Vayeishev on Breishit 39:1-20

Created based on DC Beit Midrash on Parsha Vayeshev: Uncovering Potiphar’s Wife

כדי לסמוך מעשה תמר, למעשה אשתו של פוטיפר. מה זו לשם שמים, אף זו לשם שמים. דאמר רבי יהושע בן לוי: רואה היתה באסטרולוגין שלה, שהיא עתידה להעמיד ממנו בן, ולא היתה יודעת אם ממנה אם מבתה

To tell you that just as that one [the incident of Tamar] was meant for the sake of heaven, so too this one [the incident of Potiphar’s wife] was meant for the sake of heaven. For she saw through her astrology that she was destined to raise children from him (Joseph), but she did not know whether [they would be] from her or from her daughter. ...

, כיון שראה יוסף את עצמו בכך התחיל אוכל ושותה מסלסל בשערו ואומר ברוך המקום שהשכיחני בית אבי, א"ל הקב"ה אביך מתאבל עליך בשק ואפר ואתה אוכל ושותה ומסלסל בשערך... לכך כתיב ותשא אשת אדוניו

As soon as Joseph found himself [in the position of] ruler] he began eating and drinking and curling his hair, and saying "Thank God that I have forgotten my father's house!" Said the Holy One, blessed be He: “Your father is mourning for you in sack and ashes and you eat and drink and you curl your hair!... Therefor it's written "his master's wife cast her eyes."

Yosef was praising God that He made him forget his father's home. (Yosef left the land of Israel to the Egyptian empire, geographically and spiritually as well, he started to enjoy the new culture - good food, drinks and fashion.) "so God told him your father... So therefor I'm sending your Madam to..." — R. Avia Cohen

This is in contrast to another Midrash Tanchuma which mentions that Yosef was sent to prison as punishment for speaking Loshon Hora against his brothers. — R. Yonah

ותתפשהו בבגדו לאמר וגו' באותה שעה באתה דיוקנו של אביו ונראתה לו בחלון אמר לו יוסף עתידין אחיך שיכתבו על אבני אפוד ואתה ביניהם רצונך שימחה שמך מביניהם ותקרא רועה זונות דכתיב (משלי כט, ג) ורועה זונות יאבד הון מיד (בראשית מט, כד) ותשב באיתן קשתו א"ר יוחנן משום ר' מאיר ששבה קשתו לאיתנו ויפוזו זרועי ידיו נעץ ידיו בקרקע ויצאה שכבת זרעו מבין ציפורני ידיו מידי אביר יעקב מי גרם לו שיחקק על אבני אפוד אלא אביר יעקב משם רועה אבן ישראל משם זכה ונעשה רועה שנאמר (תהלים פ, ב) רועה ישראל האזינה נוהג כצאן יוסף

And she caught him by his garment, saying etc.18 At that moment his father's image came and appeared to him through the window and said: 'Joseph, thy brothers will have their names inscribed upon the stones of the ephod and thine amongst theirs; is it thy wish to have thy name expunged from amongst theirs and be called an associate of harlots?' (As it is written: He that keepeth company with harlots wasteth his substance.)19 Immediately his bow abode in strength20 R. Johanan said in the name of R. Meir: [This means] that his passion subsided. And the arms of his hands were made active20 he stuck his hands in the ground so that his lust came out from between his finger-nails. 'By the hands of the Mighty One of Jacob'20 Who caused his name to be engraven upon the stones of the ephod but the Mighty One of Jacob? 'From thence is the shepherd, the stone of Israel'21 from there

was he worthy to be made a shepherd, as it is said: Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, Thou that leadest like the flock of Joseph

...כל הפורש מעבירה או עשה מצוה לא מפני דבר בעולם לא פחד ולא יראה ולא לבקש כבוד אלא מפני הבורא ברוך הוא כמניעת יוסף הצדיק עצמו מאשת רבו הרי זה מקדש את השם.

Anyone who refrains from committing a sin or performs a mitzvah for no ulterior motive, neither out of fear or dread, nor to seek honor, but for the sake of the Creator, blessed be He - as Joseph held himself back from his master's wife - sanctifies God's name

Lubavitcher Rebbe

His body is merely a vessel, a form of “clothing” for the soul. It is the neshama that is the true inner personality of a Jew. Thus all attempts to use material and physical attractions to capture...doomed to failure. The most beautiful Jewish community centers featuring ultra- modern gymnasiums and swimming pools, exciting dances may be arranged and dynamic speakers may be hired to speak on topics of interest. But all those well intended endeavors will not ultimately solve the problem for...we are ultimately left, like Potiphar’s wife, holding an empty garment.

Nechama Leibowtiz

As such, we can understand that ultimately from these two episodes emerged the two redeemers of Israel Mashiach ben Yosef, and Mashiach ben David. There is a tradition among Jewish thinkers that there will be two stages to the messianic redemption involving the advent of two messianic figures Mashiach ben Yosef and Mashiach ben David. Mashiach ben Yosef is described as a warrior who will effect the national reunification of the Jewish people prior to the arrival of Mashiach ben David.

Susan Tower Hollis: Wife of Potiphar, Women in Scripture

Discussions of the Potiphar’s wife episode generally revolve around the foreign woman and her actions, but in fact, she is pivotal as the story is transmitted to the survival of the Hebrews in time of famine Despite her attempt at seduction, this woman fills a positive narrative role; she initiates the story linek that will bring the Hebrews to Egypt thus setting the stage for exodus perhaps the most important event related in the Hebrew Bible.

Shlomo Carlebach

Some great rabbis say that the greatest thing Yosef the Tzadik did was that he withstood the test of Potiphar’s wife. He didn’t give in to that temptation. Who am I to say this; maybe I am wrong, but my theory is that the greatest thing Yosef the Tzadik ever did was to forgive his brothers.