Healing the Political Divide Through Mussar June 2018

They said That Rabbi Akiva had twelve thousand pairs of disciples, from Gabbat to Antifaras; and they all died at the same time because they did not treat each other with respect.

The sages of yore said: "He who yields to anger is as if he worshiped idolatry".1See Nedarim, 22b. G. They also said: "Whosoever yields to anger, if he be a wise man his wisdom leaves him, and if he be a prophet his prophecy leaves him."2

Rabbi Ile’a said in the name of Rabbi Elazar, son of Rabbi Shimon: Just as it is a mitzva for a person to say that which will be heeded, so is it a mitzva for a person not to say that which will not be heeded. One should not rebuke those who will be unreceptive to his message. Rabbi Abba says: It is obligatory for him to refrain from speaking, as it is stated: “Do not reprove a scorner lest he hate you; reprove a wise man and he will love you” (Proverbs 9:8).

Cheshbon HaNefesh - Truth

Do not allow anything to pass your lips that you are not certain is completely true

Rabbi Menachem Mendel Levin p 173

Cheshbon HaNefesh - Silence

Before you open your mouth, be silent and reflect: What benefit will my speech bring to me or others?

Rabbi Menachem Mendel Levin p 165

Various Answers

You speak of President Trump being an antisemite" when you support the Arab war against the Jews Don’t make me laugh. You make me ashamed to "be from Pittsburg.

"If I had any doubt whether to support Trump, you have- just erased it. When two Israel hating Jews like you ...have the temerity to call someone else an anti-Semite you giv new definition to the word chutzpa. Shame on you


Any Jew who does not condemn the President, directly and by name, for his racism, white supremacism, intolerance and Jew hatred, condones all of those things.

To our fellow Jews, in North America, in Israel, and around the world: What side are you on?

Michael Chabon & Ayelet Waldman

Shame corrodes the very part of us that believes we are capable of change. ~ Brené Brown

One who publicly shames another

has no place in the world to come. Pirkei Avot 3:15

Words That Hurt, Words That Heal - Rabbi Joseph Telushkin

1. "He who rebukes another should administer the rebuke in private. speak tenderly, and be clear it is for the persons own good." - Maimonides

2. If you want to make someone open to your criticism, don't say "always or never" because you compel your listener to act defensively.