Chanukah and the Book of Maccabees
מאי חנוכה דתנו רבנן בכה בכסליו יומי דחנוכה תמניא אינון דלא למספד בהון ודלא להתענות בהון שכשנכנסו יוונים להיכל טמאו כל השמנים שבהיכל וכשגברה מלכות בית חשמונאי ונצחום בדקו ולא מצאו אלא פך אחד של שמן שהיה מונח בחותמו של כהן גדול ולא היה בו אלא להדליק יום אחד נעשה בו נס והדליקו ממנו שמונה ימים לשנה אחרת קבעום ועשאום ימים טובים בהלל והודאה
The Gemara asks: What is Hanukkah, and why are lights kindled on Hanukkah? The Gemara answers: The Sages taught in Megillat Taanit: On the twenty-fifth of Kislev, the days of Hanukkah are eight. One may not eulogize on them and one may not fast on them. What is the reason? When the Greeks entered the Sanctuary they defiled all the oils that were in the Sanctuary by touching them. And when the Hasmonean monarchy overcame them and emerged victorious over them, they searched and found only one cruse of oil that was placed with the seal of the High Priest, undisturbed by the Greeks. And there was sufficient oil there to light the candelabrum for only one day. A miracle occurred and they lit the candelabrum from it eight days. The next year the Sages instituted those days and made them holidays with recitation of hallel and special thanksgiving in prayer and blessings.

Composed in Talmudic Babylon (c.450 - c.550 CE). Shabbat (Sabbath) belongs to the second order, Moed (Festivals) and discusses the 39 prohibitions of "work" on the Shabbat. It has twenty four chapters.

This account appears toward the beginning of a three-folio long “mini-tractate” preserved in the second chapter of b. Shabbat (20b-23b), which extensively details the laws of lighting the Chanukah menorah.This passage is unique; it is the only reference to the oil miracle story in classical rabbinic literature, and the only place where the rabbis devotes extensive attention to the laws of lighting the candles.

(א) מזמור שיר חנוכת הבית לדוד (תהלים ל א'). ילמדנו רבינו נר של חנוכה מאימתי היא מצותו שנו רבותינו משתשקע החמה עד שתסלק רוב הרגל מן השוק ולהיכן הן מדליקין היה דר בעלייה ובה חלון נוטה לרשות הרבים מדליק ובשעת הסכנה מדליק בתוך ביתו [ואסור לעשות לאורו מלאכה ר' אסי אמר] אסור לראות לאורו ולמה מדליק נרות בחנוכה אלא בשעה שנצחו בניו של חשמונאי הכהן הגדול למלכות יון שנאמר ועוררת בניך ציון על בניך יון (זכריה ט' י"ג) נכנסו לבית המקדש מצאו שם שמונה שפודין של ברזל וקבעו אותם והדליקו בתוכם נרות ולמה קורין את ההלל מפני שכתב אל ה' ויאר לנו (תהלים קי"ח כ"ז) ולמה אין קורין בפורים כתב להשמיד להרוג ולאבד [את כל חיל עם ומדינה הצרים אותם וגו'] (אסתר ח' י"א) ואין קורין אלא על מפלתה של מלכות ומלכות של אחשורוש הייתה קיימת לכן אין קורין אבל במלכות של יון שכילה אותה הקדוש ברוך הוא התחילו נותנים הימנון ושבח ואומרים לשעבר היינו עבדים לפרעה עבדים ליון ועכשיו עבדיו של הקב"ה אנו הללו עבדי ה' (תהלים קי"ג א'):

(1) ... Teach us, our master, from when does the mitzvah of the Channukah lamp begin? Our rabbis taught – from when the sun sets until the majority of people are gone from the marketplace. And where are they to be lit? If one lives on an upper floor with a window facing the public domain, light there. If it is a time of danger, light within your house [and it is forbidden to do work by its light. R’ Asi said] it is forbidden to see by its light. Why do we light Channukah lamps? When the Hasmonean High Priest defeated the Greeks, as it says “For I bend Judah for Me like a bow; I filled [the hand of] Ephraim, and I will arouse your children, O Zion, upon your children, O Javan; and I will make you as the sword of a mighty man,” (Zechariah 9:13) they entered the Holy Temple. They found there eight iron stakes, fixed them in the ground and lit lamps upon them. Why do we read the Hallel psalms of praise? Because it is written “The Lord is God, and He gave us light.” (Tehillim 118:27) Why don’t we read it on Purim? It is written “…to destroy, to slay, and to cause to perish the entire host of every people and province that oppress them…” (Esther 8:11) and we don’t read it except to mark the fall of a kingdom and the kingdom of Ahasuerus still stood. But when the Holy One destroyed the kingdom of Greece they began to sing hymns and praises and to say that in the past we were servants to Pharoah, servants to Greece and now we are servants to the Holy One “Praise, you servants of the Lord…” (Tehillim 113:1) How many channukot (dedications) were there? There were seven. The dedication of heaven and earth, as it says “Now the heavens and the earth were completed…” (Bereshit 2:1) What dedication was there then? “And God placed them in the expanse of the heavens to shed light upon the earth.” (Bereshit 1:17) The dedication of the wall, as it says “And in the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem…” (Nechemiah 12:27) The dedication of those who came up from the exile, as it says “And they offered up for the dedication of this House of God…” (Ezra 6:17) The dedication of the priests, which we light for. The dedication of the world to come, as it says “And it shall come to pass on that day, that I will search Jerusalem with candles…” (Tzephaniah 1:12) The dedication of the princes “This was the dedication offering of the altar…” (Bamidbar 7:84) The dedication of the Sanctuary, which this is speaking of “A psalm; a song of dedication of the House, of David.” (Tehillim 30:1) Another explanation. There are seven channukot. The dedication of the creation of the world, as it is written “Now the heavens and the earth were completed…” (Bereshit 2:1) Completion is the language of dedication, as is written “All the work of the Mishkan of the Tent of Meeting was completed…” (Shemot 39:32) The dedication of Moshe, as it is written “And it was that on the day that Moses finished erecting the Mishkan…” (Bamidbar 7:1) The dedication of the House, as it is written “A psalm; a song of dedication of the House, of David.” (Tehillim 30:1) The dedication of the Second Temple [as it says “And they offered up for the dedication of this House of God…” (Ezra 6:17) and the dedication of the wall] as it says “And in the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem…” (Nechemiah 12:27) The current one of the House of Hasmonean. The dedication of the world to come, because even that has lights, as it is written “And the light of the moon shall be like the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be seven-fold as the light of the seven days…” (Isaiah 30:26)

Pesikta Rabbati or P'siqta Rabbita (Hebrew: פסיקתא רבתי) is a collection of Aggadic Midrash (homilies) on the Pentateuchal and prophetic lessons, the special Sabbaths, etc. It was composed around 845 CE and probably called "rabbati" (the larger) to distinguish it from the earlier Pesiḳta.

In common with the latter it has five entire pisḳot—No. 15 ("Ha-Ḥodesh"), No. 16 ("Korbani Laḥmi"), No. 17 ("Wayeḥi ba-Ḥazi"), No. 18 ("Omer"), No. 33 ("Aniyyah So'arah"), and the larger part of No. 14 ("Para"), but otherwise it is very different from the Pesiḳta, being in every respect like the Tanḥuma midrashim.

Friedmann's 1880 edition

In 1880 Friedmann edited a version of the Pesikta Rabbati which contains, in forty-seven numbers, about fifty-one homilies, part of which are combinations of smaller ones; seven or eight of these homilies belong to Ḥanukkah, and about seven each to the Feast of Weeks and New-Year, while the older Pesiḳta contains one each for Ḥanukkah and the Feast of Weeks and two for New-Year.

(י) ואפלוניוס הזעיק עם רב ועצום מן הגויים ומאנשי שמרון לצאת בחרב לקראת ישראל.

(יא) וישמע יהודה ויסע לקראתו, ויכהו וימיתהו ויפלו חללים רבים, והשרידים ברחו לנפשם.

(יב) וישלול את שללם ויחגור את חרב אפלוניוס ותהי לו לחרב נוקמת כל הימים.

(יג) וישמע סירון שר צבא ארם כי נאספו כל יראי ה' אל יהודה, וכי נקבצו אליו עם רב למלחמה, ויאמר.

(יד) אכבדה ביהודה ובעמו ובכל בוזי דבר המלך, לעשות לי שם בארץ

(טו) ויאסור את רכבו, וחיל כבד מן הגויים עלו אתו להינקם בישראל, ויבוא עד מעלה בית חורון.

(טז) ויהודה יצא אך במתי מעט לקראתם.

(יז) ויהי בראותם את מחנה האויבים, ויאמרו הנה אנחנו יוצאים במתי מעט, ונפשנו יבשה מבלי אוכל, ואיך נעמוד לפני החיל הנורא הזה.

(יח) ויען יהודה ויאמר: היד ה' תקצר לתת רבים ביד מעטים, ואם יש מעצור לו להושיע ברב או במעט.

(יט) הן לה' התשועה, ורוב חיל לא ימלט.

(כ) הם בוטחים על המונם ועל רוב חילם להשמידנו עם נשינו וטפנו ולבוז את שללינו.

(כא) ואנחנו נעמוד על נפשנו להילחם בעד חיינו ותורתנו.

(כב) לכן אל תיראון ואל תעצרון מפניהם, כי השמד ישמידם ה' לעינינו.

(כג) ויהי ככלותו לדבר ויפול בחתף עליהם, בטרם ידעו בבואו, ויך את סירון ואת עמו לפי חרב.

(כד) וירדפם ממורד בית חורון עד הערבה, ויפלו מהם שמונה מאות איש, והנשארים נסו אל ארץ פלשתים.

(כה) ותיפול פחד יהודה ואחיו על כל העמים מסביב, ויספרו בגויים את מעשי יהודה הגדולים ויגיעו עד אזני המלך.

(10) Then Apollonius gathered the Gentiles together, and a great host out of Samaria, to fight against Israel.

(11) Which thing when Judas perceived, he went forth to meet him, and so he smote him, and slew him: many also fell down slain, but the rest fled.

(12) Wherefore Judas took their spoils, and Apollonius’ sword also, and therewith he fought all his life long.

(13) 13 Now when Seron, a prince of the army of Syria, heard say that Judas had gathered unto him a multitude and company of the faithful to go out with him to war; He said,

(14) I will get me a name and honour in the kingdom; for I will go fight with Judas and them that are with him, who despise the king’s commandment.

(15) So he made him ready to go up, and there went with him a mighty host of the ungodly to help him, and to be avenged of the children of Israel. And when he came near to the going up of Bethhoron,

(16) Judas went forth to meet him with a small company:

(17) Who, when they saw the host coming to meet them, said unto Judas, How shall we be able, being so few, to fight against so great a multitude and so strong, seeing we are ready to faint with fasting all this day?

(18) Unto whom Judas answered, It is no hard matter for many to be shut up in the hands of a few;

(19) and with the God of heaven it is all one, to deliver with a great multitude, or a small company:

(20) For the victory of battle standeth not in the multitude of an host; but strength cometh from heaven. They come against us in much pride and iniquity to destroy us, and our wives and children, and to spoil us:

(21) But we fight for our lives and our laws.

(22) Wherefore the Lord himself will overthrow them before our face: and as for you, be ye not afraid of them.

(23) Now as soon as he had left off speaking, he leapt suddenly upon them, and so Seron and his host was overthrown before him.

(24) And they pursued them from the going down of Bethhoron unto the plain, where were slain about eight hundred men of them; and the residue fled into the land of the Philistines.

(25) Then began the fear of Judas and his brethren, and an exceeding great dread, to fall upon the nations round about them: Insomuch as his fame came unto the king, and all nations talked of the battles of Judas.

(לה) וידבר יהודה ואחיו אל העם לאמור.

(לו) הן האויב ניגף לפנינו, ועתה עלה נעלה וטיהרנו את מקדש ה'.

(לז) וייקהלו כל אנשי הצבא ויעלו יחדו על הר ציון.

(לח) ויהי בראותם את המקדש כי שמם, ואת המזבח כי חולל, והדלתות שרופות באש והלשכות נהרסות, ועשב השדה צמח בכל גבולו מסביב.

(לט) ויקרעו את בגדיהם ויזרקו עפר על ראשם ויתאבלו מאוד.

(מ) ויריעו בחצוצרות תרועה, ויפלו על פניהם ותעל שוועתם השמיימה.

(מא) ויצווה יהודה את גדוד אחד מאנשיו לצור על המצודה עד טהרם את המקדש.

(מב) ויבחר מן הכוהנים אשר לא נטמאו ואשר לא עזבו את ברית אלוהיהם, ויצוום לטהר את המקדש ולהשליך את האבנים אשר נטמאו אל מקום טמא.

(מג) ויראו את מזבח העולה כי חולל, ויועצו לב יחדו כדת מה לעשות.

(מד) ותהי העצה היעוצה לנתוץ את המזבח עד רדתו, לבלתי היות להם למכשול, יען כי חיללוהו זרים. וייתצו אתו.

(מה) ויניחו את האבנים על הר הבית אל מקום פלוני אלמוני, עד אשר יקום נביא בישראל להורותם את אשר יעשון.

(מו) ויקחו אבנים שלמות אשר לא עלה עליהן ברזל, ככתוב בתורת ה' ויבנו מזבח חדש כתבנית הראשון.

(מז) וישובו לבנות את פרצי המקדש ואת כל אשר מבית להיכל, ויחטאו את החצר ואת כל אשר בו.

(מח) ויחדשו את כל כלי הקודש, וישימו את המנורה אל ההיכל ואת מזבח הקטורת ואת שולחן הפנים.

(מט) וישימו את הקטורת על המזבח, ועל המנורה העלו את נרותיה להאיר במקדש.

(נ) ויתנו את לחם הפנים על השולחן, ואת הפרוכת המסך על הארון, ותכל כל העבודה כאשר בתחילה.

(נא) ויהי ביום החמישי ועשרים לחדש התשיעי הוא כסלו, בשנת שמונה וארבעים ומאה, וישכימו בבוקר ויעלו עולות על המזבח החדש כמשפט.

(נב) ויחנכו את המזבח בעצם היום אשר טמאו אותו הגויים, ויהללו לה' בשירים ובכינורות בחלילים ובמצלצלים.

(נג) ויפלו על פניהם וישתחוו לה' על אשר נתן להם עוז ותשועה.

(נד) ויחוגו את חנוכת המזבח שמונת ימים, ויעלו עולות ותודות בשמחת לבבם.

(נה) ויפארו את פני ההיכל בעטרות ובמגיני זהב ויחטאו את השערים ואת לשכות הכוהנים, וישימו את הדלתות.

(נו) ותהי שמחה גדולה בכל העם, כי גלל ה' את חרפת הגויים מעליהם.

(נז) ויצווה יהודה ואחיו וכל קהל ישראל לחוג את חנוכת המזבח ביום החמישה ועשרים לחדש כסלו שמונת ימים מדי שנה בשנה בהלל ובתודה לה'.

(נח) ויבנו גם בעת ההיא חומות בצרות ומגדלים גבוהים מסביב למקדש על הר ציון למען לא יוסיפו הגויים עוד לשחתו כבראשונה.

(נט) ויתן יהודה מצב בתוכם, לשמור את המקדש, ויבצר גם את בית צור למען היות להם למבצר מנגד לאדום.

(35) Then said Judas and his brethren,

(36) Behold, the enemy is struck before us, now let us go up and purify the Sanctuary of the Lord.

(37) All them men of the army gathered, and they went together up to Mount Zion.

(38) And it was that when they saw the Holy Temple desolate, and the altar profaned, and that doors burned with fires and the courts destroyed, and grasses of the field sprouting all over it.

(39) They tore their clothes and threw dirt on their heads and made a great mourning.

(40) They blew blasts on the trumpets and fell on their faces and their cry reached the heavens.

(41) And Yehudah commanded one troop of his men to lay siege to the fortress until they had purified the Holy Temple.

(42) And he chose from among the priests who had not been defiled and who had not abandoned the covenant of their Gd, and he commanded them to purify the Holy Temple and the throw the stones which had been defiled in an unclean place.

(43) And they saw that the altar of the offering had been profaned, and they took heart counsel together in order to decide what to do.

(44) And they plan which they devised was to pull it down altogether, in order that it not be a stumbling block for them since foreigners had profaned it. And they tore it down.

(45) And they placed the stones on the Temple mount in a certain place, until a prophet would stand up among Israel and teach them what was to be done.

(46) And they took whole stones which iron had never touched, as is written in the Torah of the Lord, and they built a new altar in the likeness of the first one.

(47) And they repaired the breaches in the Holy Temple, and all that which was within the sanctuary, and they sanctified the courtyard and all that was in it.

(48) And they renewed all the sacred vessels, and placed the menorah, the incense altar and the table of the show bread back in the Temple.

(49) And they placed the incense on the altar, and lit the lamps upon the menorah in order to light the Sanctuary.

(50) And they placed the show bread on the table, and the dividing curtain before the ark, and all the work was completed as in the beginning.

(51) And it was on the twenty-fifth day of the ninth month, which is Kislev, in the one hundred and forty-eighth year that they rose early in the morning and offered the whole offering on the new altar according to its laws.

(52) And they dedicated the altar on the very day that the foreigners had defiled it, and they gave praise to the Lord with song, harps, pipes and cymbals.

(53) And they fell on their faces and prostrated themselves to the Lord because He had given them might and salvation.

(54) And they celebrated the dedication of the altar for eight days, and brought up whole offerings, and thanksgiving offerings in the joy of their hearts.

(55) And they glorified the face of the sanctuary with crowns and shields of gold and purified the gates and the courts of the priests, and replaced the doors.

(56) And there was great rejoicing among all the people, because the Lord had rolled back the disgrace of the nations from upon them.

(57) And Yehudah, his brothers and all the community of Israel commanded to celebrate the dedication of the altar on the twenty-fifth day of month of Kislev, eight days each year, with praise and thanksgiving to the Lord.

(58) At that time also they builded up the mount Sion with high walls and strong towers round about, lest the Gentiles should come and tread it down as they had done before.

(59) And they set there a garrison to keep it, and fortified Bethsura to preserve it; that the people might have a defence against Idumea.

1 Maccabees, an historiographical account from the second half of the second century BCE, survives in Greek, based on a (lost) Hebrew original.

Composed in Second Temple Judea (c.145 - c.125 BCE). 1 Maccabees is a book written in Hebrew by a Jewish author after the restoration of an independent Jewish kingdom, about the latter part of the 2nd century BC. The original Hebrew is lost and the most important surviving version is the Greek translation contained in the Septuagint. The book is held as canonical scripture by some Christian churches (including Catholic,Orthodox, and Coptic churches), but not by Anglican and Protestant denominations. Such Protestants consider it to be an apocryphal book (see also Deuterocanon). In modern-day Judaism, the book is often of great historical interest, but has no official religious status.

It describes the cleansing and reconstruction of the Temple, and particularly the restorations of sacrifices on a newly constructed altar (the original altar had been deemed profaned, and hence torn down). 1 Maccabees 4:59 refers to the holiday as the “days of the dedication of the altar,” which “should be observed with joy and gladness for eight days”

(א) ורוח ה' צלחה על יהודה המכבי ועל אנשיו, וילכדו את העיר ואת המקדש.

(ב) ויהרסו את המזבחות ואת בתי הגילולים אשר הקימו הגויים בחוצות העיר.

(ג) ויהי אחרי טהרם את הבית, ויעשו מזבח חדש, ויוציאו אש מן האבנים אשר ליקטו, ויקריבו את קורבנם לה' מקץ שנתיים ימים.

(ד) ויקטירו ויערכו את הנרות, ויתנו את לחם הפנים על שולחן ה'.

(ה) וככלות כל אלה נפלו על פניהם ויתחננו אל ה' אלוהים לאמור:

(ו) אנא ה' שומרנו לנצח מצרה כזאת אשר באתנו.

(ז) ואם חטאנו לך, יסרנו כחסדך, ואל תתננו עוד בידי זרים המחרפים את שם קודשך.

(ח) ומאת ה' הייתה זאת לחטא את הבית בעצם היום ההוא אשר טימאו אתו הגויים, והוא יום העשרים וחמשה לירח כסלו.

(ט) ויחוגו חג לה' שמונת ימים כימי חג הסוכות, ויזכרו את הימים מקדם בחגגם את חג הסוכות בהרים ובמערות, ויתעו בישימון כבהמות שדה.

(י) ויקחו ערבי נחל וכפות תמרים וישירו שיר שבח והודיה לה', אשר נתן להם עוז ותשועה לטהר את בית מקדשו.

(יא) ויעבירו קול בכל ערי יהודה לחוג את החג הזה מדי שנה בשנה.

1a When Maccabeus and his companions, under the Lord’s leadership, had recovered the temple and the city,2they destroyed the altars erected by the foreigners in the marketplace and the sacred shrines.3After purifying the temple, they made another altar. Then, with fire struck from flint, they offered sacrifice for the first time in two years,* burned incense, and lighted lamps. They also set out the showbread.

4When they had done this, they prostrated themselves and begged the Lord that they might never again fall into such misfortunes, and that if they should sin at any time, he might chastise them with moderation and not hand them over to blasphemous and barbarous Gentiles.

5On the anniversary of the day on which the temple had been profaned by the foreigners, that is, the twenty-fifth of the same month Kislev, the purification of the temple took place.6The Jews celebrated joyfully for eight days as on the feast of Booths, remembering how, a little while before, they had spent the feast of Booths living like wild animals in the mountains and in caves.7Carrying rods entwined with leaves,* beautiful branches and palms, they sang hymns of grateful praise to him who had successfully brought about the purification of his own place.8By public decree and vote they prescribed that the whole Jewish nation should celebrate these days every year.

The extra-biblical book of 2 Maccabees was written in colloquial (koine) Greek during the Hasmonean rule in Judea, and reached its final form on 143/2 BCE.[7]

Composed in Hellenistic Egypt (c.153 - c.133 BCE). 2 Maccabees is a deuterocanonical book which focuses on the Jews' revolt against Antiochus IV Epiphanes and concludes with the defeat of the Syrian general Nicanor in 161 BC by Judas Maccabeus, the hero of the work. Unlike 1 Maccabees, 2 Maccabees was written in Koine Greek,[1] probably Alexandria, Egypt, c 124 BC. It presents a revised version of the historical events recounted in the first seven chapters of 1 Maccabees, adding material from the Pharisaic tradition, including prayer for the dead and the resurrection on Judgement Day. Catholics and Orthodox consider the work to be canonical and part of the Bible. Protestants and Jews reject most of the doctrinal innovations present in the work.

Some Protestants include 2 Maccabees as part of the Biblical Apocrypha, useful for reading in the church. Article VI of the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England defines it as useful but not the basis of doctrine and not necessary for salvation.

The book opens with a letter to the Egyptian exile, urging the Jews of Egypt to “keep the festival of booths in the month of Kislev” (2Macc. 1:9, cf v. 18).

(א) היהודים אשר בירושלים ובארץ יהודה לאחיהם היהודים במצרים שלום וישע רב!

(ב) ה' אלוהים יברך אתכם, ויזכור לכם את בריתו את אברהם ואת יצחק ואת יעקב.

(ג) ויתן לכם לב שלם ליראה אותו ולעבדו בכל לבבכם ובכל נפשכם.

(ד) יפתח ה' לבבכם להגות בתורתו ולשמור מצוותיו, ויתן לכם ברכה ושלום.

(ה) לו ישמע ה' את תפילתכם וירחם עליכם, ומכל צרה יפלט נפשכם.

(ו) זאת תפילתנו בעדכם כל הימים.

(ז) בשנת תשע ושישים ומאה, עת מלך מלך דימטריוס, כתבנו לכם את כל הצרות אשר עברו על נפשנו, בבגוד ישוע ועדתו בארץ הקדושה ויפשעו בממלכות יהודה.

(ח) ויציתו את שער החצר באש וישפכו דם נקי בארץ.

(ט) ונתפלל את ה' אלוהינו ויקשב לקולנו, ונקרב לו קורבן וסולת למנחה, נעלה נרות וניתן את לחם הפנים על שולחן ה'.

(י) ושאלנו מכם לחוג עמנו את חנוכת המזבח בירח כסלו.


(כא) ועתה כי יש את נפשנו לחוג את יום חנוכת המזבח בעשרים וחמש לחודש כסלו. לא חדלנו מהודיע אתכם לחוג אותו עמנו.

(כב) וחגותם אותו כימי חג הסוכות, וכיום אשר מצא בו נחמיה את אש הקודש בשובו לבנות את המקדש ואת המזבח, ויקרב עליו עולות וזבחים לאלוהים.

(כג) כי כאשר הוגלו אבותינו ארצה פרס, לקחו הכוהנים הקדושים את האש בסתר מעל המזבח, ויטמנו אותה בשוחה עמוקה ויבשה לשומרה, ולא ידע איש את מקומה.

(כד) ויהי מקץ ימים רבים, בנטות ה' את חסדו עלינו, והמלך שלח את נחמיה ירושלימה.

(כה) ויקח מבני הכוהנים אשר טמנו את האש, וישלחם לבקְשה.

(כו) אולם כאשר הוגד לנו לא מצאו את האש, כי אם מים קפואים מצאו תחתיה, ויצו נחמיה לשאוב את המים ולהביאם.

(כז) ויהי בהקריבם את קורבן ה', ויצו אותם לזרוק מן המים על העצים ועל הקורבן אשר על המזבח, ויעשו כן.

(כח) אחרי כלותם, והשמש יצאה על הארץ, והעבים נפוצו, והנה אש אלוקים מתלקחת בקורבן, וישתומם כל העם מסביב.

(כט) ויפלו הכוהנים וכל העם וישתחוו, עד כי אוּכל הקורבן.

(ל) ויתפלל יונתן אל ה', ונחמיה וכל העם ענו אחריו ויאמרו.

(לא) ה' אלוקים יוצר ובורא הכל, עזוז ונורא צדיק ורחום, אתה לבדך מלכינו ומושיענו.

(לב) ה' הצדיק הפותח ידו הרחבה לכל חי, אלוקי האלוקים ואדון העולם, הפודה את עמו ישראל מכל צרותיו, אתה בחרת באבותינו וקידשת אותם לעבודתך.

(לג) רצה נא את הקורבן הזה בעד עמך ישראל, ושמר את נחלתך וברכה.

(לד) קבץ את פזורי עמך ופדה אותם מיד הגויים, פקח עינך וראה את חרפתם, כי תועבת כל אדם המה, למען ידעו הגויים כי אתה ה' אלוהינו.

(לה) שפוך חמתך על צוררי עמך, אשר בשרירות לבם השפילונו עד ארץ.

[1] The Jewish brethren in Jerusalem and those in the land of Judea, To their Jewish brethren in Egypt, Greeting, and good peace.

May God do good to you, and may he remember his covenant with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, his faithful servants.

[3] May he give you all a heart to worship him and to do his will with a strong heart and a willing spirit.
[4] May he open your heart to his law and his commandments, and may he bring peace.
[5] May he hear your prayers and be reconciled to you, and may he not forsake you in time of evil.
[6] We are now praying for you here.

In the reign of Demetrius, in the one hundred and sixty-ninth year, we Jews wrote to you, in the critical distress which came upon us in those years after Jason and his company revolted from the holy land and the kingdom

[8] and burned the gate and shed innocent blood. We besought the Lord and we were heard, and we offered sacrifice and cereal offering, and we lighted the lamps and we set out the loaves.
[9] And now see that you keep the feast of booths in the month of Chislev, in the one hundred and eighty-eighth year.

Since on the twenty-fifth day of Chislev we shall celebrate the purification of the temple, we thought it necessary to notify you, in order that you also may celebrate the feast of booths and the feast of the fire given when Nehemiah, who built the temple and the altar, offered sacrifices.


For when our fathers were being led captive to Persia, the pious priests of that time took some of the fire of the altar and secretly hid it in the hollow of a dry cistern, where they took such precautions that the place was unknown to any one.

[20] But after many years had passed, when it pleased God, Nehemiah, having been commissioned by the king of Persia, sent the descendants of the priests who had hidden the fire to get it. And when they reported to us that they had not found fire but thick liquid, he ordered them to dip it out and bring it.
[21] And when the materials for the sacrifices were presented, Nehemiah ordered the priests to sprinkle the liquid on the wood and what was laid upon it.
[22] When this was done and some time had passed and the sun, which had been clouded over, shone out, a great fire blazed up, so that all marveled.
[23] And while the sacrifice was being consumed, the priests offered prayer -- the priests and every one. Jonathan led, and the rest responded, as did Nehemiah.
[24] The prayer was to this effect:

"O Lord, Lord God, Creator of all things, who art awe-inspiring and strong and just and merciful, who alone art King and art kind,

[25] who alone art bountiful, who alone art just and almighty and eternal, who dost rescue Israel from every evil, who didst choose the fathers and consecrate them,
[26] accept this sacrifice on behalf of all thy people Israel and preserve thy portion and make it holy.
[27] Gather together our scattered people, set free those who are slaves among the Gentiles, look upon those who are rejected and despised, and let the Gentiles know that thou art our God.
[28] Afflict those who oppress and are insolent with pride.
[29] Plant thy people in thy holy place, as Moses said."

Then the priests sang the hymns.

[31] And when the materials of the sacrifice were consumed, Nehemiah ordered that the liquid that was left should be poured upon large stones.
[32] When this was done, a flame blazed up; but when the light from the altar shone back, it went out.
[33] When this matter became known, and it was reported to the king of the Persians that, in the place where the exiled priests had hidden the fire, the liquid had appeared with which Nehemiah and his associates had burned the materials of the sacrifice,
[34] the king investigated the matter, and enclosed the place and made it sacred.
[35] And with those persons whom the king favored he exchanged many excellent gifts.
[36] Nehemiah and his associates called this "nephthar," which means purification, but by most people it is called naphtha.

316. When therefore the generals of Antiochus’s armies had been beaten so often, Judas assembled the people together, and told them, that after these many victories which God had given them, they ought to go up to Jerusalem, and purify the temple, and offer the appointed sacrifices. 317But as soon as he, with the whole multitude, was come to Jerusalem, and found the temple deserted, and its gates burnt down, and plants growing in the temple of their own accord, on account of its desertion, he and those that were with him began to lament, and were quite confounded at the sight of the temple; 318so he chose out some of his soldiers, and gave them order to fight against those guards that were in the citadel, until he should have purified the temple. When therefore he had carefully purged it, and had brought in new vessels, the candlestick, the table [of shew-bread], and the altar [of incense], which were made of gold, he hung up the veils at the gates, and added doors to them. He also took down the altar [of burnt-offering], and built a new one of stones that he gathered together, and not of such as were hewn with iron tools. 319So on the five and twentieth day of the month Casleu, which the Macedonians call Apelleus, they lighted the lamps that were on the candlestick, and offered incense upon the altar [of incense], and laid the loaves upon the table [of shew-bread], and offered burnt-offerings upon the new altar [of burnt-offering]. 320Now it so fell out, that these things were done on the very same day on which their divine worship had fallen off, and was reduced to a profane and common use, after three years’ time; for so it was, that the temple was made desolate by Antiochus, and so continued for three years. 321This desolation happened to the temple in the hundred forty and fifth year, on the twenty-fifth day of the month Apelleus, and on the hundred fifty and third olympiad: but it was dedicated anew, on the same day, the twenty-fifth of the month Apelleus, on the hundred and forty-eighth year, and on the hundred and fifty-fourth olympiad. 322And this desolation came to pass according to the prophecy of Daniel, which was given four hundred and eight years before; for he declared that the Macedonians would dissolve that worship [for some time].

3237. Now Judas celebrated the festival of the restoration of the sacrifices of the temple for eight days, and omitted no sort of pleasures thereon; but he feasted them upon very rich and splendid sacrifices; and he honored God, and delighted them by hymns and psalms. 324Nay, they were so very glad at the revival of their customs, when, after a long time of intermission, they unexpectedly had regained the freedom of their worship, that they made it a law for their posterity, that they should keep a festival, on account of the restoration of their temple worship, for eight days. 325And from that time to this we celebrate this festival, and call it Lights. I suppose the reason was, because this liberty beyond our hopes appeared to us; and that thence was the name given to that festival.