Yom Yerushalayim - The Most Forgotten Holiday
  • History and geography
  • What is a personal Yom Tov? Examples
  • Hallel issues:
    • for Nes niglah (Channukah) or nes nistar (Purim)?
    • Say Hallel once after a nes or each year?
    • only for miracles that save all/majority of am Yisrael?
  • When should a new yom tov be established?
  • How does one mark/celebrate a chag?
  • What date should be used?
  • Are there any halachik implications of the re-unification of Jerusalem/Yom Yerushalayim?
  • Egyptian President Nassar, head of Egypt, blocks Straights of Tiran to vessels in or out of Israel in May - shipping entry for oil, and vessels from Asia and Africa. Blockage defined as act of war since 1956
  • 3 weeks - Israel on high alert, all males 20-60 drafted - 264,000 people. Country in crisis, reservists needed for civilian life
  • Israeli offensive strike Monday morning, June 5th, destroyed Egyptian Air Force, achieved air supremacy
    • 188 IAF aircraft destroy majority of Egypt's 420
    • Ground troops then moved into and took over Sinai Peninsula.
  • Jordan informed by Israelis that if they don't attack Israel, no offensive will be made. "Too late. Die has been cast." Jordan attacks Israel. Israel conquers Judea, Samaria, and East Jerusalem (Temple Mount) from Jordan
    • Moshe Dayan doesn't want to capture Old City, but when hears of impending UN Cease Fire, proceeds
    • No armor used to protect holy sites
  • Golan Heights taken from Syria
  • Scope of enemy troops:
    • Egypt - 160,000
    • Jordan - 55,000
    • Syria - 75,000
  • ~22,000 Arab troop deaths, <1,000 Israeli

תנו רבנן הלל זה, מי אמרו? רבי אליעזר אומר, משה וישראל אמרוהו בשעה שעמדו על הים. הם אמרו "לא לנו ה׳ לא לנו." משיבה רוח הקודש ואמרה להן, "למעני למעני אעשה." רבי יהודה אומר, יהושע וישראל אמרוהו בשעה שעמדו עליהן מלכי כנען. הם אמרו, "לא לנו ומשיבה וכו׳." רבי אלעזר המודעי אומר, דבורה וברק אמרוהו בשעה שעמד עליהם סיסרא. הם אמרו "לא לנו." ורוח הקודש משיבה ואומרת להם, "למעני למעני אעשה." רבי אלעזר בן עזריה אומר, חזקיה וסייעתו אמרוהו בשעה שעמד עליהם סנחריב. הם אמרו, "לא לנו ומשיבה וכו׳." רבי עקיבא אומר, חנניה מישאל ועזריה אמרוהו בשעה שעמד עליהם נבוכדנצר הרשע. הם אמרו, "לא לנו." ומשיבה וכו׳. רבי יוסי הגלילי אומר, מרדכי ואסתר אמרוהו בשעה שעמד עליהם המן הרשע. הם אמרו, "לא לנו ומשיבה וכו׳." וחכמים אומרים נביאים שביניהן תיקנו להם לישראל שיהו אומרים אותו על כל פרק ופרק ועל כל צרה וצרה שלא תבא עליהם לישראל ולכשנגאלין אומרים אותו על גאולתן:

The Sages taught: This hallel, who initially recited it? Rabbi Eliezer says: Moses and the Jewish people recited it when they stood by the sea. They said: “Not to us, God, not to us, but to Your name give glory” (Psalms 115:1). The Divine Spirit responded and said to them: “For My own sake, for My own sake, will I do it” (Isaiah 48:11). Rabbi Yehuda says: Joshua and the Jewish people recited it when they defeated the kings of Canaan who stood against them (see Joshua 12:7–24). They said: Not to us, and the Divine Spirit responded: For My own sake. Rabbi Elazar HaModa’i says: Deborah and Barak recited it when Sisera stood against them (see Judges 4–5). They said: Not to us, and the Divine Spirit responded and said to them: For My own sake, for My own sake, will I do it. Rabbi Elazar ben Azarya says: Hezekiah and his company recited it when Sennacherib stood against them (see II Kings 18–19). They said: Not to us and the Divine Spirit responded: For My own sake. Rabbi Akiva says: Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah recited it when the wicked Nebuchadnezzar stood against them (see Daniel 3). They said: Not to us, and the Divine Spirit responded: For My own sake. Rabbi Yosei HaGelili says: Mordecai and Esther recited it when the wicked Haman stood against them. They said: Not to us, and the Divine Spirit responded: For My own sake (see the book of Esther). And the Rabbis say that hallel was not established for any specific event, but the Prophets among them instituted that the Jewish people should recite it on every appropriate occasion, and for every trouble, may it not come upon the Jewish people. When they are redeemed, they recite it over their redemption.

According to the following gemara, what reason(s) would support saying Hallel on Yom Yerushalayim?

מאי דרוש? אמר רבי חייא בר אבין אמר רבי יהושע בן קרחה, ומה מעבדות לחירות אמרי' שירה, ממיתה לחיים לא כל שכן?! אי הכי הלל נמי נימא. לפי שאין אומרים הלל על נס שבחוצה לארץ. יציאת מצרים דנס שבחוצה לארץ היכי אמרינן שירה? כדתניא עד שלא נכנסו ישראל לארץ הוכשרו כל ארצות לומר שירה. משנכנסו ישראל לארץ לא הוכשרו כל הארצות לומר שירה. רב נחמן אמר, קרייתא זו הלילא. רבא אמר, בשלמא התם (תהלים קיג, א) "הללו עבדי ה'" ולא עבדי פרעה. אלא הכא הללו עבדי ה' ולא עבדי אחשורוש? אכתי עבדי אחשורוש אנן.

The Gemara asks: What exposition led them to determine that this was a proper mode of action? On what basis did they add this mitzva? Rabbi Ḥiyya bar Avin said that Rabbi Yehoshua ben Korḥa said that they reasoned as follows: If, when recalling the exodus from Egypt, in which the Jews were delivered from slavery to freedom, we recite songs of praise, the Song of the Sea and the hymns of hallel, then, in order to properly recall the miracle of Purim and commemorate God’s delivering us from death to life, is it not all the more so the case that we must sing God’s praise by reading the story in the Megilla? The Gemara asks: If so, our obligation should be at least as great as when we recall the exodus from Egypt, and let us also recite hallel on Purim. The Gemara answers: Hallel is not said on Purim, because hallel is not recited on a miracle that occurred outside Eretz Yisrael. The Gemara asks: If so, with regard to the exodus from Egypt as well, which was a miracle that occurred outside Eretz Yisrael, how are we able to recite songs of praise? The Gemara answers: As it is taught in a baraita: Prior to the time when the Jewish people entered Eretz Yisrael, all lands were deemed fit for songs of praise to be recited for miracles performed within their borders, as all lands were treated equally. But after the Jewish people entered Eretz Yisrael, that land became endowed with greater sanctity, and all the other lands were no longer deemed fit for songs of praise to be recited for miracles performed within them. Rav Naḥman said an alternative answer as to why hallel is not recited on Purim: The reading of the Megilla itself is an act of reciting hallel. Rava said a third reason why hallel is not recited on Purim: Granted that hallel is said there, when recalling the exodus from Egypt, as after the salvation there, they could recite the phrase in hallel: “Give praise, O servants of the Lord” (Psalms 113:1); after their servitude to Pharaoh ended with their salvation, they were truly servants of the Lord and not servants of Pharaoh. But can it be said here, after the limited salvation commemorated on Purim: “Give praise, O servants of the Lord,” which would indicate that after the salvation the Jewish people were only servants of the Lord and not servants of Ahasuerus? No, even after the miracle of Purim, we were still the servants of Ahasuerus, as the Jews remained in exile under Persian rule, and consequently the salvation, which was incomplete, did not merit an obligation to say hallel.

Is it really so important to praise God when a miracle occurs? Does God really care?

אמרה מדת הדין לפני הקב"ה, "רבש"ע! ומה דוד מלך ישראל שאמר כמה שירות ותשבחות לפניך לא עשיתו משיח, חזקיה שעשית לו כל הנסים הללו ולא אמר שירה לפניך תעשהו משיח?!

The attribute of justice said before the Holy One, Blessed be He: Master of the Universe, and if with regard to David, king of Israel, who recited several songs and praises before You, You did not designate him as the Messiah, then with regard to Hezekiah, for whom You performed all these miracles, delivering him from Sennacherib and healing his illness, and he did not recite praise before You, will You designate him as the Messiah?

Does it seem accepted to establish a holiday for a miracle which occurs to a community? When was the Shulchan Aruch written?

(ח) (ח)...[גמרא] יכולים בני עיר לתקן בהסכמה ובחרם עליהם ועל הבאים אחריהם לעשות פורים ביום שנעשה בו נס. ומי שנעשה לו נס באדר ונדר לעשות פורים כשיבוא שנת העיבור צריך לעשות הפורים באדר שני, אם לא שנעשה לו הנס בשנת העיבור באדר ראשון:

The people of a city are permitted to establish through agreement, and impose on threat of cherem, a Purim for themselves and those that come after them, on a day in which a miracle occurred. And if a miracle occurred for one in the month of Adar, and he made an oath to make a Purim, he must make the holiday on Adar II during a leap year, if the miracle didn't occur during Adar I of a leap year.

Why isn't creating a holiday a problem of "bal tosif" (prohibition of adding mitzvot)? See Ramban Devarim 4:2

(א) וְלִירוּשָׁלַיִם עִירְךָ בְּרַחֲמִים תָּשׁוּב. וְתִשְׁכּן בְּתוכָהּ כַּאֲשֶׁר דִּבַּרְתָּ. וּבְנֵה אותָהּ בְּקָרוב בְּיָמֵינוּ בִּנְיַן עולָם. וְכִסֵּא דָוִד מְהֵרָה לְתוכָהּ תָּכִין: בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה', בּונֵה יְרוּשָׁלָיִם:

And to Jerusalem Your city, in mercy, you will return. And you will dwell in her as you have spoken. And build her soon in our days, an eternal structure. And the seat of David you will establish in her soon. Blessed are you God, Builder of Jerusalem.

א"ר חלבו אמר עולא ביראה אמר ר' אלעזר הרואה ערי יהודה בחורבנן אומר (ישעיהו סד, ט) ערי קדשך היו מדבר וקורע ירושלים בחורבנה אומר (ישעיהו סד, ט) ציון מדבר היתה ירושלם שממה וקורע בית המקדש בחורבנו אומר (ישעיהו סד, י) בית קדשנו ותפארתנו אשר הללוך אבותינו היה לשריפת אש וכל מחמדינו היה לחרבה וקורע:

Rabbi Ḥelbo said that Ulla Bira’a said that Rabbi Elazar said: One who sees the cities of Judea in their desolation says: “Your sacred cities are become a wilderness” (Isaiah 64:9), and then rends his garments. One who sees Jerusalem in its desolation says: “Zion is a wilderness, Jerusalem a desolation” (Isaiah 64:9), and then rends his garments. One who sees the Temple in its desolation says: “Our sacred and our beautiful house, where our fathers praised You, is burned with fire; and all our pleasant things are laid waste” (Isaiah 64:10), and then rends his garments.

(א) דין הרואה ערי יהודה וירושלים והמקדש בחורבנם ובו ה סעיפים:
הרואה ערי יהודה בחורבנן אומר ערי קדשך היו מדבר וקורע [ואינו חייב לקרוע אלא כשמגיע סמוך להם כמן הצופים לירושלים]: [ב"י]:

(ב) הרואה את ירושלים בחרבנה אומר ציון היתה מדבר שממה וקורע וכשרואה בית המקדש אומר בית קדשנו ותפארתנו אשר הללוך בו אבותינו היתה לשרפת אש וכל מחמדינו היה לחרבה וקורע.

(1) Laws of one who sees the cities of Judah, Jerusalem, and the temple in their destruction: One who see the cities of Judah in their destruction says: "Your holy cities have become deserts", and tears. (And he isn't obligated to tear until he is close to them, and see Jerusalem).

(2) One who sees Jerusalem in its destruction says, "Zion has become a desolate desert," and tears. And when he sees the Temple, he says, "Our Temple and glory in which our father praised you has become a burnt fire and all our precious things have been destroyed," and tears.