Graduation Torah: Where do we go, now?
וכבר היה רבי טרפון וזקנים מסובין בעלית בית נתזה בלוד נשאלה שאילה זו בפניהם: תלמוד גדול או מעשה גדול
נענה רבי טרפון ואמר מעשה גדול
נענה ר"ע ואמר תלמוד גדול
נענו כולם ואמרו תלמוד גדול שהתלמוד מביא לידי מעשה
And there already was an incident in which Rabbi Tarfon and the Elders were reclining in the loft of the house of Nit’za in Lod, when this question was asked of them: Which is greater study or action?
1. Rabbi Tarfon answered: Action is greater.
2. Rabbi Akiva answered: Study is greater.
3. The rest of the rabbis answered: Study is greater as study leads to action.
Guide to Source #1
1. Give an example that supports each of the three opinions cited above.
2. Is the 3rd opinion different than the second one (Rabbi Akiva's)? Why or why not?
3. Which answer do you find most compelling? Why?
(יח) ת"ת שקול כנגד כל המצות היה לפניו עשיית מצוה ות"ת
אם אפשר למצוה להעשות ע"י אחרים לא יפסיק תלמודו
ואם לאו יעשה המצוה ויחזור לתורתו:
Torah study is equivalent to all the rest of the commandments. If you have two options before you: either to perform a mitzvah or to study, [what should you do?]
If it is possible for others to perform the mitzvah, you ought not to cease your studies.
If this is not possible, go do the mitzvah and then return to your studies.
Guide to source #2
1. What does source #2 (written by Rabbi Karo) add to our investigation?
2. If we apply the current debate to graduating from College--whose opinion is most appealing to you? With whom do you most disagree?