Two is Better than One: Understanding the Relationship of the Written and Oral Torah

(א) משֶׁה קִבֵּל תּוֹרָה מִסִּינַי, וּמְסָרָהּ לִיהוֹשֻׁעַ, וִיהוֹשֻׁעַ לִזְקֵנִים, וּזְקֵנִים לִנְבִיאִים, וּנְבִיאִים מְסָרוּהָ לְאַנְשֵׁי כְנֶסֶת הַגְּדוֹלָה. הֵם אָמְרוּ שְׁלשָׁה דְבָרִים, הֱווּ מְתוּנִים בַּדִּין, וְהַעֲמִידוּ תַלְמִידִים הַרְבֵּה, וַעֲשׂוּ סְיָג לַתּוֹרָה:

(1) Moshe received the Torah from Sinai and transmitted it to Joshua, and Joshua to the Elders, and the Elders to the Prophets, and the Prophets transmitted it to the Men of the Great Assembly...

(א)אֵלֶּה תּוֹלְדֹת נֹחַ נֹחַ. יִתְבָּרַךְ שְׁמוֹ שֶׁל מֶלֶךְ מַלְכֵי הַמְּלָכִים הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא, שֶׁבָּחַר בְּיִשְׂרָאֵל מִשִּׁבְעִים אֻמּוֹת, כְּמוֹ שֶׁכָּתוּב, כִּי חֵלֶק ה' עַמּוֹ יַעֲקֹב חֶבֶל נַחֲלָתוֹ (דברים לב, ט), וְנָתַן לָנוּ אֶת הַתּוֹרָה בִּכְתָב, רִשּׁוּמוֹ בְּרֶמֶז צְפוּנוֹת וּסְתוּמוֹת וּפֵרְשׁוּם בַּתּוֹרָה שֶׁבְּעַל פֶּה, וְגִלָּה אוֹתָם לְיִשְׂרָאֵל. וְלֹא עוֹד אֶלָּא שֶׁהַתּוֹרָה שֶׁבִּכְתָב כְּלָלוּת, וְתוֹרָה שֶׁבְּעַל פֶּה פְּרָטוּת. וְתוֹרָה שֶׁבְּעַל פֶּה הַרְבֵּה, וְתוֹרָה שֶׁבִּכְתָב מְעַט. וְעַל שֶׁבְּעַל פֶּה נֶאֱמַר: אֲרֻכָּה מֵאֶרֶץ מִדָּה וּרְחָבָה מִנִּי יָם (איוב יא, ט).

(ב) וּכְתִיב: וְלֹא תִמָּצֵא בְּאֶרֶץ הַחַיִּים (איוב כח, יג). וּמַאי לֹא תִמָּצֵא בְּאֶרֶץ הַחַיִּים. וְכִי בְּאֶרֶץ הַמֵּתִים תִּמָּצֵא? אֶלָּא שֶׁלֹּא תִמָּצֵא תוֹרָה שֶׁבְּעַל פֶּה אֵצֶל מִי שֶׁיְּבַקֵּשׁ עֹנֶג הָעוֹלָם, תַּאֲוָה וְכָבוֹד וּגְדֻלָּה בָּעוֹלָם הַזֶּה, אֶלָּא בְּמִי שֶׁמֵּמִית עַצְמוֹ עָלֶיהָ, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר: זֹאת הַתּוֹרָה אָדָם כִּי יָמוּת בְּאֹהֶל (במדבר יט, יד). וְכָךְ דַּרְכָּהּ שֶׁל תּוֹרָה, פַּת בַּמֶּלַח תֹּאכַל, וּמַיִם בַּמְּשׂוּרָה תִּשְׁתֶּה, וְעַל הָאָרֶץ תִּישַׁן, וְחַיֵּי צַעַר תִּחְיֶה, וּבַתּוֹרָה אַתָּה עָמֵל. לְפִי שֶׁלֹּא כָּרַת הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא בְּרִית עִם יִשְׂרָאֵל אֶלָּא עַל הַתּוֹרָה שֶׁבְּעַל פֶּה, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר: כִּי עַל פִּי הַדְּבָרִים הָאֵלֶּה כָּרַתִּי אִתְּךָ בְּרִית (שמות לד, כז).

(1) These are the generations of Noah. Blessed be the name of the King of Kings, the Holy One, blessed be He, who chose Israel from among the seventy nations of the world, as it is written: For the portion of the Lord is His people Jacob, the lot of his inheritance (Deut. 32:9). He gave us the Written Law (the Five Books of Moses), which contains hidden and obscure teachings, and explained them in the Oral Law (codified in the Mishnah), which was revealed to Israel alone. What is more, the Written Law enunciates only the general principles of the law, while the Oral Law discusses the specifics of the law. The Written Law is brief, while the Oral Law is lengthy, as it is written: The measure thereof is longer than the earth and broader than the sea (Job 11:9).

(2) It says elsewhere in Scripture in reference to the Oral Law: Neither is it found in the land of the living (ibid. 28:13). What is the meaning of the verse Neither is it found in the land of the living? Does it mean that the Oral Law is found only among the deceased? Indeed not. It means that the Oral Law is not found among those who pursue the pleasures of this world—its passions, its glory, or its greatness, but only among those who deprive themselves for its sake, as it is said: This is the law; when a man dieth in a tent (Num. 19:40). The following is the path that leads to an understanding of the law: “A morsel of bread with salt shall you eat; a measure of water shall you drink; upon the earth shall you sleep; a life of hardship shall you lead; and in the law shall you labor.” The Holy One, blessed be He, established His covenant with Israel through the Oral Law, as it is said: According to the tenor of these words have I made a covenant with thee and with Israel (Exod. 34:27).

מעשה בה׳ זקנים שכתבו לתלמי המלך את התורה יונית והיה היום קשה לישראל כיום שנעשה העגל שלא היתה התורה יכולה להתרגם כל צרכה:

An episode occurred where five sages translated the Torah into Greek for Ptolemy. This was as tragic for the Jewish people as the episode of the Golden Calf, for the Torah could not be translated properly.

(ג) חֶ֥סֶד וֶאֱמֶ֗ת אַֽל־יַעַ֫זְבֻ֥ךָ קָשְׁרֵ֥ם עַל־גַּרְגְּרוֹתֶ֑יךָ כָּ֝תְבֵ֗ם עַל־ל֥וּחַ לִבֶּֽךָ׃

(3) Let fidelity and steadfastness not leave you; Bind them about your throat, Write them on the tablet of your heart,

(יב) כתבם על לוח לבך. מכח שהיא כתובה על לוח לבך אתה זוכר הכל:

Write them on the tablet of your heart because by doing so, you will remember the Torah in its entirety.