Aruch HaShulchan, The Laws of Tzedakah, 253:17
ערוך השולחן יורה דעה הלכות צדקה סימן רנג סעיף א
שנו חכמים בפ"ח [מ"ז] דפאה מי שיש לו שתי סעודות לא יטול מן התמחוי י"ד סעודות לא יטול מן הקופה דבימיהם היו מחלקים בכל עיר לכל עני שתי סעודות ליום והיה תמחוי כללי הנאסף מהעיר וגם היתה קופה הנגבית מן העיר והיו מחלקים בכל שבוע י"ד סעודות
The sages taught in chapter 8 of Pe’ah that whoever had enough money for two meals may not take from the food collective; for fourteen meals and they may not take from the public coffers (funds). In the sages’ time, everyone in the city would distribute to all the poor of the city enough money for two meals a day, and the food collective would take care of any additional need. So it was with the public coffers which were collected from the city’s inhabitants, and enough money for fourteen meals was distributed weekly. [Translation by Rabbi Bruce Elder. Edited for gender neutrality]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. What is the difference between the food collective and the public coffers? Why was it necessary to have both?

2. Do you individually have a direct obligation to directly ensure that the poor are fed twice a day? Do we as a community?

Time Period: Modern (Spinoza through post-WWII)