Women's Rights and Reproductive Rights


  • How do we understand the value and nature of the unborn child?
  • How might we think about the relative worth of a living person (mother) and a yet-to-be-born person (a fetus)?
  • Who has the authority to determine the rights of the mother vs the rights of the child?


ואי מיעברא עד ארבעים מיא בעלמא היא

And if she is pregnant, until forty days from conception the fetus is merely water.

Arakhin 7a describes a case of a pregnant woman who has been condemned to death. The text discusses whether we must temporarily stay the execution until she gives birth in order to save the fetus but concludes that the fetus is not an independent living being and therefore the execution is to be done while the woman is still pregnant.

... גופה היא

... it [the fetus] is part of her body.

(ו) הָאִשָּׁה שֶׁהִיא מַקְשָׁה לֵילֵד, מְחַתְּכִין אֶת הַוָּלָד בְּמֵעֶיהָ וּמוֹצִיאִין אוֹתוֹ אֵבָרִים אֵבָרִים, מִפְּנֵי שֶׁחַיֶּיהָ קוֹדְמִין לְחַיָּיו. יָצָא רֻבּוֹ, אֵין נוֹגְעִין בּוֹ, שֶׁאֵין דּוֹחִין נֶפֶשׁ מִפְּנֵי נָפֶשׁ:

(6) If a woman is having trouble giving birth, they cut up the child in her womb and brings it forth limb by limb, because her life comes before the life of [the child]. But if the greater part* has come out, one may not touch it, for one may not set aside one person's life for that of another.

* Tosefta Yevamot 9 considers this the head

תורת האדם, רמב"ן

ותנן נמי (נדה מ"ד א') גבי תינוק בן יום אחד וההורגו חייב, ודוקא בן יום אחד אבל עובר לא.

Torat HaAdam, Nachmanides

As the Mishnah (Niddah 48a) states regarding a one day old infant, that capital punishment is prescribed for murdering it, for a one day old infant, but not for a fetus.


  • What are the four stages of development described in each of these texts? At what point does life begin?
  • At what point does abortion become prohibited in these stages?
  • Why does the text permit abortion at each individual stage?

Challenges to grapple with:

  • To the best of your knowledge, does our scientific understanding of fetal development back up each of the stages described here? Should that matter when determining Jewish law?
  • Do you think a one-day difference should be the defining line for capital punishment? Why or why not?


וקתני רישא החיה פושטת ידה וחותכתו ומוציאתו לאברים דכל זמן שלא יצא לאויר העולם לאו נפש הוא וניתן להורגו ולהציל את אמו

"the midwife extends her hand and cuts it up and extracts [the pieces];" as the entire time that that it has not gone out into the air of the world, it is not [considered] a soul, and [so] it is possible to kill it and to save its mother.

(ט) אַף זוֹ מִצְוַת לֹא תַּעֲשֶׂה שֶׁלֹּא לָחוּס עַל נֶפֶשׁ הָרוֹדֵף. לְפִיכָךְ הוֹרוּ חֲכָמִים שֶׁהָעֻבָּרָה שֶׁהִיא מַקְשָׁה לֵילֵד מֻתָּר לַחְתֹּךְ הָעֵבָּר בְּמֵעֶיהָ בֵּין בְּסַם בֵּין בְּיָד מִפְּנֵי שֶׁהוּא כְּרוֹדֵף אַחֲרֶיהָ לְהָרְגָהּ. וְאִם מִשֶּׁהוֹצִיא רֹאשׁוֹ אֵין נוֹגְעִין בּוֹ שֶׁאֵין דּוֹחִין נֶפֶשׁ מִפְּנֵי נֶפֶשׁ וְזֶהוּ טִבְעוֹ שֶׁל עוֹלָם:

(9) This, indeed, is one of the negative mitzvot - not to take pity on the life of a pursuer.* On this basis, our Sages ruled that when complications arise and a pregnant woman cannot give birth, it is permitted to abort the fetus in her womb, whether with a knife or with drugs. For the fetus is considered a pursuer of its mother. If the head of the fetus emerges, it should not be touched, because one life should not be sacrificed for another. Although the mother may die, this is the nature of the world.

* Meaning if someone is trying to kill you - pursing you to kill you - you don't have compassion for their life. You must protect your own life.


  • Both Rashi and Maimonides discuss a case where the life of the mother is in danger during childbirth and we prioritize the life of the mother. What is the reasoning offered by each?
  • Would Maimonides agree with Rashi's ruling that the mother can only be saved before the fetus has "gone out into the air"? Why or why not?

Challenges to grapple with:

  • Do you think we should ever prioritize the baby over the mother (like Rashi) or should we always save the mother's life (like Maimonides)?

שו"ת משפטי עוזיאל ד:מו

על כל פנים הדבר ברור שלא התירו להרוג העוברים אלא כשיש צורך בדבר ואפילו אם הוא צרך קלוש כגון דמנוולה האם, אבל שלא לצורך ודאי שאסור משום השחתה ומניעת אפשרות החיים לנפש מישראל.

Responsa Mishpatei Uziel 4:46

It is clear that killing a fetus is not permitted without a reason, but for a reason, even if a weak reason, such as to prevent the mother from public shame [it may be permitted] (based on Arakhin 7a)

שו"ת שאילת יעבץ חלק א סימן מג

היה צד להקל לצורך גדול. כל כמה דלא עקר. אפילו אינו משום פקוח נפש אמו. אלא להציל לה מרעתו. שגורם לה כאב גדול וצ"ע.

Responsa She'ilat Yabetz 1:43

There is room for leniency [to permit abortion] provided there is great need, and as labor has not yet begun, even if it is not to save the mother’s life but only to save her from evil caused by great pain.


  • In what additional cases do these sources allow for abortion?
  • What reasons of “shame” might exist for abortion to be permissible?
  • What other "weak reasons" do you think the Mishpatei Uziel might permit?

Challenges to grapple with:

  • In our modern society, who gets to decide if the woman has a "weak reason" or a "strong reason"?


(כב) וְכִֽי־יִנָּצ֣וּ אֲנָשִׁ֗ים וְנָ֨גְפ֜וּ אִשָּׁ֤ה הָרָה֙ וְיָצְא֣וּ יְלָדֶ֔יהָ וְלֹ֥א יִהְיֶ֖ה אָס֑וֹן עָנ֣וֹשׁ יֵעָנֵ֗שׁ כַּֽאֲשֶׁ֨ר יָשִׁ֤ית עָלָיו֙ בַּ֣עַל הָֽאִשָּׁ֔ה וְנָתַ֖ן בִּפְלִלִֽים׃ (כג) וְאִם־אָס֖וֹן יִהְיֶ֑ה וְנָתַתָּ֥ה נֶ֖פֶשׁ תַּ֥חַת נָֽפֶשׁ׃

And if men strive together and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart, and yet no harm follow, he shall be surely fined, according as the woman's husband shall lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. But if harm should occur [to the pregnant woman herself] then shall you give life for life.

שו"ת ציץ אליעזר חלק יד, קא אות ד

אוסיף גם זאת להעיר שבמקרה של היתר אזי עם הצורך והחובה לקבל את הסכמת האשה להפסקת הריון... יש מן הצורך והחובה לקבל עם זאת גם הסכמת הבעל

Responsa Tzitz Eliezer 14:101, 4

I will add that in a case where it is permissible for a woman to obtain an abortion, along with the requirement and obligation to obtain the mother's consent, it is also necessary to receive the consent of [her] husband.


  • What is the case described in Exodus 21. What is the law if only the fetus is harmed?
  • What might this tell us about the rights of the father to the fetus?
  • Do you agree with the ruling of the Tzitz Eliezer?