Women's Tefillah Group (www.shaarei.org), Congregation Shaarei Tefillah, Newton MA
Our Women’s Tefillah Group aims to support the spirituality of women and girls of all ages and levels of Jewish education. We provide a makom tefillah for prayer services and life cycle events (bat mitzvah, Shabbat kallah , yahrtzeit, etc) at a level with which each individual is comfortable. Events include Shacharit services a few times a year, monthly Mincha on Shabbat mevorachim , Megillot readings, Kabbalat Shabbat services, and a Simchat Torah service and celebration. We also teach women seeking to lead services by leyning , or functioning as a chazzanit or gabbayit.
Rav Moshe Feinstein, cited in Aryeh and Dov Frimer, 'Women's Prayer Services—Theory and Practice,' Tradition 32:2 (Winter 1998), 34.
They [women] may also read from the Torah, though they should be careful not to do so in such a manner as to create the erroneous impression that this constitutes keriat ha-Torah. Thus, for example, they should not recite the Torah benedictions [birchot ha-Torah] aloud, but should either rely on the benedictions recited earlier [in birchot ha-shahar] or, in a case where they have not yet made these blessings, should recite them privately.