Rambam, The Guide of the Perplexed, 3:31
רמבם ספר מורה הנבוכים חלק ג פרק לא
אבל הענין כמו שזכרנו בלא ספק, והוא שכל מצוה מאלו התרי"ג מצות, היא, אם לנתינת דעת אמתי, או להסיר דעת רע, או לנתינת סדר ישר, או להסיר עול, או להתלמד במדות טובות, או להזהיר ממדות רעות, הכל נתלה בשלשה דברים, בדעות, ובמדות
Rather, things are indubitably as we have mentioned: every commandment from among these six hundred and thirteen commandments exists either with a view to communicating a correct opinion, or to putting an end to an unhealthy opinion, or to communicating a rule of justice, or to warding off an injustice, or to endowing people with a noble moral quality, or to warning them against an evil moral quality. Thus all [the commandments] are bound up with three things: opinions, moral qualities, and political civic actions.” [Translation by Shlomo Pines. Edited for gender neutrality]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. According to the Rambam, why did God give us commandments?

2. What would society look like if we did not have these commandments?

3. Do the 613 commandments affect our relationship with God? How?1. According to the Rambam, why did God give us commandments?

2. What would society look like if we did not have these commandments?

3. Do the 613 commandments affect our relationship with God? How?

Time Period: Medieval (Geonim through the 16th Century)