oral method interprets written tora

now is around dawn in u.s. east coast... good morning! in the morning, every morning religious jews ANNOUNCE "two verses that a third tips [makria meaning tips the scale meaning confirms"] yet they REFUSE to apply the traditional method when the verses speak of forgiveness, so i show the traditional method
תניא רבי ישמעאל אמר בשלוש עשרה מידות התורה נדרשת, כיצד "השלישי מכריע" ביניהם? "נאמר" נסלח לו באשם [ויקרא ד'] ונאמר בישעיה [נה'] לסלוח ברשע אפילו בלי זבח הם מכחישים זה את זה, עד שיבוא הכתוב השלישי ויכריע ביניהם, בירמיה [ז'], עולותיכם ספו על זבחיכם ואכלו בשר ללמד לאכול עולותיכם וזבחיכם, כי לא ציויתי דבר זבח להכריע שאם יעזוב רשע דרכו נסלח אבל באמת לא ציוה זבח כולל אשם


Rabbis taught, search the Torah in 13 methods, one is "the third tips". how? forgiveness was written by offering for guilt, leviticus chapter 4, and by "leaving the evil way" forgiven in isaiah 55. which causes forgiveness? oral law said to bring the the third verse to tip: jeremiah chater 7 "add your burnt to your slaughter and eat because i did not command slaughtering burnt" tipping away from leviticus. and similar message in isaiah i did not want blood, in past, teaching if change direction suffices for forgiveness and in isaiah "turn and be saved" to teach leaving the path of wickedness causes forgiveness but truly not commanded burnt offering nor slaughtering.

__ two
method: "all and detail"

another "method in oral tradition is called klal uprat en bklal ela ma shbprat". a sample of this is by sabbath. the "klal" is the word "kol" the ORDER IS "work" singular after the general. if rabbis respected tradition they would teach the singular limits only one work, like not offering a horse if animal is limited by cattle... which as above truly had never been commanded. anyway which work? as i demonstrated elsewhere.

these two samples reveal that respect for jewish tradition is a very different direction than orthodox jews with many "forbidden works" instead of obeying the ORAL LAW to interpret the written law.

sadly the tragedy multiplies as money pulls the few students interested in judaism into groups such as habad which at its foundation rejects talmudic ideas... about "zadik" feeling strong temptation... in talmud sukka... but money pulls them to the money and away from the tradition even when students have a chance to meet with me and hear the SOURCES from jewish books... which i assemble, clearly satan and the devil is helping the sinners called orthodox jews succeed to pull them further away from the messages that god truly sent. i mourn for those students... like a fish chasing the worm on the hook... not only to sin in a foreign "series of rules" despite commands many times "thou shalt not add" and other similar warnings, while the rabbis violate and add... the "broken wells in jeremia chapter two but worse than the sin of add is also the loss, further away from "the spring of living water" the actual messages as described in jeremia 2,13.