The Israelites enter, conquer, and settle Israel under the leadership of Joshua.
Cycles of sin, foreign oppression, repentance, and redemption through leaders appointed by God.
I Samuel
The prophet Samuel, the advent of monarchy with the reign of Saul, and the rise of a young David.
II Samuel
King David’s triumphs and challenges as he establishes a united kingdom with Jerusalem as its capital.
I Kings
Solomon’s kingship, construction of the Temple, a schism in the kingdom, and Elijah the Prophet.
II Kings
Stories and miracles of the prophet Elisha, the decline of Israel’s kingdoms, and the Temple’s destruction.
Criticism of religious corruption, calls for change, and descriptions of a utopian future.
Warnings of Jerusalem’s destruction and demands for repentance, largely rejected by the people, some of whom torture and persecute him.
Dramatic symbolism conveying rebuke or hope, and visions of a future Temple.
Rebuke of Israel for abandoning God, comparing their relationship to that of unfaithful lovers.
A locust plague, a call to repent, and a promise of judgement for Israel’s oppressors.
Condemnation of oppression and arrogance in the nations and Israel, and a call for reform.
The shortest book in Tanakh, at just 21 verses, predicting the downfall of the kingdom of Edom.
A great fish swallows Jonah when he tries to escape his mission of prophecy, and Jonah repents.
Berating of Israel and its leadership for insincere ritual worship, and calls for justice and kindness.
A celebratory prophecy about the downfall of the Assyrian empire, an oppressor of Israel.
Charging God to explain the unjust success of the Babylonians, God’s response, and a prayer.
Warnings of the destruction God will wreck on the unfaithful and calls for justice and humility.
Urgent calls to build the Second Temple and descriptions of its future glory.
Symbolic visions of redemption, explained by angels, and descriptions of the end of days.
Criticism of disingenuous ritual worship and descriptions of God’s future blessings.
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