ותיקין\תחילת זמן שחרית

א"ר חייא בר אבא א"ר יוחנן מצוה להתפלל עם דמדומי חמה וא"ר זירא מאי קראה (תהלים עב, ה) ייראוך עם שמש ולפני ירח דור דורים

whereas the statement [of the Baraita] refers to one who reminds himself [of the omission] after having said the benediction "Who hearkenest unto prayer." R. Tanhum said in the name of R. Assi[2], in the name of R. Joshua b. Levi : If a man erred and omitted the reference to the New Moon in the sixteenth benediction[3], he must repeat it. If he reminded himself thereof in the seventeenth benediction, he goes back to the sixteenth ; if in the eighteenth, he goes back to the sixteenth. If he had concluded the Tefillah, he must recommence it. Rab Pappa the son of Rab Aha b. Adda said : The statement "If he had concluded the Tefillah, he must recommence it" only applies should he have moved his feet[4] ; but if he has not done so, he returns to the sixteenth benediction. He was asked : Whence hast thou obtained this teaching? He replied: From my father my teacher have I heard it, and he from Rab[5]. Rab Nahman b. Isaac said : The statement that if he had moved his feet he must recommence the Tefillah applies only to one who is not accustomed to offer personal supplications at its conclusion[6] ; but if that be his practice, he returns to the sixteenth benediction. Another version is : Rab Nahman b. Isaac said : The statement that if he had not moved his feet, he returns to the sixteenth benediction applies only to one who is accustomed to offer personal supplication at the conclusion of the Tefillah ; but if that be not his practice, he goes back to its commencement. R. Eliezer says : If one makes his prayer a fixed task [keba'], his prayer is not supplication. What means keba'? R. Jacob b. Iddi said in the name of R. Osha'ya : Anyone whose prayer seems to him a burden. The Rabbis say : Anyone who does not recite it in language of supplication[7]. Rabbah and Rab Joseph both said : Anyone who is not able to add something new thereto[1]. R. Zera said : I am able to add something new, but I am afraid that I may become confused. Abbai b. Abin and R. Hannina b. Abin both said : [His prayer is keba'] who does not pray at dawn and sunset[2] ; for R. Hiyya b. Abba said in the name of R. Johanan : It is a religious duty to pray at dawn and sunset. R. Zera said : What Scriptural authority is there for this? "They shall fear Thee with the sun and before the moon[3] throughout all generations" (Ps. Ixxii. 5). In the West[4], they cursed anyone who prayed at those times. Why? Perhaps the time will be unsuitable for him[5]. R. Joshua says : If one is journeying in a place of danger, he should offer a short prayer, saying : "Save, O Lord, Thy people, the remnant of Israel ; in all times of crisis may their needs be before Thee." What means "times of crisis ['ibbur]"? Rab Hisda said in the name of Mar 'Ukba : Even at the time when Thou art full of wrath ['ebrah] against them like a woman big with child ['ubberet], may all their needs be before Thee. Another version is : Rab Hisda said in the name of Mar 'Ukba : Even at the time when they transgress ['oberim] the words of Torah, may all their needs be before Thee. Our Rabbis have taught : He who journeys in a place of herds of wild beasts or bands of robbers should offer a short prayer. Which is the short prayer ? R. Eliezer said : "Do Thy will in Heaven above ; grant tranquility of spirit to those who fear Thee below, and do that which is good in Thy sight. Blessed art Thou, O Lord, Who hearkenest unto prayer." R. Joshua said : "Hear the lament of Thy people Israel, and speedily fulfil their request. Blessed art Thou, O Lord, Who hearkenest unto prayer." R. Eleazar b. Sadok said : "Hear the cry of Thy people Israel, and speedily fulfil their request. Blessed art Thou, O Lord, Who hearkenest unto prayer." Others say : "The needs of Thy people Israel are many but their mind short[6]. May it be Thy will, O Lord our God, to grant each one sufficient for his maintenance, and to every person enough for his want. Blessed art Thou, O Lord, Who hearkenest unto prayer." Rab Huna said : The Halakah is in accord with the "others." Elijah[1] said to Rab Judah, the brother of Rab Sala Hasida : "Be not wrathful and thou wilt not sin. Be not intoxicated and thou wilt not sin. When thou settest out on a journey, take counsel with thy Creator and go forth." What means, "Take counsel with thy Creator and go forth" ? R. Jacob said in the name of Rab Hisda : This refers to the prayer to be offered on undertaking a journey. R. Jacob also said in the name of Rab Hisda : Whoever sets out on a journey should offer the prayer ordained for a journey. What is this prayer? "May it be Thy will, O Lord my God, to conduct me in peace, to direct my steps in peace, to uphold me in peace, and to deliver me from every enemy and ambush by the way. Send a blessing upon the work of my hands, and let me obtain grace, lovingkindness and mercy in Thine eyes and in the eyes of all who behold me. Blessed art Thou, O Lord, Who hearkenest unto prayer[2]." Abbai said : Always

What is ותיקין? Is it just a nice thing to do or the ideal?

תפלת השחר עד חצות ר' יהודה אומר עד ארבע שעות . ותחלת זמנה יראה משעלה ברק השחר והאיר פני המזרח מידי דהוה אתמיד השחר ריש פרק ב' דיומא אע"ג דעיקר מצותה עם הנץ החמה כדכתיב ייראוך עם שמש פרק א' ס"ס י' מ"מ אם התפלל בזו השעה יצא והתנא לא חש לפרשו דמילתא דפשיטא היא כיון דזמן המאוחר שלה הוא בזמן התמיד ה"ה לכל זמן המוקדם.

What about davening before neitz?

מתני׳ אין קורין את המגילה ולא מלין ולא טובלין ולא מזין וכן שומרת יום כנגד יום לא תטבול עד שתנץ החמה וכולן שעשו משעלה עמוד השחר כשר:

In fact it follows R. Judah, and he holds that the deaf person can read even ab initio, and there is no difficulty: in the first quotation he is giving his own opinion, in the second that of his teacher, as it has been taught: R. Judah says in the name of R. Elazar b. Azariah: One who recites the Shema should make it heard to his ears, as it says, “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is One”—Make heard to your ear what your mouth says. R. Meir says: “Which I command you this day upon your heart” according to the words follow the intention of the heart. Now that you have come to this, you may even say that R. Judah was of the same opinion as his teacher, and the statement made by R. Judah the son of R. Shimon b. Pazzi follows R. Meir. R. Judah declares a minor qualified. It has been taught: R. Judah said: When I was a young boy, I read it [the Megillah] in front of R. Tarfon and the elders in Lod. They said to him: Proof cannot be brought from the testimony of a minor. It has been taught: Rabbi said: When I was a young boy, I read it before R. Judah. They said to him: Proof cannot be brought from the very one who allows it. Why did they not say to him: Proof cannot be brought from the testimony of a minor? They gave one answer and then another. First, they said, you were a boy and moreover, even had you been an adult, proof cannot be brought from the very one who allows it. Mishnah: They do not read the Megillah, nor circumcise, nor go to the mikveh, nor sprinkling [purificatory waters], and similarly a woman keeping day for day should not take a ritual bath until the sun has risen. But if any of these things is done after dawn, it is valid. Gemara. From where do we know this? Because the verse says, “And these days should be remembered and kept” (Esther 9:28) by day, but not by night. Shall we say that this is a refutation of R. Joshua b. Levi; for R. Joshua b. Levi said: One must read the Megillah by night and a second time by day? When the mishnah taught it, it referred to the day. Neither should one circumcise. As it is written, “And on the eighth day he shall be circumcised” (Leviticus 12:3). Neither should one immerse [in a mikveh] nor sprinkle. As it is written, “And the clean person shall sprinkle on the unclean . . . And on the seventh day” (Numbers 19:19) and immersing is compared to sprinkling. And similarly a woman keeping day for day should not immerse until the sun has risen. This is obvious! Why should a woman keeping day for day be different from all others who are obligated to immerse? It is necessary, lest you think that she should be the same as the first observation of one who had a genital discharge, and the first observation of one who had a genital discharge has been compared to one who had a seminal issue, as it is written, “This is the law of him that has had a genital discharge (zav) and of him from whom the flow of seed has gone out.” (Leviticus 15:32) Just as one with a seminal issue immerses during the day, so too this one immerses on the same day. This woman, however, cannot immerse on that day, because it is written, “All the days of her discharge she shall be as in the days of her menstrual impurity”; (Leviticus 15:26) so [you might say], by night at least she might keep watch for a short time and then immerse; therefore we are told that [she must not do this], because she requires to count [day for day];

עד הנץ החמה - שיצא מספק לילה:

וכולן שעשו כו' - דמעלות השחר יממא הוא אבל לפי שאין הכל בקיאין בו צריכין להמתין עד הנץ החמה:

מתני׳ אמר להם הממונה צאו וראו אם הגיע זמן השחיטה אם הגיע הרואה אומר ברקאי מתיא בן שמואל אומר האיר פני כל המזרח עד שבחברון והוא אומר הן ולמה הוצרכו לכך שפעם אחת עלה מאור הלבנה ודימו שהאיר מזרח ושחטו את התמיד והוציאוהו לבית השריפה

(ז) המתפלל תפלה קודם זמנה לא יצא ידי חובתו וחוזר ומתפלל אותה בזמנה ואם התפלל תפלת שחרית בשעת הדחק אחר שעלה עמוד השחר יצא

(א) זְמַן תְּפִלַּת הַשַּׁחַר, מִצְוָתָהּ שֶׁיַּתְחִיל עִם הָנֵץ הַחַמָּה, כְּדִכְתִּיב יִרָאוּךָ עִם שָׁמֶשׁ, וְאִם הִתְפַּלֵּל מִשֶּׁעָלָה עַמּוּד הַשַּׁחַר וְהֵאִיר פְּנֵי הַמִּזְרָח, יָצָא.

(1) The time for the morning tefillah is commanded that it begin with the rising of the sun, as it is written, "They will revere You with the sun (Psalm 72:5)." And if one prays from the time of dawn and the illumination of the east, one has fulfilled his obligation and continues until the fourth hour which is a third of the day. And if one errs or transgresses and prays after the fourth hour until noon, even though he does not earn the reward for praying at the proper time, he has still fulfilled the obligation. [Isserles: And after noon it is forbidden to pray the Tefillah of the morning (Beit Yosef in the name of the Rashba [Rabbi Shlomo ben Adret], Chapter Morning Prayer) . See below the beginning of Siman 108].

(ג) והאיר פני המזרח יצא. כ"כ רי"ו אבל שאר הפוסקים כתבו סתם אם התפלל משעל' ע"ה יצא וכן נ"ל דהא מדין בעליי' ע"ה כשר להקרבת תמיד אלא דחישי' דילמ' אתי למיטעי לכן בעינן האיר פני המזרח כדאי' ביומ' רפ"ג וכ"ה ספ"ב דמגילה במשנה וכלן שעשו משעלה ע"ה כשר