Avot d’Rabbi Natan, 1:30 - B
מסכתות קטנות מסכת אבות דרבי נתן נוסחא א פרק ל
רבי אחאי בן יאשיה אומר הלוקח תבואה מן השוק למה הוא דומה לתינוק שמתה אמו ומחזירין אותו על פתחי מיניקות אחרות ואינו שבע. הלוקח פת מן השוק למה הוא דומה כאלו חפור וקבור. האוכל משלו דומה לתינוק המתגדל על שדי אמו
Rabbi Ahai ben Yoshiya says: One who purchases grain in the market - to what may such a person be likened? To an infant whose mother died, and they pass the baby from door to door among wetnurses and still the baby is not satisfied. One who buys bread in the marketplace - to what may such a person be likened? It is as if they are dead and buried. But one who eats from their own (they have grown themselves) is like an infant raised at its mother’s breasts. [Translation by Hazon. Edited for gender neutrality]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. How is growing your own wheat different than buying grain in the market? Why is buying your bread worse than both?

2. Why is it important for us to maintain such an intimate connection to our food?

3. How can we improve our food consumption patters to better follow the Avot d’Rabbi Natan?

Time Period: Rabbinic (Maccabees through the Talmud)