Arvei Pesachim

רב הונא בר יהודה איקלע לבי רבא

Rav Huna the son of Rabbi Yehuda went to Rava

רב הונא בר יהודה איקלע לבי רבא - במוצאי שבת של חול

It was on Motzi Shabbat

אייתו לקמייהו מאור ובשמים

And he (Rav Huna) brought before them (Rava) light (אש) and spices (בשמים)

בריך רבא אבשמים ברישא והדר אמאור

Rava made the blessing for spices first and then light

א"ל והא בין ב"ש ובין בית הילל מאור ברישא והדר אבשמים

Rav Huna said “but both בית הלל and בית שמאי agree about the order of Havdalah (when it came to light coming before spices)

Rava is a Amora and the Rabanim of Beit Hillel and Beit Shammai were Tanaim and an Amora can't disagree with a Tanya becasue the Tanaim were closer to the time of Har Sinia (were Torah Shebaal peh was learnt) and therefor know they know the Torah Shebal peh better then the Amoriam. Also the Tannaim can't argue their case with the Amoraim since they came before them and have passed away by the time of the Amoriam

ומאי היא דתנן בית שמאי אומרים נר ומזון בשמים והבדלה ובית הילל אומרים נר ובשמים ומזון והבדלה

Were do we learn that Bet Shammai and Bet Hillel agreed about light coming before spices? It was in a Mishna where a man has eaten a meal and is now required to say Havdalah and Bentching but only has one cup of wine (we learnt before Pesachim 102b) that one can combine the Brachot. Then the Mishna tells the order of the Havdalah and Bentching. Bet Shammai says the order is Candle, Bentching, Spices, and then Havdalah. Bet Hillel says Candle, Spices, Bentching, and then Havdalah. But both houses agree that Candle comes first! (So surley Rava would say candle first!)

עני רבא בתריה ואמר זו דברי ר' מאיר אבל ר' יהודה אומר לא נחלקו בית שמאי ובית הילל על המזון שהוא בתחלה ועל הבדלה שהיא בסוף

Rava answered him (Rav Huna) and said, "The mishna comes from Rabbi Meir. However, Rabbi Yehudah says that Bet Shammai (Benthcing,candle,spices,havdalah) and Bet Hillel (Bentching,spices,candle,havdalah) don't disagree over Bentching after meals, and everyone says it is recited first (Rabbi Yehudah and Rabbi Meir disagree when interperting Beit Shammai and Bet Hillel), and Bet Shammai and Bet Hillel didn't disagree over havdalah, as it is said last.

על מה נחלקו על המאור ועל הבשמים ב"ש אומרים מאור ואח"כ בשמים ובית הילל אומרים בשמים ואח"כ מאור ואמר רבי יוחנן נהגו העם כבית הילל ואליבא דר' יהודה

(So what did they disagree on?) They disgreed over the blessing in the middle of havdala (the blessing over light and over spices). Rabbi Yochanon said, "The people were accustomed to follow Bet Hillel according to the interpertation of Rabbi Yehudah. (Rava acted as according to that custom)

רב יעקב בר אבא איקלע לבי רבא חזיה דבריך בורא פרי הגפן אכסא קמא והדר בריך אכסא דברכתא ואישתי א"ל למה לך כולי האי הא בריך לן מר חדא זימנא אמר ליה כי הוינן בי ריש גלותא הכי עבדינן

(The Gemara relates another incident with regard to establishing meals and reciting blessings) Rav Yaakov the son of Abba came to the house of Abba for a Shabbat meal. He (Rav Yaakov) saw that Rava recited Bracha of Hagaphen over the first cup of wine he drank at the meal and then he recited the same blessing upon the cup of wine he used for the blessing of Bircat Hamazon.And he drank from the cup. He (Rav Yaakov) asked him (Rava) why he made a second blessing, if you already made Hagaphen at the meal and drank? Rava said to him (Rav Yaakov), that this is what we did at the house of the Rash Galuta (Head of Galut) and he didn't correct us.

אמר ליה תינח בי ריש גלותא דהכי עביד דספק מייתי לן ספק לא מייתי לן הכא הא מנח כסא קמן ודעתן עילויה אמר ליה אנא עבדי כתלמידי דרב דרב ברונא ורב חננאל תלמידי דרב הוו יתבי בסעודתא

Rav Yaakov says to Rava That was good at the house of the Rash Galuta That which we did We didn't know if they would or wouldn't bring us (more wine) (and since we didn't know, we only kept in mind the first cup of Hagaphen) But over here (in the house of Rava) the cup is resting in front of us (they know they will use the second cup). And our mind is on it (the second cup) He (Rava) said to him (Rav Yaakov) I follow like the students of Rav Rav Brona and Rav Chananel were students of Rav And they were sitting during the meal

קאי עלייהו רב ייבא סבא א"ל הב לן וניבריך לסוף אמרו ליה הב לן ונישתי אמר להו הכי אמר רב כיון דאמריתו הב לן וניבריך איתסרא לכו למישתי מאי טעמא דאסחיתו דעתייכו

And Rav Yava Sava was helping them They (Rav Chananel and Rav Brona) said to him (Rav Yava Sava) Bring us (wine) and we will bless (the wine for bentching) And afterwards they (Rav Chananel and Rav Brona) said to him (Rav Yava Sava) (Nevermind Bentching now) We are thirsty and would rather have a drink (Which is wine) He (Rav Yava Sava) said to them (Rav Chananel and Rav Brona)6Rav said Since you said bring us (wine) and let us bentch It is forbidden to now drink (until you finish Bentching and after you finish benthcing you must make another Bracha) Why is this so Becasue it takes your mind of the meal

Halacha said that if one decided to Bentch your meal is over, and if you wanted to have more food after deciding to bentch, you must make a new Bracha.

הב וניבריך - ברכת המזון והדר אמליכו ואמרו הב ברישא ונישתי:

We will bless the one for Bircat Hamazon, but then they changed their mind and decided to have the wine as part of a meal

אמימר ומר זוטרא ורב אשי הוו יתבי בסעודה וקאי עלייהו רב אחא בריה דרבא אמימר בריך על כל כסא וכסא ומר זוטרא בריך אכסא קמא ואכסא בתרא רב אשי בריך אכסא קמא ותו לא בריך

The Gemara relates that Ameimar, Mar Zutra, and Rav Ashi were sitting at a meal and Rav Acḥa, son of Rava, stood over them to serve them. Ameimar recited a blessing over each and every cup of wine he drank. And Mar Zutra recited a blessing over the first cup he drank during the meal and over the last cup he drank upon concluding Birchat Hamazon. Rav Ashi recited a blessing over the first cup and did not recite any further blessings over the subsequent cups he drank.

הוו יתבי בסעודתא - דחול:

Halachah: We follow the opinion that we repeat Hagaphen. The reason we wouldn't is because some Rabanim thought that Hagaphen was part of Bentching. The Rabanim that we follow said that Hagaphen is not part of Bentchign and therefor requires another Hagaphen becasue it is after the meal.

אמר להו רב אחא בר רבא אנן כמאן נעביד אמימר אמר נמלך אנא מר זוטרא אמר אנא דעבדי כתלמידי דרב

Rav Acha bar Rava said to them: In accordance with whose opinion should we act in this matter? (We have witnessed three different courses of action) Ameimar said: I repeatedly changed my mind. In other words, the reason Ameimar recited a blessing over each cup was not because he maintains that it is always necessary to do so. Rather, he drank each cup with the intention that it should be his last. Consequently, he diverted his attention from drinking each time, and therefore he was required to recite a new blessing before he could drink again. Mar Zutra said: I acted in accordance with the opinion of the students of Rav. (They maintain that one who prepares to recite Benthcing after Meals has completely diverted his attention from drinking, and therefore the blessing on wine that one recites during the meal does not include the wine he drinks after Bentching.

ורב אשי אמר לית הילכתא כתלמידי דרב דהא יו"ט שחל להיות אחר השבת ואמר רב יקנ"ה

And Rav Ashi said: The Halacha is not in accordance with the opinion of the students of Rav. This can be proven from a ruling of Rav himself, as with regard to a Festival that occurs after Shabbat, Rav said that the order of blessings is yod, kuf, nun, heh: Wine [ yayin], kiddush, candle [ner], and havdala. (This shows that although one recites kiddush between the blessing over wine and havdala, it is unnecessary to recite the blessing over wine again before havdala. The same should hold true in our case: Just as kiddush is not considered an interruption between the blessing over wine and its consumption, Bentching should not be considered an interruption either)

ולא היא התם עקר דעתיה ממשתיא הכא לא עקר דעתיה ממשתיא

(The Gemara rejects this reasoning) And that is not so. There, when one is preparing himself to recite Bentching, he has already uprooted his mind from drinking. Here, with regard to kiddush and havdala, he has not uprooted his mind from drinking (because he is holding the cup of wine).

כי מטא לאבדולי קם שמעיה ואדליק אבוקה משרגא א"ל למה לך כולי האי הא מנחא שרגא א"ל שמעא מדעתיה דנפשיה קא עביד א"ל אי לא שמיע ליה מיניה דמר לא הוה עביד א"ל לא סבר ליה מר אבוקה להבדלה מצוה מן המובחר

After discussing the opinion of the students of Rav, the Gemara returns to the story of Rav Ya’akov bar Abba’s visit to Rava. When the time came to recite havdala, Rava’s attendant got up and lit a torch (Torch= 2 or more wicks) from a candle. Rav Ya’akov bar Abba said to him: Why do you need all this? (The candle was present, and you could have recited the blessing over the light of the candle itself) Rava said to him: The attendant did this on his own accord, without consulting me. Rav Ya’akov bar Abba said to him: If he had not heard it from the Master he would not have done it on his own; he must have been following your opinion on this matter. Rava said to him: Do you not hold that using a torch for havdala is the optimal manner in which to fulfill the mitzva? It is for this reason that the attendant lit a torch for havdala.

Halachah- From here we learn that the best way to do Havdalah is with a torch (a 2 wick candle)

פתח ואמר המבדיל בין קודש לחול בין אור לחשך בין ישראל לעמים בין יום השביעי לששת ימי המעשה א"ל למה לך כולי האי והאמר רב יהודה אמר רב המבדיל בין קודש לחול זו היא הבדלתו של רבי יהודה הנשיא

Rava began his recitation of havdala and said: Who distinguishes between holy and normal, between light and darkness, between Israel and the rest of the nations, between the seventh day and the six days of work. Rav Ya’akov bar Abba said to him: Why do you need all this? Didn’t Rav Yehuda say that Rav said with regard to the statement: Who distinguishes between holy and normal, that this alone is the havdala of Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi? Why is this plain statement not enough for you?

גופא העושה מלאכה בערבי שבתות ובערבי ימים טובים מן המנחה ולמעלה ובמוצאי שבת ובמוצאי יו"ט ובמוצאי יום הכפורים ובכל מקום שיש שם נידנוד עבירה לאתויי תענית ציבור אינו רואה סימן ברכה לעולם:
The Gemara cites the source of the matter itself in its entirety: One who performs labor on Shabbat eves or on Festival eves from minḥa time onward, and similarly one who works immediately upon the conclusion of Shabbat, or the conclusion of a Festival, or the conclusion of Yom Kippur, or on any occasion where there is a trace of sin, which comes to include a communal fast, e.g., the Ninth of Av or a fast for rain, when it is prohibited to perform labor, never sees a sign of blessing from this work. If one performs labor just before Shabbat or immediately after Shabbat, the concern is that even a slight miscalculation could lead to performance of labor on Shabbat itself, when it is prohibited.
פתח ואמר המבדיל בין קודש לחול בין אור לחשך בין ישראל לעמים בין יום השביעי לששת ימי המעשה א"ל למה לך כולי האי והאמר רב יהודה אמר רב המבדיל בין קודש לחול זו היא הבדלתו של רבי יהודה הנשיא

Rava began his recitation of havdala and said: Who distinguishes between sacred and profane, between light and darkness, between Israel and the nations, between the seventh day and the six days of work. Rav Ya’akov bar Abba said to him: Why do you need all this? Didn’t Rav Yehuda say that Rav said with regard to the statement: Who distinguishes between sacred and profane, that this alone is the havdala of Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi? Why is this plain statement not enough for you?

מחתם מאי חתים רב אמר מקדש ישראל ושמואל אמר המבדיל בין קודש לחול לייט עלה אביי ואיתימא רב יוסף אהא דרב

The Gemara asks: What formula should be used to conclude the blessing of havdala? Rav said the blessing should conclude with the phrase: Who sanctifies Israel. And Shmuel said the concluding phrase is: Who distinguishes between sacred and profane. The Gemara adds that Abaye, and some say it was Rav Yosef, cursed it, i.e., he would become angry at one who concluded the blessing in accordance with that opinion of Rav.

סבור מינה כי היכי דקבעה לקידוש כך קבעה להבדלה אמר להו רב עמרם הכי אמר רב לקידוש קובעת ולא להבדלה קובעת
They understood from it that just as the start of Shabbat automatically establishes the requirement to recite kiddush, so its conclusion establishes the requirement to recite havdala. This would mean that one must interrupt his meal to recite havdala, and whatever he eats after that would not be considered part of his Shabbat meal. Rav Amram said to them: This is what Rav said: Shabbat establishes an obligation to recite kiddush, but it does not establish an obligation to recite havdala.
ומי אמרינן חביבה מצוה בשעתה והא תניא הנכנס לביתו במוצאי שבת מברך על היין ועל המאור ועל הבשמים ואחר כך אומר הבדלה על הכוס ואם אין לו אלא כוס אחד מניחו עד לאחר המזון ומשלשלן כולן לאחריו ולא אמרינן חביבה מצוה בשעתה

Ravina objected to this answer: And do we say that a mitzva is beloved in its proper time? But wasn’t it taught in a baraita: One who enters his home at the conclusion of Shabbat recites the blessing over the wine, and then over the light, and then over the spices, and recites havdala thereafter over the cup of wine. And if he has only one cup of wine, he leaves it for after he eats his food, and uses it for Grace after Meals, and arranges all of the other blessings together thereafter. This baraita indicates that we do not say that a mitzva is beloved in its proper time, as one does not have to recite havdala immediately, i.e., before partaking of his meal.

וש"מ המברך צריך שיטעו' וש"מ טעמו פגמו וש"מ טעם מבדיל
And learn from it that one who recites a blessing must taste the food over which he recites the blessing. Otherwise, one who has only one cup of wine would be able to use it for both havdala and Grace after Meals. And learn from it that once he has tasted the wine in the cup he has disqualified it from further use as a cup of blessing. And learn from it that even if one has tasted food after Shabbat, he nevertheless recites havdala.
אמרי בני רבי חייא מי שלא הבדיל במוצ"ש מבדיל והולך בכל השבת כולו ועד כמה א"ר זירא עד רביעי בשבת

As stated above, the sons of Rabbi Ḥiyya say: One who did not recite havdala at the conclusion of Shabbat may recite havdala anytime over the course of the entire week. The Gemara asks: And until how many days of that week have passed may one still recite havdala? Rabbi Zeira said: Until the fourth day of the week, Wednesday, after which it is no longer considered the same week as the previous Shabbat.

(ו) שָׁכַח וְלֹא הִבְדִּיל בְּמוֹצָאֵי שַׁבָּת, מַבְדִּיל עַד סוֹף יוֹם ג'. וְיֵשׁ אוֹמְרִים שֶׁאֵינוֹ מַבְדִּיל אֶלָּא כָּל יוֹם רִאשׁוֹן וְלֹא יוֹתֵר, וְדַוְקָא בּוֹרֵא פְּרִי הַגֶּפֶן וְהַמַּבְדִּיל בֵּין קֹדֶשׁ לְחֹל, אֲבָל עַל הַנֵּר וּבְשָׂמִים אֵינוֹ מְבָרֵךְ אֶלָּא בְּמוֹצָאֵי שַׁבָּת. וְיֵשׁ מִי שֶׁאוֹמֵר דְּהָא דְּקַיְמָא לָן טָעַם מַבְדִּיל הָנֵי מִלֵּי הֵיכָא דְּהִבְדִּיל בְּלֵיל מוֹצָאֵי שַׁבָּת, אֲבָל אִם לֹא הִבְדִּיל בַּלַּיְלָה כֵּיוָן שֶׁטָּעַם שׁוּב אֵינוֹ מַבְדִּיל. הַגָּה: וְהָעִקָּר כַּסְּבָרָא הָרִאשׁוֹנָה. וּמִי שֶׁמִּתְעַנֶּה ג' יָמִים וג' לֵילוֹת יִשְׁמַע הַבְדָּלָה מֵאֲחֵרִים, וְאִם אֵין אֲחֵרִים אֶצְלוֹ יָכוֹל לְהַבְדִּיל בְּשַׁבָּת מִבְּעוֹד יוֹם וְלִשְׁתּוֹת וּלְקַבֵּל אַחַר כָּךְ הַתַּעֲנִית עָלָיו (ת''ה סי' קנ''ד עי' סי' תקנ''ג).

א"ר יעקב בר אידי אבל לא על האור
Rabbi Ya’akov bar Idi said: However, one who recites havdala during this time period may not recite the blessing over fire. This blessing may be recited only at the conclusion of Shabbat, at the time when fire was originally created.
אמר רב יוסף אמר שמואל טעם אינו מקדש טעם אינו מבדיל ורבה אמר רב נחמן אמר שמואל טעם מקדש וטעם מבדיל
Rav Yosef said that Shmuel said: One who has tasted food before kiddush may not recite kiddush, and one who has tasted food before havdala may not recite havdala. And Rabba said that Rav Naḥman said that Shmuel said: One who has tasted may nevertheless recite kiddush, and one who has tasted may likewise recite havdala.
