Why Haran Matters: Healing, Learning, and History
וַיִּקַּ֣ח אַבְרָם֩ אֶת־שָׂרַ֨י אִשְׁתּ֜וֹ וְאֶת־ל֣וֹט בֶּן־אָחִ֗יו וְאֶת־כָּל־רְכוּשָׁם֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר רָכָ֔שׁוּ וְאֶת־הַנֶּ֖פֶשׁ אֲשֶׁר־עָשׂ֣וּ בְחָרָ֑ן וַיֵּצְא֗וּ לָלֶ֙כֶת֙ אַ֣רְצָה כְּנַ֔עַן וַיָּבֹ֖אוּ אַ֥רְצָה כְּנָֽעַן׃
Abram took his wife Sarai and his brother’s son Lot, and all the wealth that they had amassed, and the persons that they had acquired in Haran; and they set out for the land of Canaan. When they arrived in the land of Canaan,
וְעַתָּ֥ה בְנִ֖י שְׁמַ֣ע בְּקֹלִ֑י וְק֧וּם בְּרַח־לְךָ֛ אֶל־לָבָ֥ן אָחִ֖י חָרָֽנָה׃
Now, my son, listen to me. Flee at once to Haran, to my brother Laban.
וַיֵּצֵ֥א יַעֲקֹ֖ב מִבְּאֵ֣ר שָׁ֑בַע וַיֵּ֖לֶךְ חָרָֽנָה׃
Jacob left Beer-sheba, and set out for Haran.
אשר עשו בחרן. שֶׁהִכְנִיסָן תַּחַת כַּנְפֵי הַשְּׁכִינָה; אַבְרָהָם מְגַיֵּר אֶת הָאֲנָשִׁים וְשָׂרָה מְגַיֶּרֶת הַנָּשִׁים, וּמַעֲלֶה עֲלֵיהֶם הַכָּתוּב כְּאִלּוּ עֲשָׂאוּם; וּפְשׁוּטוֹ שֶׁל מִקְרָא עֲבָדִים וּשְׁפָחוֹת שֶׁקָּנוּ לָהֶם, כְּמוֹ עָשָׂה אֵת כָּל הַכָּבֹד הַזֶּה (שם ל"א), וְיִשְׂרָאֵל עֹשֶׂה חָיִל (במדבר כד יח), לְשׁוֹן קוֹנֶה וְכוֹנֵס:
אשר עשו בחרן [THE SOULS] THAT THEY HAD GOTTEN (literally, made) IN HARAN — The souls which he had brought beneath the sheltering wings of the Shechinah. Abraham converted the men and Sarah converted the women and Scripture accounts it unto them as if they had made them (Genesis Rabbah 39:14). However, the real sense of the text is that it refers to the men-servants and to the maidservants whom they had acquired for themselves. The word “עשה” is used here as (in Genesis 31:1), “he has acquired (עשה) all this wealth”, and (Numbers 24:8), “And Israel acquires (עושה) wealth” — an expression for acquiring and amassing.
אמר ריש לקיש כל המלמד את בן חבירו תורה מעלה עליו הכתוב כאילו עשאו שנאמר (בראשית יב, ה) ואת הנפש אשר עשו בחרן ר' (אליעזר) אומר כאילו עשאן לדברי תורה שנאמר (דברים כט, ח) ושמרתם את דברי הברית הזאת ועשיתם אותם רבא אמר כאילו עשאו לעצמו שנאמר ועשיתם אותם אל תקרי אותם אלא אתם
Reish Lakish said: With regard to anyone who teaches Torah to the son of another, the verse ascribes him credit as though he formed that student, as it is stated: “And Abram took Sarai his wife…and the souls that they formed in Haran” (Genesis 12:5). They are given credit for forming the students to whom they taught Torah. Rabbi Elazar says: It is as though he fashioned [asa’an] the words of Torah themselves, as it is stated: “Observe the words of this covenant, va’asitem otam (Deuteronomy 29:8), indicating that studying the Torah is like fashioning it. Rava says: It is as though he fashioned himself, as it is stated: “Va’asitem otam.” Do not readva’asitem otam as: And you shall fashion them; rather, read it as va’asitem atem, meaning: You shall fashion yourself.
אמר ר' יצחק שמש הבאה בעבורו זרחה בעבורו דכתיב (בראשית כח, י) ויצא יעקב מבאר שבע וילך חרנה וכתיב ויפגע במקום כי מטא לחרן אמר אפשר עברתי על מקום שהתפללו אבותי ואני לא התפללתי כד יהיב דעתיה למיהדר קפצה ליה ארעא מיד ויפגע במקום
Rabbi Yitzḥak says: The verse means that the sun, which set early exclusively for him, also shone early exclusively for him in order to rectify the disparity created by the premature sunset. The Gemara explains when the sun set early for him: As it is written: “And Jacob went out from Beersheba and went toward Haran” (Genesis 28:10). And it is written thereafter: “And he encountered the place, and he slept there, because the sun had set” (Genesis 28:11). When Jacob arrived at Haran, he said: Is it possible that I passed a place where my fathers prayed and I did not pray there? When he set his mind to return, the land contracted for him. Immediately the verse states: “And he encountered the place,” indicating that he arrived there miraculously.
הוּא שֶׁאָמַר הַכָּתוּב, וְאֶת הַנֶּפֶשׁ אֲשֶׁר עָשׂוּ בְחָרָן (בראשית יב, ה). אָמַר רַבִּי אֲלַכֶּסַנְדְרִי, אִלְמָלֵא נִתְכַּנְּסוּ כָּל הַבְּרִיּוֹת לַעֲשׂוֹת יַתּוּשׁ אֶחָד, אֵין יְכוֹלִין לַעֲשׂוֹת. וּמַהוּ הַנֶּפֶשׁ אֲשֶׁר עָשׂוּ, שֶׁהָיָה מְלַמְּדָן יִרְאַת שָׁמַיִם וּמוֹרֶה לָהֶן אֶת הַתּוֹרָה. אָמַר לוֹ הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא: אַתָּה זָרַעְתָּ אֶת הַצְּדָקָה וְהוֹדַעְתָּנִי בָעוֹלָם, שָׂכָר אַתָּה נוֹטֵל, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר: שְׂכָרְךָ הַרְבֵּה מְאֹד.
Scripture says elsewhere And the souls that they made in Haran (Gen. 12:5). R. Alexandri stated: The fact is that if all mankind assembled to make just one mosquito, they would not be able to do so. What then is the meaning of this verse, And the souls that they made in Haran? It means that he taught them about the fear of heaven and instructed them in the law (in that place).20Tradition teaches that one who converts a gentile is considered to have created him. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him: You have sown righteousness and have made Me known in this world, hence you will be rewarded, as it is said: Thy reward shall be exceedingly great (Gen. 16:1).

(ב) אִישׁ יְהוּדִי הָיָה בְּשׁוּשַׁן הַבִּירָה (אסתר ב, ה), אִישׁ מְלַמֵּד שֶׁהָיָה מָרְדֳּכַי שָׁקוּל בְּדוֹרוֹ כְּמשֶׁה בְּדוֹרוֹ, דִּכְתִיב בֵּיהּ (במדבר יב, ג): וְהָאִישׁ משֶׁה עָנָו מְאֹד, מַה מּשֶׁה עָמַד בַּפֶּרֶץ, דִּכְתִיב (תהלים קו, כג): וַיֹּאמֶר לְהַשְׁמִידָם לוּלֵי משֶׁה בְחִירוֹ עָמַד בַּפֶּרֶץ וגו', אַף מָרְדֳּכַי כֵּן, דִּכְתִיב (אסתר י, ג): דֹּרֵשׁ טוֹב לְעַמּוֹ וְדֹבֵר שָׁלוֹם לְכָל זַרְעוֹ. מַה מּשֶׁה לִמֵּד תּוֹרָה לְיִשְׂרָאֵל, דִּכְתִיב (דברים ד, ה): רְאֵה לִמַּדְתִּי אֶתְכֶם חֻקִּים וּמִשְׁפָּטִים, אַף מָרְדֳּכַי כֵּן, דִּכְתִיב (אסתר ט, ל): דִּבְרֵי שָׁלוֹם וֶאֱמֶת, וּכְתִיב (משלי כג, כג): אֱמֶת קְנֵה וְאַל תִּמְכֹּר. וּשְׁמוֹ מָרְדֳּכַי. הָרְשָׁעִים קוֹדְמִין לִשְׁמָן, (שמואל א כה, כה): נָבָל שְׁמוֹ, (שמואל ב כ, כא): שֶׁבַע בֶּן בִּכְרִי שְׁמוֹ. אֲבָל הַצַּדִּיקִים שְׁמָן קוֹדֵם לָהֶם (שופטים יג, ב): וּשְׁמוֹ מָנוֹחַ, (שמואל א ט, א): וּשְׁמוֹ קִישׁ, (שמואל א ט, א): וּשְׁמוֹ שָׁאוּל, (שמואל א א, א): וּשְׁמוֹ אֶלְקָנָה, (רות ב, א): וּשְׁמוֹ בֹּעַז. וּשְׁמוֹ מָרְדֳּכַי, לְפִי שֶׁדּוֹמִין לְבוֹרְאָן, דִּכְתִיב (שמות ו, ג): וּשְׁמִי ה' לֹא נוֹדַעְתִּי לָהֶם. יְהוּדִי, לָמָּה נִקְרָא שְׁמוֹ יְהוּדִי, וַהֲלֹא יְמִינִי הוּא, לְפִי שֶׁיִּחֵד שְׁמוֹ שֶׁל הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא כְּנֶגֶד כָּל בָּאֵי עוֹלָם, הֲדָא הוּא דִכְתִיב לֹא יִכְרַע וְלֹא יִשְׁתַּחֲוֶה. וְכִי קַנְתְּרָן הָיָה וְעוֹבֵר עַל גְּזֵרַת הַמֶּלֶךְ, אֶלָּא כְּשֶׁצִּוָּה אֲחַשְׁוֵרוֹשׁ לְהִשְׁתַּחֲווֹת לְהָמָן, חָקַק עֲבוֹדַת כּוֹכָבִים עַל לִבּוֹ, וְנִתְכַּוֵּן כְּדֵי שֶׁיִּשְׁתַּחֲווּ לַעֲבוֹדַת כּוֹכָבִים, וּכְשֶׁהָיָה רוֹאֶה הָמָן שֶׁאֵין מָרְדֳּכַי מִשְׁתַּחֲוֶה לוֹ, נִתְמַלֵּא חֵמָה, וּמָרְדֳּכַי אוֹמֵר לוֹ יֵשׁ אָדוֹן הַמִּתְגָּאֶה עַל כָּל גֵּאִים, הֵיאַךְ אֲנִי מַנִּיחוֹ וְאֶשְׁתַּחֲוֶה לַעֲבוֹדַת כּוֹכָבִים, וּלְפִי שֶׁיִּחֵד שְׁמוֹ שֶׁל הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא נִקְרָא יְהוּדִי, לוֹמַר יְהוּדִי יְחִידִי. וְיֵשׁ אוֹמְרִים שֶׁהָיָה שָׁקוּל כְּאַבְרָהָם בְּדוֹרוֹ, מָה אַבְרָהָם אָבִינוּ מָסַר אֶת עַצְמוֹ לְתוֹךְ כִּבְשַׁן הָאֵשׁ וְהֶחֱזִיר וְהִכִּיר לַבְּרִיּוֹת גְּדֻלָּתוֹ שֶׁל הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא, הֲדָא הוּא דִכְתִיב (בראשית יב, ה): וְאֶת הַנֶּפֶשׁ אֲשֶׁר עָשׂוּ בְחָרָן, אַף מָרְדֳּכַי בְּיָמָיו הִכִּירוּ הַבְּרִיּוֹת גְּדֻלָּתוֹ שֶׁל הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא, הֲדָא הוּא דִכְתִיב (אסתר ח, יז): וְרַבִּים מֵעַמֵּי הָאָרֶץ מִתְיַהֲדִים, וְיִיחֵד שְׁמוֹ שֶׁל הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא וְקִדְּשׁוֹ, וּלְפִיכָךְ נִקְרָא יְהוּדִי, דִּכְתִיב: אִישׁ יְהוּדִי, אַל תִּקְרֵי יְהוּדִי אֶלָּא יְחִידִי.

(2) "There was a Jewish man in Shushan the capital" -- [The word] 'man' (ish) teaches us that Mordechai was the equivalent of Moses in his generation as it says about [Moses] "and the man(ish) Moses was exceedingly humble." Just as Moses stood in the breach as it says (Psalm 106) "And He planned to destroy them if not for Moses who stood in the breach.." so to Mordechai as it says "He sought good for his nation and brought peace to all his people" Just as Moses taught Torah to Israel, so to Mordechai as it says [about Moses] "See, I have taught you laws," so to Mordechai as it says [that Mordechai sent out] "words of Peace and Truth" and it says "buy truth and sell it not" [about the Torah.] "And his name was Mordechai" -- When evil people are introduced in the text, they precede their names e.g. "Naval was his name" or "Sheba son of Bichri was his name." But the names of the righteous precede them e.g. "his name was Manoah," "his name was Kish," "his name was Saul," "his name was Elkana," "his name was Boaz," and in our text, "his name was Mordechai. This is to make them emulate their Creator as it says [about God] and My name, Jehovah, I did not make known to them. "Jewish" -- Why was he called 'Judean' if he was of Benjamin? Because he attested to the unity of God in the world as it says "[and Mordechai] would not kneel and would not bow] (therefore he was called a part of Judah which means 'to acknowledge God'). And [why] was he a contrarian that ignored the king's decree? Because when Ahasuerus decreed that everyone should bow to Haman, Haman started wearing an idol so that everyone would bow to the idol, and when he saw that Mordechai refused to bow he became very angry. Mordechai told him "there is a Lord who is above all the arrogant. How can I forsake him and bow to an idol?" Thus, because he attested to God's unity, he was called The Jew i.e. the only Jew. There are those who also compare him to Abraham. Just as Abraham threw himself into the furnace, came out alive, and caused people to recognize God -- this being what is referred to by the verse "and the souls they made in Haran" -- Mordechai also helped pepole recognize God in his own day as it says "And many people of the land converted to Judaism." [In conclusion] he attested to the unity of God and His holiness and was therefore called "the Jew".