מהם עשרה טובים, ועשרה כדי שיצאו שניים, ושניים לפי שאינכן יודעים איזה מהם יכשר, זה או זה, ואם שניהם כאחד טובים.

וכה הוא מעשה של הלל שכינס לכל תלמידיו ואמר להם: תלמידי יש כאן כולכם? אמרו לו: הן.

אמר לו אחד מתלמידיו: כולם כאן, חוץ מקטן שבהם. אמר לו: יבוא קטן שעתיד הדור להתנהג על ידו. והביאו לו לרבן יוחנן בן זכאי - הנה כי אין לדחות את הקטנים מפני הגדולים כי הגדיים נעשו תיישים.
מתוך ראיון עם יוסי יונה, חדשות ה.ל.ה, גיליון מס 54, פברואר 1995
חלק מחברי "המנותבים", בעלי תעצומות הנפש, בטחון עצמי והערכה עצמית ביכולתם, באמת התעשתו, קראו תיגר על הניתוב ועל תפיסתה של מערכת החינוך, ואם אפשר לומר "מרדו בגורלם", למדו והצליחו. צר לי על האחרים שקיבלו את הדימוי הנחות שהמערכת הדביקה להם ורבים - אינטליגנטים, בעלי יכולת אינטלקטואלית לא מבוטלת - לא הצליחו. מישהו אחר החליט עבורם כיצד ייראה עתידם. אני השקעתי הרבה כדי להחליט בעצמי כיצד ייראה העתיד שלי. בוודאי שיש לאנשים, כמוני, תחושת סיפוק הנובעת מהצלחה בפרויקט של "כנגד כל הסיכויים". במקרה כמו שלי תחושת הסיפוק מתעצמת, משום שהמאמץ הוא גדול, אבל הייתי מוכן לוותר על המאמץ הגדול. במצב אידיאלי זה לא אמור להיות הישג, אלא דבר טבעי.