B'Yachad: A Time To Come TogetherIn Response to the October 7th Attacks

Reflection Prompts:

  • How are you feeling in your mind, your body, and your heart?

  • Think back to a time in the past where in your life you have shown resilience? What helped you get through those difficult times?

  • How are you taking care of yourself?

  • What resources are available to support you?

  • Your joy, when you can access it, is a form of resistance. What small moments of joy feel accessible to you now?

ת"ר יום שנברא בו אדם הראשון כיון ששקעה עליו חמה אמר אוי לי שבשביל שסרחתי עולם חשוך בעדי ויחזור עולם לתוהו ובוהו וזו היא מיתה שנקנסה עלי מן השמים היה יושב בתענית ובוכה כל הלילה וחוה בוכה כנגדו כיון שעלה עמוד השחר אמר מנהגו של עולם...

The Sages taught: When Adam on the day of his creation saw the sun sinking in the sky before him, he said, “Woe is me! Because I acted offensively, the world is darkening for me and is about to return to darkness and desolation—indeed, this is the death that Heaven has decreed for me.” So he sat down to fast and to weep throughout the night, while Eve wept beside him. But when the dawn began slowly rising like a column, he said, “Such is the way of nature,” and then proceeded to offer up a bullock.

ובגמרא חגיגה איתא ד"בבתי בראי - עוז וחדוה במקומו", ו"בבתי גואי - מצטער ובוכה כביכול בצרות ישראל", לכן יש שבשעת ההסתר כלומר שהוא יתברך מסתתר בבתי גואי איש הישראלי מתיחד עמו שם כל אחד לפי מצבו, ושם מתגלה לו התורה ועבודה, וכבר דברנו איך תורה שבעל פה נתגלה בגלות, וזוהר הק' בצרה יתירה לרבי שמעון בר יוחאי ורבי אלעזר בנו מפני פחד המלכות אז.

יש שהאיש בעצמו תמה על עצמו הלא נשבר אני, הלא כמעט תמיד אני במצב של בכיה וגם בוכה כפעם בפעם, ואיך יכול אני ללמוד תורה, ובמה אני מתחזק לחדש תורה וחסידות.

ויש פעמים שיך לבו לאמור, האין זאת רק אבירת הלב בקרבי שיכול אני להתחזק וללמוד בצרותי וצרות ישראל המרובים כל כך, ושוב ישיב לעצמו הלא נשבר אני ומה רבו בכיותי וכל חיי נכאה וכהה, נבוך הוא אותו האיש על עצמו.

אבל כנזכר לעיל הוא יתברך נמצא בבתי גואי ובוכה, ומי שדוחק ומתקרב אליו בתורה, אז בוכה הוא שם עם הקדוש ברוך הוא וגם לומד תורה עמו.

וזהו החילוק, הבכיות והצער שהאדם מצטער בעצמו לבדו על צרותיו יש שנשבר ונופל מהם עד שאינו יכול לעשות מאומה, והבכיות שבוכה עם הקדוש ברוך הוא יחד, מחזיקים אותו, בוכה ומתחזק נשבר ומתאמץ ללמוד ולעבוד.

קשה הוא רק להתרומם פעם הראשונה והשניה מן הצרות, אבל כשמתאמץ ומושיט את ראשו ונוגע בתורה ובעבודה, אז נכנס הוא אל הבתי גואי ששם הקדוש ברוך הוא, ושם בוכה ומילל עמו כביכול יחד, אף מתחזק לומד תורה ועובד עבודתו יתברך.

Eish Kodesh, Parashat HaHodesh, Rabbi Kalonymus Kalman Shapira, 19th c.

Rabbi Shapira, was the Grand Rabbi of Piaseczno, Poland, who authored a number of works and was murdered by the Nazis during the Holocaust.

In the Talmud (Hagigah 5b), we learn that In the outer chambers, there is always “strength and rejoicing in God’s place,” and within the inner chambers, God weeps in God’s distress as it were over the pain of the Jews. So, it is possible that at a time of hester panim (concealment of the Divine Face), which is to say, when God hides Godself within the inner chambers, a Jew may also enter and be alone with God there, each Jew at his own level. There within the inner chambers, Torah and worship is revealed to each person who enters. We have already spoken about how the Oral Torah was revealed primarily in exile, in Babylon, and how the holy Zohar was only revealed to Rabbi Shimeon bar Yohai and his son Rabbi Elazar when they were living in the cave, fleeing the Roman Government, afraid for their lives.

There are times when a person wonders about himself, thinking, “I am broken. I am ready to burst into tears at any moment, and in fact, I break down in tears from time to time. How can I possibly learn Torah? What can I do to find the strength not just to learn Torah but to discover new Torah and a hasidut (piety)?”

Then there are times when a person beats his heart, saying, “It is not simply my supercilious heart allowing me to be so stubborn, to learn Torah in the midst of my pain, and in the midst of the pain of the Jews whose suffering is so great?” And, then he answers himself, “But I am so broken. I have cried so much, my whole life is fraught with grief and dejection.” He is lost inside, his introspective, self analytical confusion.

But, as we have said above, it is the Holy One who is crying within the inner chambers and whoever presses himself closer to God through Torah is able to weep there together with God and also to learn Torah with God.

This is the difference. The pain and grief he suffers over his own situation, alone, in isolation, can break a person. He may even fall so far that he becomes immobilized by it. But the crying that a person does together with God makes him strong. He cries and takes strength. He is shattered and is then emboldened to study and to worship.

It is difficult for him to rise up only the first or second time because of the pain. If he is bold, if he stretches out with his head to touch the Torah and worship, he gains access to those innermost chambers where God is. There he laments and wails with God, as it were, alone with God. Then, even in the midst of pain, he can learn Torah and worship God’s blessed devotions.

אלי, אלי, שלא יגמר לעולם
החול והים
רשרוש של המים
ברק השמים
תפילת האדם

Eli, Eli by Hannah Senesh

Hannah Senesh (1921-1944) went to Israel from Hungary at age 18. She studied at the agricultural school at Nahalal and joined kibbutz Sdot-Yam. In 1943, at the height of World War II, she volunteered to go into Nazi-controlled areas in Europe to save Jewish lives. In 1944 she parachuted into Yugoslavia. After staying with the partisans, she went to Hungary, where she was discovered and executed by the Germans.

Eli, Eli, Shelo yigamer le'olam:
Hachol vehayam
Rishrush shel hamayim
Berak hashamayim
Tefilat ha'adam.

My God, My God, I pray that these things never end,
The sand and the sea,
The rush of the waters,
The light of the Heavens,
The prayer of Man.

A Prayer for Peace in Israel, by Rabbi Naomi Levy
God, our Strength and Protection, we pray for Israel. Watch over Israel, spread Your shelter of peace over the land and over all our brothers and sisters who live there. Shine your light upon Israel’s leaders, officers and advisers. Fill them with Your wisdom. Fill the men and women who defend Israel with wisdom and with Your holy light. Watch over them, God. Hear their prayers. Hear the prayers of innocent civilians in Gaza who share our longings for an end to this conflict. Bring peace, God. Let it rain down from the heavens like a mighty storm. Let it wash away all hatred and bloodshed. Peace, God, please, God. Amen