sun younger? than earliest trees

today while reading about helium the author mentioned the age of the sun 4.5 billion years... same as earth yet if God knew that... then the book genesis is separate from the God who knew.

before "bending" the contents of religious book genesis, based on external bias, the bible seems to say that the sun was created on the fourth day, the number 4 means one day after the trees on the third day so it seems 24 hours and this "interpretation" is closer to the words. according to jewish rabbis given two possible interpretations we must PREFER the one nearest the words.
what about tradition? traditin specified day was same as days in a month or shorter.... not longer as some rabbis claim in our generation to fool people. ancient jews specificly "counted the days in the month" as published in commentary tosfot, the tradition did not yet "bend" nor corrupt the idea before the bias to make it seem to match geology. if god knew he "hid" from the authors and from oral tradition that a day was longer than a "day" in other biblical verses suc as rest on the seventh DAY! lets interpret that as "billions of years" then we can use electricity 365 days a year! the seventh "day" has not yet yet arrived since the command in book exodus.
now that we know geology we have a bias to "allow" people to "believe both" the bible and geology: that earth is 4 billion years old... they said it is "biblicly possible" that each day is a thousand years or more... claiming that from the creation of earth until the trees... was 3 "long eras" which as above violates jew tradition in oral transmission of tosfot and rabbi bahya, who dared to claim 12 hour days! like 24 hours until day 3 trees.
but to "allow belief in both" some orthodox rabbis dare to bend genesis , as abve violating both specific tradition and the rule of preferring interpretations! and even if it intends "long" then the book can "cause error" if we do not have external knowledge... and that iteself indicates that genesis is a flawed bad book.
WORSE if we trust such rabbis we still must not ignore that the sun is on the fourth day! if "billions of geologic years" passsed until the trees on the third day... and the sun is the fourth day... the sun is billions of years younger than earth... yet old books say the sun is older than earth and modern science based on helium ratio claim SAME age as earth both 4.5b not "after trees". in contrast if i believe geology then the earliest first trees are long after sun and even after fish!
if you are able to claim "the fourth day was before the third day"! if you can do such "mental gymnastics then you are a "good jew" who enjoys corruption... but if you are honest you will realize that the writers of genesis and its contents are SEPARATE from the God who knew the true order and time.
another logical possibility which i never heard from any rabbi who i gave opportunity to defend but they love deception.... and enjoy speaking tricky words and wasting time until the asker "gives up" any hope of hearing an answer... is to say the details in the fourth day were exchanged with the contents of an earlier day which is STILL misleading by labelling day numbers so in all combinations genesis is a bad flawed book. and we must learn never ever to ask jewish rabbis any questions due to their methods already revealed.
even if we believe SOME books are holy still genesis is separate fro God because an error cannot be from God therefore genesis is not from god.
the bottom line is only if we teach "the fourth day is between the third and fifth sun between tree and fish would we be "accurately representing the jew tradition as above but rabbis refuse to represent accurately therefore we must be warned never ever to consult with rabbis unless they represent the "preference of the interpretation nearest the words" as above, which would deny science geology... which would turn off most intelligent people.

ששת ימים תעבוד וביום השביעי שבת [שמות כ'].
כי אלף שנים בעניך כיום [תהילים פרק צ' תשעים ומצוטט כדי לעוות ספר בראשית].

אפשרי לפרש את שבת כמו בספר תהילים שבת היא אחרי ששת ימים תעבוד וכול יום הוא אלף שנה לכן עדיין לא הגיע יום השביעי מאז הצו בדור משה בספר שמות. אין צו לשמור שבת עד יום השביעי... מדור משה עד היום 3000 שנה נשארו עוד 3000 שהדת לא מחייבת עדיין לשמור שבת.