study GUIDE Mishna Megillah, prepare Purim
illustration one: a mask for Purim costume, that i made.
TITLE: companion study guide for mishna megilla
intro: despite the title "mgilla" relates to purim which is far away over a month distant and especially considering the added month to the lunar year, still from experience studying mishna mgilla takes a long time.
the SOLUTION: so if you plan on studying the "mishna megilla" we better start now months in advance due to the length and complicated issues in that mishna but why a guide?
from my experience the first mishna has an order that could be improved, by obeying a lesson in tradition. also the contents of the chapters are almost all not the "title topic" about the actual scroll of megillah nor even near that topic. the guide provides a SOLUTION for those contents.
when i studied it, despite daily lessons it took months and the TOPIC was not only subjectively boring CONTENTS but worse the contents were far from any real ceremony even from a religious perspective therefore the guide provides a SOLUTION to overcome these difficulties and "lift the obstacles" isaiah 57, for a "sweet" experience that matches the law that a mourner must not study torah during the week of mourning, which would not be a conflict unless we can somehow sweeten the experience.
part of the introduction is to demonstrate the need for improvement so for the sake of COMPARISON comparison we can see a "consistent order""the mgilla scroll was read on the eleventh..." WAIT notice! note the order STARTS from the "earlier date"."the 12th,13th, 14th, and 15th. not earlier nor later. how for eleventh?" note: the consistent order STARTING same as the list."if the 14 of the month is the first day after sabbath, then the mgilla was read on 11 on "entrance day". the city on 14 but walled cities on 15 [later date later same as the order but compare!]. if on entrance day, second or fifth day of week, villagers read with city. if on third day, villagers read on 13 the entrance day. if on fourth day villagers read on 12th, the entrance day. if on the day before sabbath villagers on entrance day, walled with city on 14. if on sabbath, villagers on 12 entrance day with city."if we compare the "consistent version" to the version they gave us we see not only the order is "not eleventh first but OPPOSITE delaying eleventh to last, instead of the order of the mishna itself, but worse we see the "burden of repitition" which violates the lesson, the "teaching method" to "always teach short" according to tradition in talmud psahim. we must not repeat that the city reads on 14 seven times! we only need the exception if the 14 is sabbath and similarly not repeat that walled on 15 seven times only the exception if the fifteenth is sabbath.also the mishna used the term "entrance day" so define that as two days without repitition. so this comparison shows the NEED for improvemment because OBEYING the method in talmud psahim is respect for tradition not perpetuating the VIOLATION of that lesson.
GUIDE to chapter one:
mishna one: BEFORE reading the mishna search for the rabbi which rabbi taught the idea?
in that mishna no name? so who? tradition teaches that the mishna that hid the name is "rabbi meir" source talmud gittin chapter one. so not only does the talmud megilla specifically reject this mishna, but in general the leaders of halaka taught "not to go like rabbi meir" source talmud erubin first chapter. we must not delay getting to the lesson of rabbi yosi due to rejected opinions so we have justification to skip this mishna. although a solution would be to fix the order and "republish" a corrected version with rabbi yosi in the first mishna, as i did last year, still this is a guide for studying THEIR book so we must not delay with rejected opinions to get to rabbi yosi only know that this mishna is rejected and "go to" mishna
1,2, BEFORE reading the mishna search for the rabbi which rabbi taught the idea? this section hid the name so we know it is r' meir and the leaders of halaka already rejected his opinions. for that reason we must not delay r' yosi with rejected opinions so we advance.
1,3, BEFORE reading the mishna search for the rabbi which rabbi taught the idea? we find the name of r' juda. from my experience he is not adding anything, and anyway even if he was adding still the talmud mgila 2a puts the majority against r' juda, so we must advance toward r' yosi without delay.
1,4, BEFORE reading the mishna search for the rabbi which rabbi taught the idea? today we have tools to "search" and find that the next rabbi is r' simon in mishna 8. r' s.b.g. allows writing the mgilla in greek. this IS on topic of megilla. however it generates a new problem some jews "mourn" that the bible was translated to greek however since r' simon allowed writing it in greek we see that mourning for that is wrong.
what did r' simon teach?
5-8, rabbi simon son of gamliel said we are only permitted to change a book from hebrew to write in greek. note: this is on topic of "megilla" scroll permitting to write it in either hebrew or greek and rejects the later mishna chapter 2 mishna 2. the other opinion here was already rejected as above so we must not delay the words of r' yosi.
mishna 9 until 11 until end of chapter, not only is the topic not the title topic but we know it is r' meir as above so we must not delay r' yosi's lesson since his opinion is prefferred in talmud psahim chapter ten.
despite moving quickly to chapter two much remains.
GUIDE chapter 2
mishna one: BEFORE reading the mishna search for the rabbi which rabbi taught the idea? the mishna hid the name so we know according to tradition this is the rejected opinion of r' meir ergo we justifiably advance toward r' yosi.
2-3, BEFORE reading the mishna search for the rabbi which rabbi taught the idea? we find r' juda. so we can spend time delaying r' yosi this time.the law of the traveler lacks a name so we know it is the opinion of r' meir which the religious leaders rejected. source talmud erubin chapter one.
from where read the megilla scroll? r' meir said all. r' juda said from "jewish man" r' yosi said from "after these things." first we must grant precedence to r' yosi due to tradition prefering him in talmud psahim chapter ten and also in talmud erubin chapter four. what is r' yosi opinion?
he is teaching the starting point of the reading using the word "from" saying "from after these things". since tradition teaches to "go like r' yosi" over r' juda that should be the starting point. i see that in shul they do not start from there but violate halaka starting like r' meir which the leaders of halaka rejected in talmud erubin. however r' yosi said "from". he did not say "if" as some deceivers tried to trick me. this warns us to avoid the deceptive orthodox rabbis who will even "add words to a source". the asker WANTS tradition but the diabolical rabbis teach differently and truly are serving the devil to sway students away from the actual tradition, but mostly the purpose of "mking you feel like you cannot understand yourself" and sending people to tell you to "ask an orthodox rabbi" is simply to keep you under their authority... and control the money you donate. which is the definition of a cult system controlling your money. for example teaching you must donate a tenth and we will distribute it... and keep some for themselves using several excuses.
still this mishna generates two new problems? where is the starting point of r' yosi? and where is the END point?the mishna only said "from" but until? only r' meir said all but what about r' yosi? we need a guide. if we simply search the scroll we have two possibilities so which is the starting point chapter 2:1 or chapter 3:1? the talmud provided the answer. the talmud explained r' yosi as referring to haman so we know he means the decree of haman in chapter 3. IF orthodox and haredi rabbis respected halaka tradition they would start "from" this section of haman's decree luckily we have examples to warn us that the orthodox rabbis lead their students away from the tradition which YOU dear readers and their students wanted... but dont get your request. those rabbis do not acuurately represent jewish tradition nor jewish religiious law as we see in this example and other examples that i published to warn you dear readers and to FIX some of the problems.
based on the talmud we now understand that r' yos wants to read the decree to know the DANGER from which we were saved and that provides a clue "until where" not like r' meir "all" until the end, the leaders of halaka rejected the opinion of r' meir due to a reason preserved in talmud erubin chapter one and especially in debates with r' juda and r' yosi, as in this debate r' meir's opinoin they rejecetd and even r' juda who is "preferred" over r' meir, is not preferd over r' yosi so certainly not "all"?if someone would claim start from chapter 3 and read until the end then that violates the tradition in talmud hagiga "grabbing more is not grabbing" we must not grab more only the topic of the decree of haman. any shul or place of worship that starts from the "start of the scroll" is not only a burden against r' yosi more than halaka which goes like r' yosi as explained above, but worse is doing like r' meir which violates tradition and so YOU dear readers can be warned to avoid any such rabbi and place and shul etc. even if publishing the book starts before that still the ceremony to read differs they start the reading like r' meir.i gave them a chance to expalin and they ALTERED the text adding the word if... but truly r' yosi never said if and they would not let YOU add the word if anywhere so they must not either. we can see they are deceivers who lead students away from what the students want...
even if we ignore the battle between religion and devil, the student wants jewish but the rabbis led them away from the desired tradition.
the asker and you are here because you want jewish tradition but are led by orthodox rabbis away from the jewish tradition. away from the thing that they wanted. when they try to trick you adding the word "if" siimply flee knowing that one who adds words to the traditional text is tricking not even risk them fooling you... i checked for you.
we must not add only skip and only if we have justificatin as demonstrated conclusion since the talmud explaind that r' yosi referd to haman therefore we know he wants you to read the decree and then we have announced the decree which we were saved from therefore once we read the "topic" of decree then the rule "salik inyana" ending the topic of decree is the end point however if someone said to read more than the decree topic, that violates the rule of "grabbing more is not grabbed" in jewish law, instead stop at the end of verse 11 when the king agreed to haman enabling the danger and then we have publicized the danger from which we were saved.
since no such shul exists yet then respect for tradition is to stay home and read that section yourself. the book can be hebrew or greek as above and may add a translation in english or any language but publishers must not delete the hebrew or greek as above.having finally reached r' yosi we have accomplished the goal not to delay r' yosi.
the next section will be 2,4 then 3,2 reaching the mid point but still much remains.see you next week! in business year 2022, jewish year 2333 [by traditional number and system used by gaon rabbis].
part two continues at