באדרת חסד
הדף מאת: צוות מורשה בת-ים / רשת מורשה
דף לימוד לבתי-ספר על-יסודיים בבת-ים, המשתייכים לשני הזרמים- מ"מ וממ"ד, הקשורים לרשת מורשה ופועלים יחדיו ליצירת תוכנית לימודים משותפת המועברת בראשי חודשים, בלמידה בית-מדרשית ותכניה ממוקדים ביהדות-חברתית.
"..חסד ואמת נפגשו, צדק ושלום נשקו.." (הושע ו,ו)
אֵלּוּ דְבָרִים שֶאָדָם אוֹכֵל פֵּרוֹתֵיהֶם בָּעוֹלָם הַזֶּה וְהַקֶּרֶן קַיֶּמֶת לוֹ לָעוֹלָם הַבָּא:
כִּבּוּד אָב וָאֵם, וּגְמִילוּת חֲסָדִים, וַהֲבָאַת שָלוֹם בֵּין אָדָם לַחֲבֵרוֹ;
וְתַלְמוּד תּוֹרָה [שקול] כְּנֶגֶד כֻּלָּם.
These are the things that have no definite quantity: The corners [of the field]. First-fruits; [The offerings brought] on appearing [at the Temple on the three pilgrimage festivals]. The performance of righteous deeds; And the study of the torah. The following are the things for which a man enjoys the fruits in this world while the principal remains for him in the world to come: Honoring one’s father and mother; The performance of righteous deeds; And the making of peace between a person and his friend; And the study of the torah is equal to them all.
  • מה פרוש לאכול פירות בעולם הזה? ומה פרוש הקרן קימת לעולם הבא?
  • מדוע לדעתכם נבחרו דווקא שלוש המצוות הללו?
  • כיצד ניתן להסביר כי תלמוד תורה עומד כנגד כל אלו?
  • מקדש או גמילות חסדים?
    פעם אחת היה רבן יוחנן בן זכאי יוצא מירושלים, והיה רבי יהושע הולך אחריו, וראה בית המקדש חרב. אמר רבי יהושע: אוי לנו על זה שהוא חרב, מקום שמכפרים בו עוונותיהם של ישראל! אמר לו: בני, אל ירע לך – יש לנו כפרה אחת שהיא כמותה. ואיזה זה? – גמילות חסדים, שנאמר: 'כי חסד חפצתי ולא זבח' (הושע ו, ז).
    On acts of kindness. How so? It says (Hosea 6:6), “For I desire kindness, not a well-being offering.” The world was created from the very beginning with kindness, as it says (Psalms 89:3), “For I have said that the world will be built on kindness, and the heavens will be established on Your faith.” Once, Rabban [our rabbi] Yohanan ben Zakkai, left Jerusalem, and Rabbi Yehoshua followed after him. And he saw the Holy Temple destroyed. [Rabbi Yehoshua said: Woe to us, for this is destroyed –] the place where all of Israel’s sins are forgiven!2I.e., via the bringing of sacrifices. [Rabbi Yohanan] said to him: My son, do not be distressed, for we have a form of atonement just like it. And what is it? Acts of kindness, as it says (Psalms 89:3), “For I desire kindness, not a well-being offering.” And so we find that Daniel, the precious man, would busy himself with acts of kindness. And what were these acts of kindness that he was so busy with? If you would say that in fact he did bring burnt offerings and other sacrifices in Babylon, doesn’t it already say (Deuteronomy 12:13–14), “Take care not to bring burnt offerings in just any place you see, but only in the place that the Eternal will choose in one of your tribal territories shall you bring burnt offerings.” So what were the acts of kindness he busied himself with? He would help a bride and bring her happiness, he would escort the dead [in a funeral procession], and he would always give a perutah to a poor person. And he would pray three times a day, and his prayers would be gladly accepted, as it says (Daniel 6:11), “When Daniel learned that [the ban against worshiping God] had been put in writing, he went to his house, in whose upper chamber he had windows made facing Jerusalem, and three times a day he knelt down, prayed, and made a confession to his God, as he had always done.”
    And when Vespasian came to destroy Jerusalem, he said to [the inhabitants]: Fools! Why do you seek to destroy this city and burn the Holy Temple? What do I request of you? Only that you give me one bow or one arrow [as a sign of your surrender], and then I will leave you be. They said to him: Just as we went out [to battle] against the two who came before you, and killed them, so will we go out against you and kill you. When Rabban Yohanan ben Zakkai heard this, he sent for the men of Jerusalem and said to them: My children, why do seek to destroy this city and burn the Holy Temple? For what did he ask of you but one bow or one arrow, and then he would leave you be. They said to him: Just as we went out [to battle] against the two who came before him, and we killed them, so will we go out against him and kill him. Vespasian had men lurking within the walls of Jerusalem, and everything they heard they would would write on an arrow and shoot over the wall. So they reported that Rabban Yohanan ben Zakkai supported the Caesar. [Thus would he remind the men of Jerusalem, i.e., plead with them to acquiesce to Vespasian.] And after Rabban Yohanan ben Zakkai said this [to them] day after day, and saw that they would not accept his advice, he sent for his students, Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Yehoshua, and said to them: My sons, take me out of this place! Make me a coffin, and I will sleep in it. So Rabbi Eliezer held [the coffin] on one end, and Rabbi Yehoshua held it (on the other, and they carried him until the sun set, right up to the gates of Jerusalem. The gatekeepers said to them: What is this? They replied: A dead body – and you know that a corpse cannot remain overnight in Jerusalem. They said: If that is a dead body, go ahead and take it out [of the city]). So they took him out (and they were carrying him until sunset) until they came to Vespasian, and they opened the coffin, and [Rabbi Yohanan] got up and stood before him. He said: So you are Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakkai. Ask for whatever you wish, and I will give it to you. He replied: I ask nothing from you except for Yavneh. I will go there and teach my students, and I will establish prayer, and I will do all the mitzvot [mentioned in the Torah]. [Vespasian] replied: Go. All that you wish to do, you may do. [Rabbi Yohanan] said to him: Do you want me to tell you one thing? He said: Go ahead. He said to him: Take note; soon you will ascend to the kingship. How do you know? [Vespasian] said to him. [Rabbi Yohanan answered:] We have a tradition that the Holy Temple will not be taken by an ordinary man, but only by a king. For it says (Isaiah 10:34), “And the Lebanon tree will fall in its majesty.” They say that it was not (one or two or) three days until a letter came from [Vespasian’s] city announcing that the Caesar had died and they were appointing him to ascend to the kingship. They brought him a catapult and positioned it toward the walls of Jerusalem. Then they brought him cedar posts, put them in the catapult, and fired them against the wall until they made a breach. Then they brought him the head of a pig, put it in the catapult, and flung it toward the sacrificial portions that were on the [Temple] altar.
    While Jerusalem was being taken, Rabban Yohanan ben Zakkai was sitting and waiting, and he trembled (before God), just as Eli sat and watched, as it says (I Samuel 4:13), “There was Eli, sitting on a seat on the side of the road, waiting, and his heart trembled because of the Ark of God.” When Rabban Yohanan ben Zakkai heard that Jerusalem was destroyed and the Holy Temple was burning in flames, he tore his clothes, and his students tore their clothes, and they cried and screamed and lamented.
    It says (Zechariah 11:1), “Open your doors, Lebanon [i.e., the Holy Temple], and let fire consume your cedars” – these are the (high) priests who were in the Sanctuary, who [took] their keys in their hands and threw them toward the heavens, and said before the Holy Blessed One: Master of the World! Here are Your keys, which You entrusted to us. For we were not faithful custodians doing the King’s work and eating from the King’s table.
    Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the twelve tribes, were also crying and screaming and lamenting, and they said (Zechariah 11:2), “Howl, cypresses, for cedars have fallen! How the mighty are ravaged!” [“Howl, cypresses, for cedars have fallen!” – these are Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the twelve tribes.] “Howl, you oaks of Bashan” – these are Moses, Aaron, and Miriam. “For the stately forest is laid low” – that is the Holy of Holies. “The voice of wailing shepherds, for their fields [have been ravaged]” (Zechariah 11:3) – these are David and his son Solomon. “The sound of the lions roaring, for the jungle of the Jordan has been ravaged” – these are Elijah and Elisha.
    הרב פתחיה מנקין, נחלת אבות- באור לפרקי אבות, פ"ב, מ"ב, הוצאת מכון התורה והארץ
    גם השכל האנושי מסכים עליה
    "..נראה שמצות גמילות חסד היא מצוה שכלית (= הגיונית), שגם השכל מחייבה לגמול חסד איש עם רעהו, "כי עולם חסד יבנה" (תהילים, פ"ט, ג') , ואם-כן אין שום עבודה ומלאכה בקיומה, כי קלה היא מצוה זו לקיימה, באשר גם השכל האנושי מסכים עליה, והיא מנהג ודרך ארץ. אולם מי ששכלו עקום ע"י מדות רעות הנמצאות ברע לב וכדומה, הנה לאיש הזה עבודה ומלאכה היא המצוה הזאת, ליקח מהונו שאסף בזיעת אפו ובעמל כפיו וליהנות בו בני אדם שלא עמלו בו.."

    © כל הזכויות שמורות למחבר ולהוצאה
  • על פי רבי יהושע מה תפקידו של המקדש? ומדוע אם חרב אין תקומה לעם?
  • על פי רבן יוחנן מה יכול להחליף את כפרת העוונות שהיתה במקדש?
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  • דיון
  • מדוע לדעתכם מצוות גמילות חסדים הינה מצווה שכלית?
  • האם נכון הוא, כי קל לנו יותר לקיים מצוות ומעשים טובים המובנים לנו?
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  • יעקב גלעד, מילה טובה
    מילה טובה/ יעקב גלעד
    אפילו בשרב הכי כבד

    ידעתי שהגשם עוד ירד

    ראיתי בחלון שלי ציפור

    אפילו במשב סופה וקור.

    לא פעם זה קשה

    אבל לרוב מילה טובה

    מיד עושה לי טוב

    רק מילה טובה או שתיים לא יותר מזה.

    אפילו ברחוב ראשי סואן

    ראיתי איש יושב ומנגן

    פגשתי אנשים מאושרים

    אפילו בין שבילי עפר צרים...

    © כל הזכויות שמורות למחבר ולאקו"ם
    גמילות חסדים או מצוות?
    "אני ישנה וליבי ער" (שיר השירים, ה',ב'), אמרה כנסת ישראל לפני הקדוש ברוך הוא:

    "אני ישנה" מן המצוות "וליבי ער" לגמילות חסדים.
    הרב זאב מאור, מתוך הקורס תקשורת בין אישית באתר מכללת ירושלים
    חסד בלי כוונה
    אפילו חסד בלא כוונה יכול להועיל לאדם.

    למדנו בסיפרא (ה', יז') שאדם שנאבד ממנו מטבע, ומצאה עני- הריהו מתברך על-ידו (ע"י העני). אפילו בלא כוונה כלל ובניגוד לרצוני ישברכה מהחסד. (הרב זאב מאור)
    © כל הזכויות שמורות למחבר
    משימת סיכום
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  • הציגו את הערך המרכזי בדרך יצירתית: חמשיר, קולאז', קריקטורה וכיו"ב.