השכרות בפורים - מצווה, רשות או עבירה? מעמדה ההלכתי של השכרות בפורים
הדף מאת: רפאל באסל / פרויקט אמור
בכל שנה מחדש, אנו עדים להשלכותיה של שתייה קיצונית של משקאות אלכוהוליים בפורים. החל מערב פורים וכלה בחצות של מוצאי פורים; נראים דרך קבע שיכורים המתגוללים ברחובות; במדרכות, בכבישים ובתחבורה הציבורית. מהם מקללים, מהם מקיאים את קיבתם, מהם יורקים או נטפלים לנערות וילדים. יש הנכנסים לבתי זרים; רוקדים, שותים ממה שרוצים ויוצאים. לא מעט נופלים שדודים עוד לפני הסעודה ורבים אף מסיימים את היום בבתי החולים. עם כל זה, אין פוצה פה ואין מצפצף. לכן מתעוררת השאלה: האם שתיה שכזו ותוצאותיה נעשים בחסות ההלכה? מהו יחס ההלכה לשכרות בפורים?
כיצד נראה לנו פורים בהתבוננות "מן הצד"?
דוד תמר, "מסכת פורים", בתוך: "הצופה", ט"ו אדר ב', תשנ"ב
חג הפורים הוא היום היחיד בשנה, שהיהודים התירו לעצמם לפרוץ בו גדרי המותר והאסור בכל ימות השנה ולנהוג כאומות העולם בקרנבלים שלהם. אף לא חששו מדרשות של דופי בדברי תורה ומפארודיות וחיקויים של התלמוד ושאר ספרי קודש... שנרשמו ברובם הגדול בידי משה שטיינשניידר, גדול הביבליוגראפים העבריים
מיכל רבינוביץ, פרודיות של פורים, מתוך: "העולם", גיליון כז, שנה כו
יוצא דופן הוא הפורים במסכת חגי ישראל ושונה הוא מכל החגים במהותו ובצביונו. חגי ישראל הם ברובם קודש לה', אסורים במלאכה חוץ מצרכי אוכל נפש ועיקרם לתפילה, לתורה ולהתעלות בקדושה ואצילות, להתפשטות הגשמיות והחולין ולהגברת הרוחניות על החומריות, ואילו פורים ו"נהפוך הוא", הפורים מוציא את האדם מישראל לא רק מעולם הקדושה והאצילות של הדת ודרכיה וגזרותיה וסייגיה, אלא הוא אוחז בציצית ראשו ומוציאהו אפילו מעולמות שלו, עולם החול והחולין, פורץ לפניו את כל הגדרים של רשות היחיד ורשות הרבים ומעמידו בתוך מערבולת של הוללות והפקר, של שתייה וסביאה, של זלזול וביטול עד "דלא ידע" מרידה בכל הקדוש והנאצל. בכל המקובל והמוסכם אצלו בכל ימות השנה
ילקוט חיים על עריכת שולחן, סימן תרצ"ה, אות ט
וזכורני בישיבתו של מ"ו הגר"א קוטלר זלה"ה היו התלמידים משתכרים, ובאים לפניו מתנודדים משכרות, ומשתטחים על הקרקע, ומפטפטים כדרך השיכורים. והיה מביט עליהם, דעתו בדוחה עליו, ופניו אורו משמחתה של מצווה

  • הרב אהרן קוטלר (תרנ"ב; 1892 - ב' בכסלו תשכ"ג; 1962) היה ראש ישיבת קלצק בפולין, ולאחר מכן מייסדה וראשה של ישיבת לייקווד בארצות הברית, נשיא מועצת גדולי התורה בארצות הברית וממנהיגי הציבור החרדי במדינה זו.
מעמדה של השכרות במקורות ההלכתיים
וַיִּכְתֹּב מָרְדֳּכַי אֶת-הַדְּבָרִים הָאֵלֶּה וַיִּשְׁלַח סְפָרִים אֶל-כָּל-הַיְּהוּדִים אֲשֶׁר בְּכָל-מְדִינוֹת הַמֶּלֶךְ אֲחַשְׁוֵרוֹשׁ הַקְּרוֹבִים וְהָרְחוֹקִים. (כא) לְקַיֵּם עֲלֵיהֶם לִהְיוֹת עֹשִׂים אֵת יוֹם אַרְבָּעָה עָשָׂר לְחֹדֶשׁ אֲדָר וְאֵת יוֹם-חֲמִשָּׁה עָשָׂר בּוֹ בְּכָל-שָׁנָה וְשָׁנָה. (כב) כַּיָּמִים אֲשֶׁר-נָחוּ בָהֶם הַיְּהוּדִים מֵאֹיְבֵיהֶם וְהַחֹדֶשׁ אֲשֶׁר נֶהְפַּךְ לָהֶם מִיָּגוֹן לְשִׂמְחָה וּמֵאֵבֶל לְיוֹם טוֹב לַעֲשׂוֹת אוֹתָם יְמֵי מִשְׁתֶּה וְשִׂמְחָה וּמִשְׁלֹחַ מָנוֹת אִישׁ לְרֵעֵהוּ וּמַתָּנוֹת לָאֶבְיֹנִים.
And Mordecai wrote these things, and sent letters unto all the Jews that were in all the provinces of the king Ahasuerus, both nigh and far, to enjoin them that they should keep the fourteenth day of the month Adar, and the fifteenth day of the same, yearly, the days wherein the Jews had rest from their enemies, and the month which was turned unto them from sorrow to gladness, and from mourning into a good day; that they should make them days of feasting and gladness, and of sending portions one to another, and gifts to the poor. And the Jews took upon them to do as they had begun, and as Mordecai had written unto them;
1. אלו מנהגי פורים נלמדו מהפסוקים הללו?
2. האם המנהג להשתכר יכול למצוא ביסוס בקטע זה מן המגילה?
3. מהו 'משתה' והאם הוא כרוך בהכרח בשכרות?
שו"ת מהרי"ל, סימן נו
איכא [יש] משתה בלא שכרות
תלמוד בבלי
אמר רבא: מחייב איניש ל[א]בסומי בפוריא, עד דלא ידע בין ארור המן לברוך מרדכי

  • להתבסם - להשתכר
Rava said: A person is obligated to become intoxicated with wine on Purim until he is so intoxicated that he does not know how to distinguish between cursed is Haman and blessed is Mordecai.
רבה [רבא] ורבי זירא עבדו סעודת פורים בהדי הדדי, [בתר ד-] איבסום, קם רבה [רבא] שחטיה לרבי זירא. למחר, בעי רחמי ואחייה. לשנה, אמר ליה: ניתי מר ונעביד סעודת פורים בהדי הדדי. אמר ליה: לא בכל שעתא ושעתא מתרחיש ניסא.

  • תרגום: רבה [רבא] ורבי זירא סעדו סעודת פורים ביחד. לאחר שהשתכרו, קם רבה [רבא] ושחט את ר' זירא. למחרת [לאחר שהתפכח מן היין], התפלל והחייהו. שנה אחר כך, אמר לו [רבי זירא]: נבוא ונסעד יחד סעודת פורים. אמר לו [רבה/רבא]: [יבוא /לך מר לשלום] לא בכל שעה ושעה מתרחש נס.
You have fulfilled two mitzvot through us, our teacher: The mitzva of: “And sending portions one to another,” and the mitzva of: “And gifts to the poor,” as Rabbi Oshaya was poor and this was a substantial gift. The Gemara relates that Rabba sent Purim portions from the house of the Exilarch to Marei bar Mar in the hands of Abaye, who was his nephew and student. The Purim portions consisted of a sack [taska] full of dates [kashva] and a cupful of roasted flour [kimḥa de’avshuna]. Abaye said to him: Now, Mari will say the popular expression: Even if a farmer becomes the king, the basket does not descend from his neck. Rabba was named the head of the yeshiva in Pumbedita, and nevertheless, he continued to send very plain gifts, because he was impoverished. Marei bar Mar sent back to him a sack full of ginger and a cupful of long peppers [pilpalta arikha], a much more expensive gift. Abaye said to him: The master, Rabba, will now say: I sent him sweet items and he sent me pungent ones. In describing that same incident, Abaye said: When I left the house of the master, Rabba, to go to Marei bar Mar, I was already satiated. However, when I arrived there at Marei bar Mar’s house, they served me sixty plates of sixty kinds of cooked dishes, and I ate sixty portions from each of them. The last dish was called pot roast, and I was still so hungry that I wanted to chew the plate afterward. And in continuation Abaye said: This explains the folk saying that people say: The poor man is hungry and does not know it, as Abaye was unaware how hungry he had been in his master’s house. Alternatively, there is another appropriate, popular expression: Room in the stomach for sweets can always be found. The Gemara relates that Abaye bar Avin and Rabbi Ḥanina bar Avin would exchange their meals with each other to fulfill their obligation of sending portions on Purim. Rava said: A person is obligated to become intoxicated with wine on Purim until he is so intoxicated that he does not know how to distinguish between cursed is Haman and blessed is Mordecai. The Gemara relates that Rabba and Rabbi Zeira prepared a Purim feast with each other, and they became intoxicated to the point that Rabba arose and slaughtered Rabbi Zeira. The next day, when he became sober and realized what he had done, Rabba asked God for mercy, and revived him. The next year, Rabba said to Rabbi Zeira: Let the Master come and let us prepare the Purim feast with each other. He said to him: Miracles do not happen each and every hour, and I do not want to undergo that experience again. Rava said: A Purim feast that one ate at night did not fulfill his obligation. What is the reason? “Days of feasting and gladness” (Esther 9:22) is written, i.e., days and not nights. The Gemara relates: Rav Ashi was sitting before Rav Kahana his teacher on Purim, and it grew dark and the Sages who usually came to study with him did not come. Rav Ashi said to him: What is the reason that the Sages did not come today? Rav Kahana answered: Perhaps they are preoccupied with the Purim feast. Rav Ashi said to him: Wasn’t it possible for them to eat the feast at night on Purim, instead of being derelict in their Torah study on Purim day? Rav Kahana said to him: Didn’t the master learn that which Rava said: A Purim feast that one ate at night did not fulfill his obligation? Rav Ashi said to him: Did Rava say that? Rav Kahana said to him: Yes. Rav Ashi then learned it from him forty times until he remembered it so well that it seemed to him as if it were placed in his purse. mishna The previous mishna concluded with the formula: The difference between…is only, thereby distinguishing between the halakhot in two different cases. The following mishnayot employ the same formula and distinguish between the halakhot in cases unrelated to Purim and the Megilla. The first is: The difference between Festivals and Shabbat with regard to the labor prohibited on those days is only in preparing food alone. It is permitted to cook and bake in order to prepare food on Festivals; however, on Shabbat it is prohibited. gemara The Gemara infers that with regard to the matter of actions that facilitate preparation of food, e.g., sharpening a knife for slaughter, this, Shabbat, and that, Festivals, are equal, in that actions that facilitate preparation of food are prohibited. The Gemara comments: If so, the mishna is not in accordance with the opinion of Rabbi Yehuda, as it is taught in a baraita: The difference between Festivals and Shabbat is only is preparing food. Rabbi Yehuda permits even actions that facilitate preparation of food on Festivals. The Gemara elaborates. What is the reason for the opinion of the first tanna? It is as the verse states: “Except that which every person must eat, only that may be done for you” (Exodus 12:16). “That” is permitted, and not actions that facilitate it. And Rabbi Yehuda says: “For you” means for you, for all your needs. The Gemara asks: And for the other, first, tanna too, isn’t it written: “For you”? The Gemara answers: He infers: For you, and not for gentiles; for you, and not for dogs. It is forbidden to perform labors for the sake of gentiles, or for animals, even if it is to feed them. The Gemara asks further: And for the other tanna, Rabbi Yehuda, too, isn’t it written: “That,” which is a restrictive term that limits the application of a particular halakha? The Gemara answers: It is written: “That,” which is restrictive, and it is written: “For you,” which is inclusive. Rabbi Yehuda resolves the conflict between the two: Here, the word: “That,” is referring to actions that facilitate, in which it is possible to perform them on the Festival eve but which are prohibited on the Festival; there, the phrase: “For you,” is referring to actions that facilitate, in which it is impossible to perform them on the Festival eve and which are permitted even on the Festival. MISHNA: The difference between Shabbat and Yom Kippur with regard to the labor prohibited on those days is only that in this case, i.e., Shabbat, its intentional desecration is punishable at the hand of Man, as he is stoned by a court based on the testimony of witnesses who forewarned the transgressor; and in that case, i.e., Yom Kippur, its intentional desecration is punishable at the hand of God, with karet. GEMARA: The Gemara infers that with regard to the matter of payment of damages, both this, Shabbat, and that, Yom Kippur, are equal in that one is exempt in both cases. If one performs an action on Shabbat that entails both a prohibited labor and damage to another’s property, since his transgression is punishable by death, he is exempt from paying damages. Apparently, according to the mishna, the same halakha applies to Yom Kippur. The Gemara asks: According to whose opinion is the mishna taught? The Gemara answers: It is according to the opinion of Rabbi Neḥunya ben HaKana, as it is taught in a baraita: Rabbi Neḥunya ben HaKana would render Yom Kippur like Shabbat with regard to payment of damages. Just as in the case of one who intentionally desecrates Shabbat he is liable to receive the death penalty and is therefore exempt from the obligation of payment of damages caused while desecrating Shabbat, so too, in the case of one who intentionally desecrates Yom Kippur, he is liable to receive the death penalty and is therefore exempt from the obligation of payment of damages caused while desecrating Yom Kippur. We learned there in a mishna (Makkot 23a): All those liable to receive karet who were flogged in court were exempted from their karet, which is imposed by heaven. Most transgressors are liable to receive karet for violating prohibitions that are punishable by flogging. If they are flogged, they are exempt from karet, as it is stated with regard to one liable to receive lashes: “Then your brother shall be dishonored before you” (Deuteronomy 25:3), indicating that once he was flogged he is like your brother, and his sins have been pardoned; this is the statement of Rabbi Ḥananya ben Gamliel. Rabbi Yoḥanan said: Rabbi Ḥananya ben Gamliel’s colleagues disagree with him on this issue. Rava said that the Sages of the school of Rav said: We learned: The difference between Yom Kippur and Shabbat is only that in this case, Shabbat, its intentional desecration is punishable at the hand of Man; and in that case, Yom Kippur, its intentional desecration is punishable with karet. And if the statement of Rabbi Ḥananya ben Gamliel is so, in both this case, Shabbat, and that case, Yom Kippur, the punishment is at the hand of Man. Rav Naḥman said: There is no proof from here that Rabbi Ḥananya ben Gamliel’s colleagues disagree with him, as in accordance with whose opinion is this mishna taught? It is according to the opinion of Rabbi Yitzḥak, who said: There are no lashes in cases of those liable to receive karet, as it is taught in a baraita that Rabbi Yitzḥak says: All those liable to receive karet in cases of incest were included in the principle: “For whoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the persons that commit them shall be cut off from among their people” (Leviticus 18:29). And why was karet administered to one’s sister excluded from this verse and mentioned independently (Leviticus 20:17)? It is to sentence her to the punishment of karet and not to the punishment of lashes. This serves as a paradigm; wherever one is liable to receive karet, there are no lashes. Rav Ashi said: Even if you say that the mishna is according to the opinion of the Rabbis who disagree with Rabbi Yitzḥak and hold that there are lashes even in cases where there is liability for karet, there is no proof that Rabbi Ḥananya ben Gamliel’s colleagues disagree with him. The mishna can be understood as follows: In this case, Shabbat, the primary punishment for its intentional desecration is at the hand of Man; and in that case, Yom Kippur, the primary punishment for its intentional desecration is with karet. If, however, he was flogged, he is exempt from karet.
המעשה של רבה ורבי זירא מופיע מיד לאחר דברי רבא אודות החובה להשתכר בפורים
למה משמש המעשה את עורך הסוגיא:

1. לדחות את מאמרו של רבא?
2. לחזק את רבא?
3. לצמצם את רבא?
4. אין לו רלבנטיות לדברי רבא.

יש לשים לב שברוב כתבי היד של התלמוד הבבלי, האמורא שמופיע במעשה עם רבי זירא הוא רבא (אותו אמורא שקבע את החובה להשתכר).
פוסקים ראשונים ואחרונים
ושותה יין עד שישתכר וירדם בשכרותו
15 How is the obligation of this meal? That one eat meat and prepare as pleasing a meal as his hand can [afford]. And he should drink wine until he becomes intoxicated and falls asleep from his intoxication. And likewise is a person obligated to send two portions of meat or two types of dishes or two types of food to his fellow, as it is stated (Esther 9:22) "and sending portions, one man to another" - two portions to one man. And anyone who increases sending to friends is praiseworthy. And if he has no [means to do this], he should trade with his fellow: This one sends his meal to that one and that one sends his meal to this one - in order to fulfill, "and sending portions, one man to another."
שולחן ערוך
חייב איניש לבסומי בפוריא עד דלא ידע בין ארור המן לברוך מרדכי
One is obligated to be intoxicated on Purim to the point where he does not know [the difference] between "accursed is Haman" and "blessed is Mordechai". Rama: Some say it is not necessary to become drunk so much, but rather to drink more than he is used to (Kol Bo), and to fall asleep, and while he sleeps he does not know [the difference] between "accursed is Haman" and "blessed is Mordechai" (Maharil). [There is no difference] between one who has more and one who has less, as long as his heart is directed to heaven. One should not fast on Purim, except for a fast for a [bad] dream, and see earlier Siman 568 and Siman 570. There are those who have the custom to dress in Shabbat/Yom Tov clothes on Purim, and that is correct (Maharil). We have the custom to make the Purim meal after the afternoon prayer, and pray the evening prayer at night. We pray the afternoon prayer while most of the day remains, and most of the meal needs to be during the day (Minhagim). And it should not be like those who have the custom to start close to evening, and most of the meal happens during the night of the 15th. When Purim falls out on Friday, they should have the meal in the morning because of honor for the Sabbath (Minhagim). And one who wants to [have his meal] every [Purim] in the morning is allowed to (T"H). Some say that there is [significance] to eating seeds on Purim as a remembrence for the seeds that Daniel and his friends ate in Babylonia (Kol Bo). It is good to delve a bit in Torah before one begins the meal, and a support for that is (Esther 8:16) "The Jews had light and happiness...", which we learn out "radiance" - that's Torah (Mahariv). One is obligated to drink a little and be a little happy on two days, the 14th and the 15th (Minhagim), and so is the custom. And some say that if one causes damage to his fellow through his happiness on Purim, he is exempt from restitution (Terumat HaDeshen, Part I 110). And see Terumat HaDeshen Laws of Damage.
ה"מאור" על מגילה ז' עמוד ב' בשם רבנו אפרים
מההוא עובדא דקם רבה ושחט לרבי זירא אידחי ליה מימרא דרבא

  • תרגום: מאותו מעשה, שקם רבה ושחט את רבי זירא, נדחה מאמרו של רבא
רבי מאיר המעילי מנרבונה, "המאורות", מגילה ז עמוד ב
רבי מאיר המעילי מנרבונה
"מחייב איניש לבסומי" - לאו דווקא הוא. אלא לשון הבאי, כדאמרינן בעלמא: "דיברו חכמים לשון הבאי". אבל השכרות הוא איסור חמור... ואין זו השמחה הכתובה במקרא, כי הוא הנקרא שחוק והיתול וקלות ראש. והשמחה היא לשמוח בשם יתברך שגאלנו והיצילנו וקרבנו... ולשמח העניים והאביונים ודווי הלב, ולדבר על ליבם דברי תנחומים ושמחה ומשלוח מנות ומתנות.
"חתם סופר דרשות", דרשה לפורים שנת תקצ"ה
חתם סופר
על כן, מצווה לשתות כדי שכרות, אבל לא ישתכר. וצריך שיתיישב ביינו, ויהיה בו מדעת קונו. ושאמר עד דלא ידע: לא שיאמר חלילה ארור מרדכי, אלא ישתה כשיעור שאדם אחר כיוצא בו לא ידע בין ארור המן, אבל הוא יידע. ופעם אחת אירע קלקול לרבה על ידי זה ולכן לא יעשה עוד כן
אורח חיים, סימן תרצ"ה, סעיף ב
יש אומרים שאין צריך להשתכר כל כך, אלא ישתה יותר מלימודו (מהרגלו) ויישן, ומתוך שישן אינו יודע בין ארור המן לברוך מרדכי. ואחד המרבה ואחד הממעיט; ובלבד שיכוון ליבו לשמים
אלו פוסקים סוברים שהמעשה של רבה [רבא] ורבי זירא דוחה את החיוב של רבא להשתכר בפורים?
אלו פוסקים סוברים שהמעשה לא דוחה את רבא?
אלו פוסקים סוברים שהמעשה מצמצם את החיוב של רבא להשתכר "עד דלא ידע"?
מוטב לאדם להרבות במתנות לאביונים, מלהרבות בסעודתו ובשילוח לרעיו. שאין שם שמחה גדולה ומפוארה אלא לשמח לב עניים ויתומים ואלמנות וגרים, שהמשמח לב האמללים האלו מדמה בשכינה, שנאמר: להחיות רוח שפלים ולהחיות לב נדכאים.
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