פרשת וירא תשל"א - "וירא אליו ה'..."
א. שאלות כלליות
"וַיֵּרָא אֵלָיו ה' בְּאֵלֹנֵי מַמְרֵא וְהוּא יֹשֵׁב... וַיִּשָּׂא עֵינָיו וַיַּרְא..."
And the LORD appeared unto him by the terebinths of Mamre, as he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day;
ד"ה וירא אליו: לבקר את החולה. אמר ר' חמא בר חנינא: יום שלישי למילתו היה, ובא הקדוש ברוך הוא ושאל בשלומו.
וירא אליו AND THE LORD APPEARED UNTO HIM to visit the sick man. R. Hama the son of Hanina said: it was the third day after his circumcision and the Holy One, blessed be He, came and enquired after the state of his health (Bava Metzia 86b)
ד"ה וירא אליו ה' באלוני ממרא: ...וייתכן לפרש, כל כל סיפור הדברים האלה עד (י"ח ל"ג) "ואברהם שב למקומו" היה במראה הנבואה, והכל היה מראה אחת, ואמר כי כשבאה אליו נבואה זאת, היה יושב פתח האוהל. וטעם הזהירו "כחום היום", רוצה לומר כי נרדם היה לחמימות השמש, וראה המראה הזאת כשהוא נרדם, וקודם שדיבר עמו בדבר סדום הראהו בנבואה שלושה מלאכים, הגדול שבהם בישר שתלד שרה, ואף על פי שכבר אמר לו הא-ל כשציוהו על המילה, שב לבשרו על ידי שליח, לחזק הדבר בליבו. ועוד: כדי ששרה שומעת מפי המלאך. ואף על פי שהדבר הזה היה כולו במראה, פעמים ישמע קול הדיבור מי שהוא עם הנביא, כמו שראינו במראות דניאל (דניאל י' ז'): ... "והאנשים אשר היו עמי לא ראו את המראה, אבל חרדה גדולה נפלה עליהם ויברחו" - נראה מזה כי קול המלאך שמעו, ולפיכך חרדו לאותו הקול...
וירא ה' אליו באלוני ממרא, in the location where Avraham dwelled, as we know from Genesis 14,13 והוא שוכן באלוני ממרא האמורי, “he dwelled by the groves of Mamre the Emorite. The reason why Avraham had not moved away from there was that his allies also lived in that proximity. Solomon advised already in Proverbs 27,10:טוב שכן קרוב מאח רחוק, “better a good neighbour who lives close by than a brother who lives far away.” G’d appeared to him there after he kept the commandment to circumcise himself, in order to apprise him of what he had in store for Sodom, a city in which his nephew had made his home. Avraham was the outstanding human being in that generation. Seeing that G’d was bent to exact partial retribution for the worst outrages committed by mankind at that time, He did not want to do so before informing Avraham of His intention. It was G’d’s intention to demonstrate that He does keep track of what individuals in the “lower” part of His universe are up to, and that He even will not exact collective punishment unless He can demonstrate that the parties affected are all guilty. There was no need for G’d to “descend” to investigate what He already knew, but the Torah describes this in terms that we can understand. He wanted to enable Avraham when the latter would instruct and teach his descendants to walk in the ways of G’d, to show that His ways were truly not only just but that He made allowances for human weaknesses. It is possible, -if this was indeed G’d’s purpose- to explain the entire paragraph as a prophetic vision up until verse 23 where the Torah writes that Avraham returned to his station, i.e. that this line terminated the prophetic vision יושב פתח האהל, as explained immediately following, seeing that it was כחם היום, the hottest part of the day. Possibly, due to the heat of the sun Avraham had fallen asleep, a fact which facilitated his receiving this vision. Before G’d started speaking to him about what He intended to do to Sodom, He showed him three angels, the biggest one of whom told him the news about Sarah‘s going to give birth to a son in the following year, confirming what G’d had told him when He commanded him to circumcise himself, etc. When Avraham would hear this by a special messenger from G’d, his faith in the realisation of this promise would be further reinforced. Perhaps, more to the point, G’d wanted Sarah to overhear what the angel told Avraham, as apparently, Avraham had not told her of the previous promise, nor of his praying on behalf of Ishmael. [I do not understand how Sarah could hear what Avraham only saw in dream. Perhaps we must assume that the author continues with the original approach of all of what is written in this chapter having occurred while Avraham was fully awake. Ed.] Even (assuming) that this whole paragraph describes a vision, sometimes people close to the recipient of such a vision would hear a voice, a sound, as we have been told by Daniel who wrote: “the men with me did not see this great spectacle, but they were gripped by a great tremor so that they fell on their faces and took refuge in places to hide.” (Daniel 10,7) It seems clear from that verse that these men heard the content of the vision Daniel experienced without seeing any of it. The vision the Torah speaks about here occurred at the entrance of Avraham’s tent, so that Sarah could hear what transpired. Our sages’ comment that Avraham sat in front of his tent recuperating from the wounds inflicted by his circumcision is familiar to all of us, as is the surmise that he applied bandages to his wound (Baba Metzia 86). They add that the words וירא allude to G’d Himself visiting Avraham as one visits the sick.
ד"ה וישא עיניו:תחילת מה שראה במראה אחר שנרדם הוא שנשא עיניו וראה שלושה אנשים.
וישא את עיניו, the first thing Avraham saw after he had gone to sleep were three men standing next to him, נצבים עליו, apparently ready to be of service to him. The meaning of the expression נצבים עליו is similar to Samuel I 22,7 ויאמר שאול לעבדיו הנצבים עליו, “Saul said to the people standing next to him (in attendance) etc.” The same expression is also used in this context in Ruth 2,6 הנצב על הקוצרים, “who was standing next to the reapers;” we also find this expression in Kings I 5,30 "משרי הנצבים, and in numerous other places in Scripture. These three men beheld by Avraham were standing at his disposal. They did not move, but indicated that they were expecting instructions from him. When he realised this he ran toward them. This explains why the word וירא, “he saw” appears twice in this verse in close succession.
ד"ה מפתח האוהל: שהיה יושב שם, כן ראה במראה הנבואה שקם ורץ לקראתם.
מפתח האהל, where he had been sitting. He saw himself running towards these men in his vision.
ד"ה ויפנו משם: כך ראה במראה הנבואה, כי הלך עמהם לשלחם כשיעור הלויה, ונפטרו ממנו ונסתלק אותו שבא לבשר את שרה, והשניים הלכו אל סדום.
ויפנו משם, this is how it appeared to Avraham in his prophetic vision, i.e. that he had accompanied the angels some distance and after the appropriate distance, the angels turned in a different direction and went away. The angel who had brought the message to Sarah disappeared, whereas the other two proceeded in the direction of Sodom.
ד"ה ואברהם עודנו עומד לפני ה': אמר כי מראה הנבואה לא נגמרה עדיין, כי עודנו בה.
ואברהם עודנו עומד, he felt that the vision he had been experiencing had not yet come to a conclusion.
ועיין דברי הרמב"ם בעלון ההדרכה.
ד"ה והנה שלושה אנשים: והנה פירוש הפרשה הזאת, אחרי שאמר כי בעצם היום הזה נמול אברהם (לעיל יז כו), אמר שנראה אליו השם בהיותו חולה במילתו, יושב ומתקרר בפתח אוהלו מפני חום היום אשר יחלישנו, והזכיר זה להודיע שלא היה מתכון לנבואה לא נופל על פניו ולא מתפלל, ואף על פי כן באה אליו המראה הזאת: באלוני ממרא - להודיע המקום אשר בו נימול. וזה גילוי השכינה אליו למעלה ולכבוד לו, כעניין שבא במשכן "ויצאו ויברכו את העם וירא כבוד ה' אל כל העם" (ויקרא ט כג), כי מפני השתדלותם במצות המשכן זכו לראיית השכינה. ואין גילוי השכינה כאן וכאן לצוות להם מצוה או לדיבור כלל, אלא גמול המצוה הנעשית כבר, ולהודיע כי רצה האלהים את מעשיהם, כעניין שנאמר (תהלים יז טו) "אני בצדק אחזה פניך אשבעה בהקיץ תמונתך". וכן ביעקב אמר (להלן לב ב) "ויפגעו בו מלאכי אלהים", ואין שם דיבור ולא שחידשוֹ בו דבר, רק שזכה לראיית מלאכי עליון, וידע כי מעשיו רצויים. וכן היה לאברהם בראיית השכינה זכות והבטחה. וכן אמרו (מכילתא שירתא ג) ביורדי הים, שאמרו (שמות טו) "זה אלי ואנוהו" - ראתה שפחה על הים מה שלא ראה יחזקאל הנביא, זכות להם בעת הנס הגדול שהאמינו בה' ובמשה עבדו... ואל תחוש להפסק הפרשה, כי העניין מחובר, ולכן אמר "וירא אליו" ולא אמר "וירא ה' אל אברהם". אבל בפרשה רצה לסדר כבוד הנעשה לו בעת שעשה המילה, ואמר כי נגלית עליו השכינה ושלח אליו מלאכיו לבשר את אשתו וגם להציל לוט אחיו בעבורו. ...וזו כוונתם (של רבותינו ז"ל) שאמרו "לבקר את החולה", שלא היה לדיבור אלא לכבוד לו.
And He appeared to him: The language of Rashi - to visit the sick man. Rabbi Hama the son of Hanina said, "It was the third day after his circumcision and the Holy One, blessed be He, came and inquired [about the state of his health]." "And behold, three men came" - the angels that came to him with the appearance of men were three - one to announce to Sarah [the birth of a son], one to cure Abraham and one to overthrow Sedom - and Raphael, who healed Avraham, went from them to save Lot, as this is not two assignments, because it was a different place and he was commanded afterwards or [because] they are both about saving (and therefore really one). "And they ate" - they appeared to be eating. And in the book, Guide for the Perplexed 2:4, it is said that the section is [presented in the style of] the general [followed] by the details: the verse first states that God appeared to him in prophetic visions and [then] how this prophetic vision was - that he lifted up his eyes in a vision and behold, three men were standing upon him. "And he said, 'If I have found favor in your eyes'" - this is the recounting of what he said in a prophetic vision to one of them, to the greatest one of them. And if in the vision the only thing that appeared was just three men eating meat, how could it state, "And God appeared to him?" As behold, God did not appear to him, not in a vision and not in thought. And it is not found like this in all of the prophecies. And behold, according to his words, Sarah did not knead cakes and Avraham did not fix the young cow, and also Sarah did not laugh. [Rather,] everything was a vision. And, if so, this dream came 'with much detail' like the false dreams, as what is the point in showing him all of this? And [the Guide there] also said about the matter of "and a man wrestled with him" (Genesis 32:25), that it was all a prophetic vision. And [if so,] I don't know why he limped on his thigh when he woke up, and why he said (Genesis 32:31), "For I have seen God face to face and He saved my soul"; as the prophets did not fear that they would die because of prophetic visions. And he already saw a greater and more glorious vision than this - as he even saw the glorious God many times in a prophetic vision (see further Genesis 28:13 and 31:3). And behold, according to his opinion, this would require [us] to say this in the matter of Lot - that the angels did not come to his house and he did not bake for them matsot and [that] they ate, but [rather] the whole thing was a vision. [But] how were the evil and sinful people of Sedom prophets? As [otherwise], who told them that people came to his house? And if it was all prophetic visions of Lot, [then] "and the angels pressed, etc. 'Get up, take your wife'" (Genesis 19:15), "and he said, 'escape for your life'"(Genesis 19:17), and "Behold, I have lifted up your face" (Genesis 19:21) and the whole section would be a vision. And Lot would have stayed in Sedom and [Rambam] would think that the acts would have been done on their own, and the statements in each and every thing were a vision. And these things contradict Scripture - it is forbidden to hear them, and even to believe them. And in truth, in all places in Scripture where the seeing of an angel or the word of an angel is mentioned, it is in a vision or in a dream - as the senses cannot perceive angels - but not prophetic visions. As one who [merely] perceives to see an angel or his word is not a prophet; as the matter is not as the teacher defines (Guide for the Perplexed 2:34, Mishneh Torah, Foundations of the Torah 7:6), that the prophecy of every prophet besides Moshe, our teacher, was through an angel. And they have already said about Daniel (Megilah 3a), "They are better than he, as they were prophets and he was not a prophet." And so his book was not written together with the books of the Prophets, because his matter was with [the angel,] Gavriel - even though he appeared to him and spoke to him in a waking state, as it is stated in the vision of the Second Temple (Daniel 9:21), "And I was still speaking in prayer and the man, Gavriel." And so [too], the vision of the final salvation was in a waking state, in his walking with his fellows "alongside the river" (Daniel 10:4). And [likewise] Hagar the Egyptian was not in the category of prophetesses, but it is also clear that her matter was not that of a bat kol (a sub-prophetic heavenly voice), as the teacher said (Guide for the Perplexed 2:34). And the verse distinguished between the prophecy of Moshe, our teacher, and the prophecy of the patriarchs, as it states (Exodus 6:3), "And I appeared to Avraham, to Yitschak and to Yaakov as God Almighty" - and this is one of the holy names of the Creator; it is not the appellation of an angel. And our rabbis also learned about the difference between them and said (Vayikra Rabbah 12:11), "What is [the difference] between Moshe and all the prophets? Our rabbis said, 'All of the prophets saw through a lens that is not polished, such that it is written (Hoshea 12:11), "and I increased the vision and through the prophets I appeared"; And Moshe saw through a polished lens, such that it is written (Numbers 12:8), "the picture of God does he see,"'" as it is explained in Vayikra Rabbah and in other places (Yevamot 49b). And in no place did they [attribute] their prophecies to an angel. And do not be astonished because it is written (I Kings 13:18), "I am also a prophet like you and an angel spoke to me with the word of the Lord, saying"; as its explanation is "I am also a prophet like you, and I know that the angel who spoke to me was with the word of the Lord." And this is one of the levels of the levels of prophecy, as the man of God [also] said (I Kings 13:9), "As so did He command me with the word of the Lord" and (I Kings 13:17) "as the word was to me in the word of the Lord." And our rabbis already said (Bemidbar Rabbah 20:3) about the matter of Bilaam who said, "And now if it is bad in your eyes" (Numbers 22:34), "I did not go until the Holy One, blessed be He, said to me, 'get up, go with them' (Numbers 22:20), and you say that I should go back? Thus is His practice - did He not say thus to Avraham, to sacrifice his son, and afterwards, 'and the angel of the Lord called to Avraham a second time [...] And he said, "do not send your hand upon the youth"' (Genesis 22:11-12). He is accustomed to saying a thing and that an angel take it back, etc." Behold, the sages are bringing [it] up to say that the first prophecy that mentions God is not equal to the second prophecy, about which it says that it is through an angel. But rather, this is the way of prophets, that He will command [them] with a prophecy, and revoke the commandment through an angel, since the prophet knows that [the latter] is the word of the Lord. And at the beginning of Vayikra Rabbah 1:9, they said, "'And He called to Moshe' (Leviticus 1:1), not like Avraham. With Avraham it is written (Genesis 22:15), 'And the angel of the Lord called to Avraham a second time from the Heavens' - the angel calls and the [Divine] speech speaks. However, here the Holy One, blessed be He, says, 'I am the caller and I am the speaker'"; which is to say that Avraham did not perceive the prophecy until he prepared his soul first with the perception of the angel, and he [then] went up from that level to the level of prophetic speech. But Moshe was prepared for prophecy at all times and in all places. The sages saw fit to inform us [here] that the seeing of the angel is not prophecy and that those that see angels and speak with them are not in the category of prophets, as I mentioned with Daniel. [Rather], it is a vision called uncovering of the eyes, as in "And the Lord uncovered the eyes of Bilaam and he saw the angel of the Lord" (Numbers 22:31), and "And Elisha prayed and said, 'O Lord, uncover his eyes and he shall see" (II Kings 6:17). But in a place where it mentions the angels with the name, 'people,' like the matter of this section and in the section with Lot, and so [too], "and a man wrestled with him" (Genesis 32:25), and so [too], "And a man found him" (Genesis 37:15) - according to the opinion of our rabbis (Midrash Tanchuma, Vayeshev 2), it is the glory that is created with the angels - that is called by those who know, 'a garment - that is perceived by eyes of flesh, by those of pure souls; like the pious ones and the students of the prophets. And I cannot explain [it]. And about the place where you find in it seeing of the Lord and the word of the angel, or seeing of the angel and the word of the Lord, as it is written in the words of Moshe at the beginning of his prophecy (Exodus 3:2-4) and in the words of Zechariah 3:1-2, I will still reveal the words of the living God with hints (see Ramban on Exodus 3:2). And about "and they ate," the sages said (Bereshit Rabbah 48:14), "it is removed, one at a time." And the matter of removal you will understand from the matter of Manoach (Judges 13:19), if you merit it. And behold, the explanation of this section is that after it stated (Genesis 17:26), "On that very day was Avraham circumcised," it stated that God appeared to him in his being sick from his circumcision, sitting and cooling off at the opening of his tent because of the heat of the day, which weakened him; and it mentioned this to inform that he was not intending prophecy - he did not fall on his face and he did not pray - and nonetheless, the vision came to him. At the terebinths of Mamre: this is to inform of the place that he was circumcised. Now this revelation of the Shechinah came to him as a mark of distinction and honor for him,
ד"ה וירא אליו ה': היאך? שבאו אליו שלושה אנשים שהיו מלאכים. שבהרבה מקומות כשנראה המלאך קורהו בלשון שכינה, כדכתיב (שמות כ"ג, כא) "כי שמי בקרבו" - שלוחו כמותו. וכן (שמות ג', ב) "ויֵרא אליו מלאך ה' בלבת אש מתוך הסנה", וכתוב שם (בפסוק ד) "וירא ה' כי סר לראות".
(1) ADONAI APPEARED TO HIM. How? In that three men came to him who were angels. For in many places where an angel appears, it refers to him in language of Sh'china [divinity], as it is written (Ex. 23:20-21) "[I am sending an angel] ... since My Name is in him" -- His messenger is like Him. Similarly (Ex. 3:2)), "An angel of the LORD appeared to him in a blazing fire out of a bush" and it is written there (v.4), "When the LORD saw that he had turned aside to look ...."
פסוק י"ג:
ד"ה ... ויאמר ה': המלאך הגדול שבהם.
ד"ה הייפלא מה' דבר: מה ששלחנו אליך דבר? וכן (י"ט כ"ד) "וה' המטיר על סדום גפרית ואש מאת ה' מן השמים" – הראשון שבפסוק הוא גבריאל, והשני שבפסוק הוא הקדוש ברוך הוא. וכן הוא מפורש בספר האגדה.*
IS TOO WONDROUS FOR ADONAI Who sent us to you ANYTHING. And likewise: (Gen. 19:23-24) "Adonai rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah sulfurous fire from Adonai out of heaven" -- the first [mention of God] in the verse is Gavriel, and the second in the verse is the Holy One, blessed be He. And it is so stated explicitly in the Agada book [Gen. R. 51:2].
1. מה קשה לכל הפרשנים הנ"ל האלה בפסוקינו?
2. מה הראיה מלשון הכתוב לדעת רש"י, שפסוק זה הוא סיומה של פרשה קודמת יותר משהוא פתיחה (או הקדמה) לפרשה הבאה?
3. הסבר את דבריו המסומנים בקו. מה המענה נגד פירושו שיוכל הטוען לטעון, וכיצד מיישבה הרמב"ן, הסובר שאין לחוש לה?
4. כיצד מפרש הרמב"ן את דברי המדרש על ביקור חולים של הקדוש ברוך הוא?
5. לשם מה מביא הרמב"ן את תהילים י"ז ט"ו, וכיצד הוא מסביר את ב' של "בצדק" וב' של "בהקיץ"?
6. במה דומות תפישות הרשב"ם והרד"ק ביישוב קושייתנו, ובמה הן נבדלות?
*כוונתו לבראשית רבה נ"א (ב').
ב. השוואת מפרשים
"וַיִּשָּׂא עֵינָיו וַיַּרְא וְהִנֵּה שְׁלֹשָׁה אֲנָשִׁים נִצָּבִים עָלָיו"
and he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood over against him; and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed down to the earth,
ד"ה וירא אליו ה': ...ובספר מורה הנבוכים (ב מב) נאמר כי הפרשה כלל ופרט. אמר הכתוב תחילה כי נראה אליו השם במראות הנבואה, ואיך היתה המראה הזאת, כי נשא עיניו במראה "והנה שלושה אנשים ניצבים עליו", "ויאמר אם נא מצאתי חן בעיניך" - זה סיפור מה שאמר במראה הנבואה לאחד מהם הגדול שבהם. ואם במראה, לא נראו אליו רק אנשים אוכלים בשר, איך אמר "וירא אליו ה'"? כי הנה לא נראה לו ה' לא במראה ולא במחשבה, וככה לא נמצא בכל הנבואות, והנה לדבריו (= של הרמב"ם) לא לשה שרה עוגות, ולא עשה אברהם בן בקר, וגם לא צחקה שרה, רק הכל במראה! (=במראה הנבואה). ואם כן, בא החלום הזה ברוב עניין (=המליצה שאולה מקהלת ה' ב') כחלומות השקר, כי מה תועלת להראות בו כל זה? והנה לפי דעתו זאת יצטרך (הרמב"ם) לומר כן בעניין לוט, כי לא באו המלאכים אל ביתו, ולא אפה להם מצות ויאכלו, אבל הכל היה מראה. ואם יעלה את לוט למעלת מראה הנבואה - איך יהיו אנשי סדום הרעים והחטאים נביאים?! או מי הגיד להם שבאו אנשים אל ביתו. ואם הכל מראות נבואתו של לוט, יהיה גם "ויאיצו המלאכים", "קום קח את אשתך", "ויאמר הימלט על נפשך" וכל הפרשה כולה מראה, ויישאר לוט בסדום! ואלה דברים סותרים הכתוב, אסור לשומעם אף כי להאמין בהם!
And He appeared to him: The language of Rashi - to visit the sick man. Rabbi Hama the son of Hanina said, "It was the third day after his circumcision and the Holy One, blessed be He, came and inquired [about the state of his health]." "And behold, three men came" - the angels that came to him with the appearance of men were three - one to announce to Sarah [the birth of a son], one to cure Abraham and one to overthrow Sedom - and Raphael, who healed Avraham, went from them to save Lot, as this is not two assignments, because it was a different place and he was commanded afterwards or [because] they are both about saving (and therefore really one). "And they ate" - they appeared to be eating. And in the book, Guide for the Perplexed 2:4, it is said that the section is [presented in the style of] the general [followed] by the details: the verse first states that God appeared to him in prophetic visions and [then] how this prophetic vision was - that he lifted up his eyes in a vision and behold, three men were standing upon him. "And he said, 'If I have found favor in your eyes'" - this is the recounting of what he said in a prophetic vision to one of them, to the greatest one of them. And if in the vision the only thing that appeared was just three men eating meat, how could it state, "And God appeared to him?" As behold, God did not appear to him, not in a vision and not in thought. And it is not found like this in all of the prophecies. And behold, according to his words, Sarah did not knead cakes and Avraham did not fix the young cow, and also Sarah did not laugh. [Rather,] everything was a vision. And, if so, this dream came 'with much detail' like the false dreams, as what is the point in showing him all of this? And [the Guide there] also said about the matter of "and a man wrestled with him" (Genesis 32:25), that it was all a prophetic vision. And [if so,] I don't know why he limped on his thigh when he woke up, and why he said (Genesis 32:31), "For I have seen God face to face and He saved my soul"; as the prophets did not fear that they would die because of prophetic visions. And he already saw a greater and more glorious vision than this - as he even saw the glorious God many times in a prophetic vision (see further Genesis 28:13 and 31:3). And behold, according to his opinion, this would require [us] to say this in the matter of Lot - that the angels did not come to his house and he did not bake for them matsot and [that] they ate, but [rather] the whole thing was a vision. [But] how were the evil and sinful people of Sedom prophets? As [otherwise], who told them that people came to his house? And if it was all prophetic visions of Lot, [then] "and the angels pressed, etc. 'Get up, take your wife'" (Genesis 19:15), "and he said, 'escape for your life'"(Genesis 19:17), and "Behold, I have lifted up your face" (Genesis 19:21) and the whole section would be a vision. And Lot would have stayed in Sedom and [Rambam] would think that the acts would have been done on their own, and the statements in each and every thing were a vision. And these things contradict Scripture - it is forbidden to hear them, and even to believe them. And in truth, in all places in Scripture where the seeing of an angel or the word of an angel is mentioned, it is in a vision or in a dream - as the senses cannot perceive angels - but not prophetic visions. As one who [merely] perceives to see an angel or his word is not a prophet; as the matter is not as the teacher defines (Guide for the Perplexed 2:34, Mishneh Torah, Foundations of the Torah 7:6), that the prophecy of every prophet besides Moshe, our teacher, was through an angel. And they have already said about Daniel (Megilah 3a), "They are better than he, as they were prophets and he was not a prophet." And so his book was not written together with the books of the Prophets, because his matter was with [the angel,] Gavriel - even though he appeared to him and spoke to him in a waking state, as it is stated in the vision of the Second Temple (Daniel 9:21), "And I was still speaking in prayer and the man, Gavriel." And so [too], the vision of the final salvation was in a waking state, in his walking with his fellows "alongside the river" (Daniel 10:4). And [likewise] Hagar the Egyptian was not in the category of prophetesses, but it is also clear that her matter was not that of a bat kol (a sub-prophetic heavenly voice), as the teacher said (Guide for the Perplexed 2:34). And the verse distinguished between the prophecy of Moshe, our teacher, and the prophecy of the patriarchs, as it states (Exodus 6:3), "And I appeared to Avraham, to Yitschak and to Yaakov as God Almighty" - and this is one of the holy names of the Creator; it is not the appellation of an angel. And our rabbis also learned about the difference between them and said (Vayikra Rabbah 12:11), "What is [the difference] between Moshe and all the prophets? Our rabbis said, 'All of the prophets saw through a lens that is not polished, such that it is written (Hoshea 12:11), "and I increased the vision and through the prophets I appeared"; And Moshe saw through a polished lens, such that it is written (Numbers 12:8), "the picture of God does he see,"'" as it is explained in Vayikra Rabbah and in other places (Yevamot 49b). And in no place did they [attribute] their prophecies to an angel. And do not be astonished because it is written (I Kings 13:18), "I am also a prophet like you and an angel spoke to me with the word of the Lord, saying"; as its explanation is "I am also a prophet like you, and I know that the angel who spoke to me was with the word of the Lord." And this is one of the levels of the levels of prophecy, as the man of God [also] said (I Kings 13:9), "As so did He command me with the word of the Lord" and (I Kings 13:17) "as the word was to me in the word of the Lord." And our rabbis already said (Bemidbar Rabbah 20:3) about the matter of Bilaam who said, "And now if it is bad in your eyes" (Numbers 22:34), "I did not go until the Holy One, blessed be He, said to me, 'get up, go with them' (Numbers 22:20), and you say that I should go back? Thus is His practice - did He not say thus to Avraham, to sacrifice his son, and afterwards, 'and the angel of the Lord called to Avraham a second time [...] And he said, "do not send your hand upon the youth"' (Genesis 22:11-12). He is accustomed to saying a thing and that an angel take it back, etc." Behold, the sages are bringing [it] up to say that the first prophecy that mentions God is not equal to the second prophecy, about which it says that it is through an angel. But rather, this is the way of prophets, that He will command [them] with a prophecy, and revoke the commandment through an angel, since the prophet knows that [the latter] is the word of the Lord. And at the beginning of Vayikra Rabbah 1:9, they said, "'And He called to Moshe' (Leviticus 1:1), not like Avraham. With Avraham it is written (Genesis 22:15), 'And the angel of the Lord called to Avraham a second time from the Heavens' - the angel calls and the [Divine] speech speaks. However, here the Holy One, blessed be He, says, 'I am the caller and I am the speaker'"; which is to say that Avraham did not perceive the prophecy until he prepared his soul first with the perception of the angel, and he [then] went up from that level to the level of prophetic speech. But Moshe was prepared for prophecy at all times and in all places. The sages saw fit to inform us [here] that the seeing of the angel is not prophecy and that those that see angels and speak with them are not in the category of prophets, as I mentioned with Daniel. [Rather], it is a vision called uncovering of the eyes, as in "And the Lord uncovered the eyes of Bilaam and he saw the angel of the Lord" (Numbers 22:31), and "And Elisha prayed and said, 'O Lord, uncover his eyes and he shall see" (II Kings 6:17). But in a place where it mentions the angels with the name, 'people,' like the matter of this section and in the section with Lot, and so [too], "and a man wrestled with him" (Genesis 32:25), and so [too], "And a man found him" (Genesis 37:15) - according to the opinion of our rabbis (Midrash Tanchuma, Vayeshev 2), it is the glory that is created with the angels - that is called by those who know, 'a garment - that is perceived by eyes of flesh, by those of pure souls; like the pious ones and the students of the prophets. And I cannot explain [it]. And about the place where you find in it seeing of the Lord and the word of the angel, or seeing of the angel and the word of the Lord, as it is written in the words of Moshe at the beginning of his prophecy (Exodus 3:2-4) and in the words of Zechariah 3:1-2, I will still reveal the words of the living God with hints (see Ramban on Exodus 3:2). And about "and they ate," the sages said (Bereshit Rabbah 48:14), "it is removed, one at a time." And the matter of removal you will understand from the matter of Manoach (Judges 13:19), if you merit it. And behold, the explanation of this section is that after it stated (Genesis 17:26), "On that very day was Avraham circumcised," it stated that God appeared to him in his being sick from his circumcision, sitting and cooling off at the opening of his tent because of the heat of the day, which weakened him; and it mentioned this to inform that he was not intending prophecy - he did not fall on his face and he did not pray - and nonetheless, the vision came to him.
ר' יצחק עראמה, עקידת יצחק:
אמנם במה שאמר הרב (במורה נבוכים) על הרבה מעשים המסופרים בתורה, שהיו במראה הנבואה, חלילה, חלילה! כי זה לא הטיל הכתוב להכרת שום חכם ומשער (=לא השאיר לשיקול דעתו של חכם), אלא עדות ה' נאמנה בכל מה שסיפרה, כי אחר שנדע שאין מעצור לה' לעשות ברב או במעט, מי מעכב שיהיה הדבר כן? ואסור לשמוע מפיהם (=מפי אלה האומרים שהוא במראה הנבואה) דבר, רק במה שיעיד הכתוב שהוא במראה, כמו ביחזקאל ח' "ותבא אותי ירושלימה במראות אלוקים". ולסיבה זו אני רואה שסיפור הג' אנשים הבאים אל אברהם קרוב הוא שיהיה במראה הנבואה, לא מהטעם שכתב הרב המורה ז"ל, אלא מפני שנראה בעיני שהכתוב עצמו אומר כן, פעמים: האחד באמרו "וירא וירץ לקראתם", שהוא מיותר אליבא דכולי עלמא, אלא אם רצה לומר, שהיה רואה שרץ לקראתם, לא שרץ בפועל. והשני: מה שחתם באותו סיפור "ואברהם עודנו עומד לפני ה'" יאמר בפירוש, כי עם היות שנראה שנעתק משם והלך הנה והנה, הכל היה סיפור מה שנראה אליו בעמדו שם לפני ה'. ואם זהו פירוש הכתוב, הרי הסיפור הוא אצלי כמאמר "והנה סולם" (בראשית כ"ח), כי כמו שסיפר שהסולם ההוא היה בחלום, סיפר שכל זה היה במראה, כעניין "וארא בחלום והנה העתודים" וכו' (בראשית ל"א), וכדומה. והנה הרמב"ן ז"ל כתב על הרב המורה, שדברים אלו אסור לשומעם, ואני מתירו לעצמי, מפני שטענתי חזקה ונכונה, מלבד מה שאמר באמרו בתחילה "וירא אליו ה'", ולא נזכר על מה נראה ומה דיבר כלל, יראה שהוא כלל ופרט.
1. מה אפשר לטעון נגד טענת הרמב"ן "אם כן בא החלום ברוב עניין כחלומות השקר"?
2. מה אפשר לטעון נגד טענת הרמב"ן "ואם הכל במראה – ויישאר לוט בסדום"?
3. במה מסכים בעל העקדה עם הרמב"ם, ובמה הוא חולק עליו?