Resource Allocation / Nature Appreciation

(ז) רבי אלעזר איש ברתותא אומר,

תן לו משלו, שאתה ושלך שלו.וכן בדוד הוא אומר (דברי הימים א כט) כי ממך הכל ומידך נתנו לך

.רבי שמעון אומר, המהלך בדרך ושונה ומפסיק ממשנתו ואומר,

מה נאה אילן זה ומה נאה ניר זה,

מעלה עליו הכתוב כאלו מתחיב בנפשו.

(7) Rabbi Elazar of Bartuta says:

Give Him what is His, for you and yours are His. And so says David, "For all things come of Thee, and of Thine own have we given Thee" (I Chronicles 29:14).

Rabbi Shimon says: He who is walking on his way while repeating his studies, and interrupts his studies and says, 'How lovely is this tree! And how lovely is this newly plowed field!'

is deemed by Scripture to be as if he was guilty [of an offense punishable by the forfeiture] of his life.

Social sciences including psychology, sociology, political science and Economics are more focused on human nature . Economics is the social science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services and with the theory and management of economies or economic systems. This is were Human nature interacts with “Nature”. Because of deterministic factors outside of any one persons control the distribution of resources on the planet is not equal, in terms of countries and individuals. Thru no fault of there own some individuals are more privileged then others. They have a larger responsibility in terms of the impact of there economic decisions .

The Dubno Hamagid gives a Mushel (parable) about the environment and man’s role in terms of resource allocation. A king once had a party for ten of his closest friends . The guests arrived at varying times and were seated and began to eat. When the last three guest’s arrived, the king greeted them and accompanied them to there seat’s. He noticed that there was no food left. The king yelled at his guests, “ I put enough chicken and rice out for 10 people some people took more then they needed !” Because there is a finite amount of resources on Earth every action by everyone on the planet impacts the environment and all of mankind for the rest of time .“Nature” does not belong to any one person, ignoring this fact is similar to the man drilling a hole in the bottom of his cabin on a cruise ship and telling other passengers to mind there business. The world and everything in it belongs to Hashem (God).