Ruth & Tamar: Repairing a world that has fallen apart. (Copy without Psukim for Printing)

Things Fall Apart - after the rape of Dina, after the rape of the Pilegesh from Giveah....and it was...

וא"ר יוחנן מאי דכתיב (רות א, א) ויהי בימי שפוט השופטים דור ששופט את שופטיו אומר לו טול קיסם מבין (שיניך) אומר לו טול קורא מבין עיניך

Said Rabbi Yochanan: What is the meaning of "It is came to pass in the day of the judging of the judges?" (Ruth 1:1) - [this is describing] a generation that judges its judges. [For example, if] a judge would say [to a person] "remove a toothpick from between (your teeth), [the person] would respond with "remove a beam from between your eyes!"

And after you leave the family, what do you do?

(א) על דבר אשר לא קדמו אתכם בלחם ובמים ...והנראה אלי כי הכתוב הרחיק שני האחים האלה שהיו גמולי חסד מאברהם שהציל אביהם ואמם מן החרב והשבי (בראשית יד טז) ובזכותו שלחם השם מתוך ההפכה (שם יט כט) והיו חייבין לעשות טובה עם ישראל והם עשו עמהם רעה האחד שכר עליו בלעם בן בעור והם המואבים והאחד לא קדם אותו בלחם ובמים כאשר קרבו למולו כמו שכתוב (לעיל ב יח יט) אתה עובר היום את גבול מואב את ער וקרבת מול בני עמון והנה הכתוב הזהירם (שם פסוק יט) אל תצורם ואל תתגר בם והם לא קדמו אותם כלל כי היה הכתוב אומר "כאשר עשו לי בני עשו המואבים והעמונים" אבל לא הזכיר עמון שלא קדמו אותם והנה עמון הרשיע בזה יותר מכולם כי בני עשו והמואבים כאשר ידעו שהוזהרו ישראל שלא יתגרו בהם הוציאו לחם ומים חוץ לגבולם ועמון לא אבה לעשות כן וזה טעם "אשר לא קדמו" שלא יצאו לקראתם בלחם ובמים כאשר עשו האחרים ולכך הקדים הכתוב "עמוני" והקדים להזכיר פשעו על דבר אשר לא קדמו אתכם ואחרי כן הזכיר "מואבי" וחטאתו ורבותינו דרשו (יבמות עו) עמוני ולא עמונית מואבי ולא מואבית מפני שהאיש דרכו לקדם ואין האשה דרכה לקדם שתוציא מזון חוץ לגבול הארץ וכן הזכירו בירושלמי (שם פ"ח ה"ג) ובמגילת רות רבתי (ד ח) מפני שדרך האיש לשכור ואין דרך האשה לשכור

... And it seems to me that the pasuk distanced these two brothers who recieved kindness from Avraham who saved their father and mother from the sword and cativity (Gen. 14:16) and in whose merit God sent them from the destruction (Gen. 19:29) and they owed kindness to Israel, but they did them an ill turn, the one by hiring Bilam ben Be'or, and those are the Moabites, and the other who did not recieve them with bread and water when Israel approached them, as it says (Deut. 2:18-19) you are passing today the border of Moav, Ar, and approaching Bnei Ammon, and here the verse warns them (Deut. 2:19) Don't harass them and don't contend with them and they didn't welcome them at all, since then the verse would have said "as the sons of Esau, the Moabites and the Ammonites did", but the Ammonites are not mentioned since they did not welcome them, and thus Ammon was more wicked than the others, since the sons of Esau and the Moabites, when they knew that Israel would not contend with them, brought out bread and water outside their borders, and Ammon did not deign to do so, and this is the reason for |"who did not welcome them", that they did not go forth towards them with bread and water as the others did, and therefore the verse mentioned the "Ammonite" first, and mentioned his crime first, that they didn't welcome them, and only then mentioned the "Moabite" and their sin. Chazal learned (Yebamot 76) an Ammonite male, and not an Ammonite femal, a Moabite male and not a Moabite female since the way of the man is to go forth, and the way of the woman is not to go forth to bring food outside the borders of the country, and it is also written in the Yerushalmi (Yebamot perek 8 halacha 3) and in Rut Rabati (4:8) since the way of the man is to hire, and it is not the way of the woman to hire.

מתני׳ עמוני ומואבי אסורים ואיסורן איסור עולם אבל נקבותיהם מותרות מיד

mishna Ammonite and Moabite converts are prohibited from entering into the congregation and marrying a woman who was born Jewish, and their prohibition is eternal, for all generations. However, their female counterparts, even the convert herself, are permitted immediately.

The cycle of recognition and brotherhood.

Brotherhood, children, and redemption.

Kindness in Ruth

(יד) יַעַשׂ ה' עִמָּכֶם חֶסֶד, רַבִּי חֲנִינָא בַּר אָדָא אָמַר, יַעֲשֶׂה כְּתִיב, כַּאֲשֶׁר עֲשִׂיתֶם עִם הַמֵּתִים, שֶׁנִּטְפַּלְתֶּם בְּתַכְרִיכֵיהוֹן, וְעִמָּדִי, שֶׁוִתְּרוּ לָהּ כְּתֻבּוֹתֵיהֶן. אָמַר רַבִּי זְעֵירָא, מְגִלָּה זוֹ אֵין בָּהּ לֹא טֻמְאָה, וְלֹא טָהֳרָה, וְלֹא אִסּוּר, וְלֹא הֶתֵּר, וְלָמָּה נִכְתְּבָה לְלַמֶּדְךָ כַּמָּה שָׂכָר טוֹב לְגוֹמְלֵי חֲסָדִים.

(14) "God will deal kindly with you(Ruth 1:8)" . Rabbi Chanina bar Ada says, "Will show (ya'aseh)" is what is written (k'tiv), "as you showed with the dead (ibid)" when you were occupied with their shrouds, "and with me (ibid)" when they renounced their ketubot. Rabbi Zeira says, "This scroll does not have anything in it concerned with impurity or purity nor what is forbidden and what is permitted. So why is it written? To teach us the greatness of the reward for acts of lovingkindness."

On Chessed...

(א) מצות עשה של דבריהם לבקר חולים ולנחם אבלים ולהוציא המת ולהכניס הכלה וללוות האורחים ולהתעסק בכל צרכי הקבורה לשאת על הכתף ולילך לפניו ולספוד ולחפור ולקבור וכן לשמח הכלה והחתן ולסעדם בכל צרכיהם ואלו הן גמילות חסדים שבגופו שאין להם שיעור אף על פי שכל מצות אלו מדבריהם הרי הן בכלל ואהבת לרעך כמוך כל הדברים שאתה רוצה שיעשו אותם לך אחרים עשה אתה אותן לאחיך בתורה ובמצות.

It is a positive rabbinical mitzva to visit the sick and to comfort mourners, to take out the deceased, to bring in the bride, to escort guests, and to take care of all matters at a funeral — to carry the coffin, to walk before it, to eulogize, to dig and to bury — and also to gladden a bride and groom and to provide for them all their needs. These are the acts of chesed done bodily which have no limit. Even though all of these mitzvotare rabbinical, they are included in “You shall love your fellow as yourself” — everything you wish others to do for you, you should do for your brother in Torah and mitzvot.

על גמ"ח כיצד הרי הוא אומר (הושע ו) כי חסד חפצתי ולא זבח. העולם מתחלה לא נברא אלא בחסד שנאמר (תהלים פט) כי אמרתי עולם חסד יבנה שמים תכין אמונתך בהם. פעם אחת היה רבן יוחנן בן זכאי יוצא מירושלים והיה רבי יהושע הולך אחריו וראה בית המקדש חרב [אר"י אוי לנו על זה שהוא חרב] מקום שמכפרים בו עונותיהם של ישראל. א"ל בני אל ירע לך יש לנו כפרה אחת שהיא כמותה ואיזה זה גמ"ח שנאמר כי חסד חפצתי ולא זבח.

Avot D'Rabbi Natan 4:7

How do we know the significance of acts of hesed? As the Prophet Hosea said: "For I desire hesed, and not sacrifice."

The world began only with hesed, as it says in Psalms: "All existence is built upon hesed; loving commitment is found even in the heavens."

One time it happened that Rabban Yohannan ben Zakkai was leaving Jeruslaem, and Rabbi Joshua was walking after him. He saw the ruins of Solomon's Temple.

Rabbi Joshua said: "Oy! What a devastation for us that the place where Israel atoned for our sins has been destroyed."

Rabbi Yohannan replied: "My son, do not fear. We have another form of atonement that is just as effective."

What is it? Acts of hesed.

This is what the verse from Hosea means when it says:

"For I desire hesed, and not sacrifice."


(א) צדקה ממני אע''פ שהיא באה אלי במרמה ואני לא ראיתיה כלל כי שלחתי הגדי מכל מקום היא צדקה במרמתה שהיתה לתכלית טוב ורצוי לאל ית' שהיא קיום הזרע לא להנאת עצמה שהרי חזרה לאלמנותה תיכף יותר ממה שצדקתי אני בקיום אמונתי שהיתה הכונה בו לכבודי ולהשיג ערבוני שהוא תכלית נפסד וגרוע כאמרם ז''ל גדולה עבירה לשמה ממצוה שלא לשמה:
(1) צדקה ממני, even though she approached me under false pretences, misrepresenting herself, she still acted more righteously than I did. I did not see her at all when I sent her the goat. [I was too embarrassed to be seen, Ed.] Her deceit was practised for a noble cause. and appears to have been approved by G’d, seeing she meant to maintain the seed of her deceased husband, whereas I was merely wanting to gratify my libido. Immediately she had done what she meant to do she resumed living as a widow as I had told her to do. My seeking her out to let her have the goat I had promised her was meant only to ensure that my good image would be preserved. This in itself is not a worthy cause. Our sages have used this occurrence as the basis for their saying that “a sin committed for noble cause is better than a good deed when same is not performed as such but as something self-serving.” (Nazir 23).
(בראשית לח, כה) היא מוצאת היא מיתוצאת מיבעי ליה א"ר אלעזר לאחר שנמצאו סימניה בא סמאל וריחקן בא גבריאל וקירבן
The verse describes Tamar’s court hearing: “When she was brought forth [mutzet], she sent to her father-in-law, saying: By the man whose these are, am I with child” (Genesis 38:25). The Gemara comments: It should have stated: When she was mitutzet. The word mutzet also carries the implication of being found. What then, is taught by the use of that term? Rabbi Elazar says: After her signs, which she was using to prove that she was impregnated by Judah, were brought out, the evil angel Samael came and distanced them from each other in an attempt to prevent Judah’s admission and Tamar’s survival, which would enable the birth of King David. The angel Gabriel then came and moved the signs closer again. Therefore, the word mutzet is used, as it alludes to the signs being found again.

(א) צדקה ממני, יותר ממני שאמרתי לשרפה כי אינה חייבת שריפה כי ממני מעוברת. יצאה בת קול ואמרה ממני יצאו הדבריםופירש דלבתר דאסהיד עליה דמיניה ניהו בשריה במלכות שבט יהודה, דכובשים את הארץ דכתיב ונכבשה הארץ לפניכם.

(1) צדקה ממני; she is more righteous than I, for I had declared her guilty of being burned to death while she was innocent, seeing she is pregnant from me and has not acted like a harlot. The sages understand that when the verdict was passed on Tamar a heavenly voice was heard saying that Tamar’s pregnancy by Yehudah had been decreed by G.d, “from Me.” . . . There is a variant reading which says that as a result of Yehudah’s admission, G-d decided to appoint him as the founder of the future Davidic dynasties.

Take a step back and look at the roles of Tzedek & Chessed...

(א) וַיֹּאמֶר אֱלֹקִים נַעֲשֶׂה אָדָם בְּצַלְמֵנוּ כִּדְמוּתֵנוּ (בראשית א, כו)...

(ה) אָמַר רַבִּי סִימוֹן, בְּשָׁעָה שֶׁבָּא הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא לִבְרֹאת אֶת אָדָם הָרִאשׁוֹן, נַעֲשׂוּ מַלְאֲכֵי הַשָּׁרֵת כִּתִּים כִּתִּים, וַחֲבוּרוֹת חֲבוּרוֹת, מֵהֶם אוֹמְרִים אַל יִבָּרֵא, וּמֵהֶם אוֹמְרִים יִבָּרֵא, הֲדָא הוּא דִכְתִיב (תהלים פה, יא): חֶסֶד וֶאֱמֶת נִפְגָּשׁוּ צֶדֶק וְשָׁלוֹם נָשָׁקוּ. חֶסֶד אוֹמֵר יִבָּרֵא, שֶׁהוּא גּוֹמֵל חֲסָדִים. וֶאֱמֶת אוֹמֵר אַל יִבָּרֵא, שֶׁכֻּלּוֹ שְׁקָרִים. צֶדֶק אוֹמֵר יִבָּרֵא, שֶׁהוּא עוֹשֶׂה צְדָקוֹת. שָׁלוֹם אוֹמֵר אַל יִבָּרֵא, דְּכוּלֵיהּ קְטָטָה. מֶה עָשָׂה הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא נָטַל אֱמֶת וְהִשְׁלִיכוֹ לָאָרֶץ, הֲדָא הוּא דִכְתִיב (דניאל ח, יב): וְתַשְׁלֵךְ אֱמֶת אַרְצָה, אָמְרוּ מַלְאֲכֵי הַשָּׁרֵת לִפְנֵי הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא, רִבּוֹן הָעוֹלָמִים מָה אַתָּה מְבַזֶּה תַּכְסִיס אַלְטִיכְסְיָה שֶׁלָּךְ, תַּעֲלֶה אֱמֶת מִן הָאָרֶץ, הֲדָא הוּא דִכְתִיב (תהלים פה, יב): אֱמֶת מֵאֶרֶץ תִּצְמָח. רַבָּנָן אָמְרֵי לָהּ בְּשֵׁם רַבִּי חֲנִינָא בַּר אִידֵי וְרַבִּי פִּינְחָס וְרַבִּי חֶלְקִיָּה בְּשֵׁם רַבִּי סִימוֹן אָמַר, מְאֹד, הוּא אָדָם. הֲדָא הוּא דִכְתִיב (בראשית א, לא): וַיַּרְא אֱלֹקִים אֶת כָּל אֲשֶׁר עָשָׂה וְהִנֵּה טוֹב מְאֹד, וְהִנֵּה טוֹב אָדָם. רַב הוּנָא רַבָּהּ שֶׁל צִפּוֹרִין אֲמַר עַד שֶׁמַּלְאֲכֵי הַשָּׁרֵת מִדַּיְּנִין אֵלּוּ עִם אֵלּוּ וּמִתְעַסְּקִין אֵלּוּ עִם אֵלּוּ בְּרָאוֹ הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא. אָמַר לָהֶן מָה אַתֶּם מִדַּיְּנִין כְּבָר נַעֲשָׂה אָדָם.

(1) Rabbi Simon said, when the Holy One created Man, the angels split into opposing groups, some of which said don't create it and some of which said create, which is why it is written: Mercy and truth met, righteousness and peace kissed.

(2) Mercy said, "Create him, for he will do merciful deeds."

(3) Truth said, "Don't create him, for he is all lies."

(4) Righteousness said, "Create him, for he will do righteous acts."

(5) Peace said, "Don't create him, for he is all strife."

(6) What did the Holy One do? Picked up truth and threw it to the earth, as it is written: And you sent truth to the ground.

(7) The angels said to the Holy One, "Master of the Universe, why are you degrading your own seal? Let truth rise from the earth," as it is written: Truth will sprout from the the ground.

(8) Rav Huna, rabbi of Tziporin said, "While the angels were judging and arguing with each other, the Holy One created him. God said to them, why are you still discussing? Man is already made."

(א) אמר רב יהודה אמר רב אדם הראשון בלשון ארמי סיפר שנאמר ולי מה יקרו רעיך אל והיינו דאמר ריש לקיש מאי דכתיב זה ספר תולדות אדם מלמד שהראה לו הקב"ה לאדם הראשון דור דור ודורשיו וכו' כיון שהגיע לדורו של רבי עקיבא שמח בתורתו ונתעצב במיתתו שנאמר ולי מה יקרו רעיך אל.

(ב) דבר אחר זה ספר תולדות אדם העביר לפניו כל הדורות הראהו דוד חיים חקוקין לו ג' שעות אמר לפניו רבונו של עולם לא תהא תקנה לזה אמר כך עלתה במחשבה לפני א"ל כמה שני חיי א"ל אלף שנים א"ל יש מתנה ברקיע א"ל הן א"ל ע' שנים משנותי יהיו למזל זה מה עשה אדם הביא את השטר וכתב עליו שטר מתנה וחתם עליו (מב) הקב"ה ומטטרון ואדם. אמר אדם רבונו של עולם (מג) יפיות זו מלכות וזמירות הללו נתונות לו במתנה ע' שנה שיחיה ויהא מזמר לפניך וזה שאמר הכתוב הנה באתי במגלת ספר כתוב עלי.

(ג) דבר אחר זה ספר הקב"ה עיבר את השנה ואחר כך מסר לאדם הראשון (מד) שנאמר זה ספר תולדות אדם אדם הראשון מסר לחנוך ונכנס בסוד העבור ועיבר את השנה שנאמר (מה) ויתהלך חנוך את האלקים. חנוך מסר לנח ועיבר את השנה שנאמר עוד כל ימי הארץ וגו'. נח מסר לשם ועיבר את השנה ונקרא כהן שנאמר נשבע ה' ולא ינחם אתה כהן לעולם על דברתי מלכי צדק ומלכי צדק מלך שלם וגו' (מו) וכי כהן היה אלא על ידי שהיה בכור והיה משרת לאלקיו ביום ובלילה נקרא כהן ושם מסר לאברהם ועיבר את השנה ונקרא כהן (מז) שנאמר והוא כהן לאל עליון. אברהם מסר ליצחק ועיבר את השנה לאחר מיתתו של אברהם שנאמר ויהי אחרי מות אברהם ויברך וגו' על ידי שנכנס בסוד העבור ברכו ברכת עולם. יצחק מסר ליעקב יצא יעקב לחוצה לארץ ובקש לעבר את השנה א"ל הקב"ה ליעקב אין לך לעבר הרי יצחק אביך יעבר את השנה בארץ שנאמר וירא אלקים אל יעקב עוד למה עוד שפעם ראשונה נגלה עליו ומנעו מלעבר את השנה בחוץ לארץ וכשבא לארץ א"ל הקב"ה קום עבר את השנה ועל שנכנס בסוד העבור ברכו ברכת עולם. יעקב מסרו ליוסף ואחיו והיו מעברים את השנה בארץ מצרים מת יוסף ואחיו כו נתמעטו העבורים וכך עתידין להתמעט בסוף מלכות רביעית וכשם שנגלה הקב"ה על משה ואהרן כך עתיד להגלות על מלך המשיח:

(1) Another thing, the Book of Adam's Descendants was passed before him. He saw David's portion of life would be three hours. He said, "Master of the world, this should not be decreed! A thought has come to me."

(2) He [Adam] said to him, "How many are my years?"

(3) God said, "1,000 years."

(4) Adam said, "Can I give some as a gift?"

(5) "God said, "Yes."

(6) Adam said, "I will give him 70 years to be his fate."

(7) What did Adam do? He brought a contract and wrote on it a contract of gift; and it was executed by God, Metatron, and Adam.

(8) Adam said, "Master of the World, good looks are his, kingship, and songs of praise have I given him in my gift of 70 years of his life; and he will sing before you. And this is written where it says "behold I have come" in the book I have written [Tehillim 92].

() וְעִם כָּל דָּא, לָא דָן לֵיהּ כְּדְקָא חָזֵי לֵיהּ, וְאוֹרִיךְ עִמֵּיהּ רוּגְזֵיהּ וְאִתְקְיַּים יוֹמָא חַד דְּאִיהוּ אֶלֶף שְׁנִין, בַּר אִינוּן שִׁבְעִים שָׁנִים דְּמָסַר לֵיהּ לְדָוִד מַלְכָּא דְּלָא הֲוָה לֵיהּ מִגַּרְמֵיהּ כְּלוּם.

And even so, [God] did not judge him as he was seen, and had much patience with him, and he lived one day which was itself one thousand years, minus those seventy years which he gave to David haMelech, who has nothing for himself.

ואריב"ל בשעה שעלה משה למרום אמרו מלאכי השרת לפני הקב"ה רבש"ע מה לילוד אשה בינינו אמר להן לקבל תורה בא אמרו לפניו חמודה גנוזה שגנוזה לך תשע מאות ושבעים וארבעה דורות קודם שנברא העולם אתה מבקש ליתנה לבשר ודם (תהלים ח, ה) מה אנוש כי תזכרנו ובן אדם כי תפקדנו ה' אדונינו מה אדיר שמך בכל הארץ אשר תנה הודך על השמים אמר לו הקב"ה למשה החזיר להן תשובה אמר לפניו רבש"ע מתיירא אני שמא ישרפוני בהבל שבפיהם אמר לו אחוז בכסא כבודי וחזור להן תשובה שנאמר (איוב כו, ט) מאחז פני כסא פרשז עליו עננו ואמר ר' נחום מלמד שפירש שדי מזיו שכינתו ועננו עליו אמר לפניו רבונו של עולם תורה שאתה נותן לי מה כתיב בה (שמות כ, ב) אנכי ה' אלקיך אשר הוצאתיך מארץ מצרים אמר להן למצרים ירדתם לפרעה השתעבדתם תורה למה תהא לכם שוב מה כתיב בה לא יהיה לך אלקים אחרים בין עמים אתם שרויין שעובדין עבודת גלולים שוב מה כתיב בה זכור את יום השבת לקדשו כלום אתם עושים מלאכה שאתם צריכין שבות שוב מה כתיב בה לא תשא משא ומתן יש ביניכם שוב מה כתיב בה כבד את אביך ואת אמך אב ואם יש לכם שוב מה כתיב בה לא תרצח לא תנאף לא תגנוב קנאה יש ביניכם יצר הרע יש ביניכם מיד הודו לו להקב"ה שנאמר (תהלים ח, י) ה' אדונינו מה אדיר שמך וגו' ואילו תנה הודך על השמים לא כתיב מיד כל אחד ואחד נעשה לו אוהב ומסר לו דבר שנאמר (תהלים סח, יט) עלית למרום שבית שבי לקחת מתנות באדם בשכר שקראוך אדם לקחת מתנות אף מלאך המות מסר לו דבר שנאמר (במדבר יז, יב) ויתן את הקטורת ויכפר על העם ואומר ויעמוד בין המתים ובין החיים וגו' אי לאו דאמר ליה מי הוה ידע:

And Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi said: When Moses ascended on High to receive the Torah, the ministering angels said before the Holy One, Blessed be He: Master of the Universe, what is one born of a woman doing here among us? The Holy One, Blessed be He, said to them: He came to receive the Torah. The angels said before Him: The Torah is a hidden treasure that was concealed by you 974 generations before the creation of the world, and you seek to give it to flesh and blood? As it is stated: “The word which He commanded to a thousand generations” (Psalms 105:8). Since the Torah, the word of God, was given to the twenty-sixth generation after Adam, the first man, the remaining 974 generations must have preceded the creation of the world. “What is man that You are mindful of him and the son of man that You think of him?” (Psalms 8:5). Rather, “God our Lord, how glorious is Your name in all the earth that Your majesty is placed above the heavens” (Psalms 8:2). The rightful place of God’s majesty, the Torah, is in the heavens. The Holy One, Blessed be He, said to Moses: Provide them with an answer as to why the Torah should be given to the people. Moses said before Him: Master of the Universe, I am afraid lest they burn me with the breath of their mouths. God said to him: Grasp My throne of glory for strength and protection, and provide them with an answer. And from where is this derived? As it is stated: “He causes him to grasp the front of the throne, and spreads His cloud over it” (Job 26:9), and Rabbi Naḥum said: This verse teaches that God spread the radiance of His presence and His cloud over Moses. Moses said before Him: Master of the Universe, the Torah that You are giving me, what is written in it? God said to him: “I am the Lord your God Who brought you out of Egypt from the house of bondage” (Exodus 20:2). Moses said to the angels: Did you descend to Egypt? Were you enslaved to Pharaoh? Why should the Torah be yours? Again Moses asked: What else is written in it? God said to him: “You shall have no other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:3). Moses said to the angels: Do you dwell among the nations who worship idols that you require this special warning? Again Moses asked: What else is written in it? The Holy One, Blessed be He, said to him: “Remember the Shabbat day to sanctify it” (Exodus 20:8). Moses asked the angels: Do you perform labor that you require rest from it? Again Moses asked: What else is written in it? “Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain” (Exodus 20:7), meaning that it is prohibited to swear falsely. Moses asked the angels: Do you conduct business with one another that may lead you to swear falsely? Again Moses asked: What else is written in it? The Holy One, Blessed be He, said to him: “Honor your father and your mother” (Exodus 20:12). Moses asked the angels: Do you have a father or a mother that would render the commandment to honor them relevant to you? Again Moses asked: What else is written in it? God said to him: “You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal.” Moses asked the angels: Is there jealousy among you, or is there an evil inclination within you that would render these commandments relevant? Immediately they agreed with the Holy One, Blessed be He, that He made the right decision to give the Torah to the people, and as it is stated: “God our Lord, how glorious is Your name in all the earth” (Psalms 8:10), while “that Your majesty is placed above the heavens” is not written because the angels agreed with God that it is appropriate to give the Torah to the people on earth. Immediately, each and every one of the angels became an admirer of Moses and passed something to him, as it is stated: “You ascended on high, you took a captive, you took gifts on account of man, and even among the rebellious also that the Lord God might dwell there” (Psalms 68:19). The meaning of the verse is: In reward for the fact that they called you man, you are not an angel and the Torah is applicable to you, you took gifts from the angels. And even the Angel of Death gave him something, as Moses told Aaron how to stop the plague, as it is stated: “And he placed the incense, and he atoned for the people” (Numbers 17:12). And the verse says: “And he stood between the dead and the living, and the plague was stopped” (Numbers 17:13). If it were not that the Angel of Death told him this remedy, would he have known it?

Now, what is the role of a king?

The turning point:

And the significance of these turning points:

(א) יהודה אתה יודוך אחיך, למלוכה שהמלכות שנטלתי מראובן נתתיה לך ואחיך יודו לך המלוכה, כמו שנאמר ויבאו כל שבטי ישראל אל דוד חברונה להמליך את דוד (שמואל ב' ה'). ובב"ר כיון שראה יהודה שזכר לראוובן חטאו ושמעון ולוי חטאם נתיירא יהודה שלא יזכיר לו מעשה תמר, התחיל קורא לו, יהודה אתה יודוך אחיך להיות מלך עליהם. (ג) ישתחוו לך בני אביך, כשיראו אותך מצליח ישתתוו לך ויאמרו כי לך יאתה מלוכה. ויצחק אמר ליעקב בני אמך שלא היתה לו אשה אלא רבקה. ויעקב אמר ליהודה בני אביך לפי שהיו לו ארבע נשים וכל הבנים בני אב אחד:
(1) יהודה אתה יודוך אחיך, they will elevate you to the position of royalty instead of Reuven, for the royalty, or potential for royalty of which I have deprived him your brothers will bestow upon you. We have proof of this happening from Samuel II 5,1 when David was crowned in Chevron by all the tribes of Israel. We are told in Bereshit Rabbah 99,8 that when Yehudah saw that Yaakov suddenly served up Reuven’s sin, as well as that of his brother Shimon and Levi, he became afraid that his own sin with Tamar would be the next one to be referred to by his father. He only calmed down when Yaakov began his remarks to Yehudah with the words “your brothers will elevate you to the position of royalty because you had the strength of character to publicly acknowledge and repent your having slept with your daughter-in-law Tamar.” (2) ידך בעורף אויביך, a reference to King David, who was victorious in all his wars against his enemies. We have a parallel verse said by David himself in Samuel II 22,41 ואויבי תחת לי עורף, “He made my enemies turn tail before me.” (3) ישתחוו לך בני אביך, when they will observe that you are successful, then they will prostrate themselves before you and declare that you are fit to be their king. When Yitzchok blessed Yaakov in Genesis 27,29 he referred to “the sons of your mother” prostrating themselves before him. Seeing that Yitzchok had only one wife this was quite normal. Seeing that Yaakov had four wives it would not have been good enough to refer to the sons of Yehudah’s mother, as that would have included only half the tribes. By phrasing the blessing as applicable to the “sons of your father,” Yaakov included all 12 tribes.

(י) אָמַר לוֹ יְהוּדָה, דִּין שֶׁקֶר אַתָּה דָן אוֹתָנוּ. אָמַר לוֹ יוֹסֵף, אֵין לְךָ דִּין שֶׁקֶר כִּמְכִירַת אֲחִיכֶם. אָמַר לוֹ יְהוּדָה, נוּרָא דִשְׁכֶם דָּלִיק בְּלִבִּי. אָמַר לוֹ יוֹסֵף, נוּרָא דְתָמָר כַּלָּתָךְ אֲנָא מַטְפֵי. אָמַר לוֹ יְהוּדָה, רָתָח אֲנָא וְלֵית דִּמְהֵימַן לִי. אָמַר לוֹ יוֹסֵף, רִתְחָא דִידָךְ אֲנָא מְתַבַּר. אָמַר לוֹ יְהוּדָה, עַכְשָׁו אֲנִי אֵצֵא וְאֶצְבַּע כָּל שְׁוָקִים שֶׁבְּמִצְרַיִם בַּדָּם. אָמַר לוֹ יוֹסֵף, צַבָּעִים הֱיִיתֶם מִימֵיכֶם, שֶׁצְּבַעְתֶּם כְּתֹנֶת אֲחִיכֶם בַּדָּם וַאֲמַרְתֶּם לַאֲבִיכֶם טָרֹף טֹרַף.

(10) Judah said to him: “You have judged falsely.” And Joseph replied: “Did you not judge your brother falsely when you sold him?” Judah answered: “The fire of Shechem burns in my heart.” And Joseph said: “I will extinguish the fire that burns within you for your daughter-in-law Tamar.”8Judah had intercourse with his daughter-in-law Tamar. See Gen. 38. “I am consumed by anger, and no one believes me,” cried Judah. And Joseph retorted: “I will break your anger.” “I shall go out,” said Judah, “and dye the marketplaces of Egypt in blood.” “All your life,” replied Joseph, “you have been dying things in blood, even as you and your brothers dyed your brother’s coat of many colors in blood and then told your father: Joseph is without doubt torn in pieces (ibid. 37:33).”

God Invoked and Revealed

(ז) ר' אליעזר אומר: בעז עשה את שלו ורות עשתה את שלה ונעמי עשתה את שלה אמר הקדוש ברוך הוא אף אני אעשה את שלי

Boaz did his part, and Ruth did hers, and Naomi did hers; [then] the Holy One said: ‘I too will do mine.’

They are all episodes in the history of a single family. Lot is the father of Moab and thus the ancestor of Ruth, whilst Judah is the father of Perez and thus the ancestor of Boaz… We have here the story of a single clan (that of Abraham and his nephew Lot) which separates (Gen. 13:11) at an early stage and is then reunited in the persons of Ruth and Boaz.

~Harold Fisch, “Ruth and the Structure of Covenant History”

Royal Propaganda in the Story of Yehuda and Tamar, by Dr. Brachi Elitzur

...[I]n contrast to the midrashic treatment of other biblical stories, in which we find a balance between teachings that criticize the actions of the characters involved and others that seek to justify or mitigate them, in the Talmudic teachings about Yehuda and Tamar originating in Eretz Yisrael, there is a manifest effort to rebut a number of teachings that are critical, while at the same time taking pains to justify each and every step taken by the characters – even those which appear to be depicted in a negative light in the text. These teachings present the entire process as a Divine plan which they carried out...

The idea of the chain of events in this unit as a realization of a Divine prophecy is developed further by R. Shmuel bar Nachman in another teaching in which he explains the necessity of this story for the realization of the Divine vision. In his view, the stories detailing the sale and its attendant circumstances create the conditions for realization of the prophecies of subjugation and redemption, while the story of Yehuda and Tamar lays the groundwork for the eternal redemption:

R. Shmuel bar Nachman offered the following interpretation: “For I know the thoughts that I think concerning you, says the Lord; thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope” (Yirmiyahu 29:11): The brothers were busy with the sale of Yosef, and Yaakov was busy with his sackcloth and fasting, and Yehuda was busy taking a wife, and the Holy One, blessed be He, was creating the light of the King Mashiach: “And it was at that time…” [This represents the realization of the verse,] “Before she suffered birth-pangs, she already gave birth” (Yeshayahu 66:7) – before the later enslaver of the people [Pharoah] was born, the redeemer had already appeared: “And it was at that time…" (Bereishit Rabba 85:1-2, pp. 1030-1031)

Sefer Bereishit, as commentators and scholars have pointed out, chronicles the history of the chosen individuals.[9] The narratives here offer positive or negative descriptions of the chronicles of the chosen ones, the tremendous potential of humanity as a whole, and its fulfillment or failure depending on its actions... The stories about Yosef cover the final part of the history of the chosen individuals of Sefer Bereishit. The choice as to the family nucleus where the “Divine aspect” will be focused has already been made,[10] but the choice of leadership dynasty has yet to be decided. The stories of Yosef deal with the struggle among the brothers over the leadership...

There are two potential leaders. The first is Reuven, who – as the firstborn – would seem to be the natural heir, but the episode concerning Bilha places his candidacy in question. The second is Yehuda, who is next in line once Shimon and Levi lose their chances at this sought-after position following their massacre of the men of Shekhem. The words and actions of Reuven and Yehuda are the only indications of this competition that are documented in the years in between the sale of Yosef and Yaakov's declaration as to the identity of the head of the royal dynasty – while in the background, without the brothers' knowledge, there also lurks Yosef's candidacy.[11] A comparison between Yehuda and Reuven demonstrates Yehuda's superior persuasive powers (his idea of selling Yosef supersedes Reuven's suggestions and his attempt to save him), his taking responsibility for misdeeds ("God has found the transgression of your servants," as opposed to, "Did I not tell you…"), and his better insight ("I shall be his surety," as opposed to, "Slay my two sons"). But the episode of Yehuda and Tamar, sitting in the midst of the story of the sale, threatens to tip the scale back in favor of the other two candidates. Does Yehuda's faulty conduct in this crisis not balance out his finer qualities and advantages, such that his chances for leadership are damaged? Yaakov's decision, articulated in his blessing to Yehuda, becomes a firm fact with the anointing of David and the promise of the eternal dynasty...

What remains, then, is for Chazal to explain the ultimate choice of Yehuda and to prove that Yehuda, "who was elevated through her,” fulfilled through his actions the Divine plan of creating the light of Mashiach. The story of Yehuda and Tamar is the decisive moment in which Yehuda is chosen as the sole candidate worthy of leadership from among Yaakov's twelve sons.

R. Elazar said: … Why did the Holy One, blessed be He, award the crown to Yehuda? After all, he was not the only mighty one among the brothers – for were Shimon and Levi, and the others, not mighty warriors? But he made a true judgment concerning Tamar, and was therefore made the judge for the entire world… How so? Yitzchak and Yaakov sat there, along with all his brothers, and they were covering for him, but Yehuda acknowledged the facts and stated the matter as it truly was, saying, “She has been more righteous than I” – and the Holy One, blessed be He, made him ruler." (Shemot Rabba 30:19)

... The exegetical explanation offered above raises the obvious question of why it is specifically the Sages of Eretz Yisrael during the Talmudic period who are such stanch defenders of Yehuda. From various Talmudic testimonies it appears that in the early Talmudic period, the status of the office of Nasi was weakened. This resulted from the difficulty of adjusting to the absence of R. Yehuda ha-Nasi, who had displayed exemplary leadership, and the unfulfilled expectations that the leadership of his son and grandson (R. Yehuda Nesia) would continue to combine tremendous Torah knowledge with extensive and fruitful contacts with the Roman authorities... The Nasi was regarded as being a descendant of the house of David.[13]It seems that during this period, there developed amongst the opposition to the Nasi a tendency to undermine the importance of Davidic lineage as a decisive parameter in the choice of leadership through demonstration of its deficiencies as documented in Tanakh. The mushrooming of defensive midrashim surrounding the story of Yehuda and Tamar (and in teachings about Ruth and about David) in the rabbinic literature originating in Eretz Yisrael during the early Talmudic period would therefore seem to be a response on the part of the supporters of the leadership to the attempts at deposing descendants of Davidic lineage from the seat of the Nasi by claiming that the dynasty itself was flawed. The story of Yehuda and Tamar proves that specifically in a clouded reality, in which the candidate's abilities are uncertain, we see the budding of the eternal royal dynasty in accordance with the Divine choice:

“And Yehuda saw there” – There is one who engaged in forbidden sexual relations and prospered, while another engaged in forbidden sexual relations and was lost… The one who was lost was Zimri, while the one who prospered was Yehuda, from whom there emerged Peretz and Chetzron, who would ultimately produce David and the King Mashiach, who is destined to redeem Israel. See how many twists and turns the Holy One, blessed be He, had to bring about for the King Mashiach – he of whom it is said, “And the spirit of God shall rest upon him” (Yeshayahu 11:2) - to be born of Yehuda. (Tanchuma [2], Vayeshev 13)

Rabbinic Readings of Ruth, Jonatha Magonet, European Judaism 40:2, 2007

There is one further theme that was of concern to the rabbis, which once again reverts back to Ruth's status as a Moabitess. How could the ancestress of King David, and indeed of the longed for Messiah, have come from such a background? The problem is compounded, as explicitly noted in the Book of Ruth itself, by the equally scandalous background of Boaz as a descendant of the illicit relationship between Judah and Tamar. Indeed the story of both women, Ruth and Tamar, outsiders who take action to ensure the continuity of the family line, invites comparison. A number of Midrashim reflect on David's struggle to be accepted as king because of this background, especially Ruth's Moabite status. Finally, however, because God elevated him to kingship, this

past was now overcome. This is illustrated in a rabbinic reading of Psalm116: 16,'You have loosed my bands'.

David said to God: You have loosed the bands that constrict me on account of Tamar, of whom it is written, 'You shall not uncover the nakedness of your daughter-in-law (Lev. 18:15). You have also loosed the bands that constrict me on account of Ruth the Moabitess (Midrash Psalms 116:19)/

In my own reading of the Book of Ruth, the author is similarly concerned with correcting both of these previous incestuous events: Lot and his daughters and Judah and Tamar. The past cannot be removed, but it can be repaired when the descendants of those events re-enact them, but behave this time in an exemplary fashion. Hence the encounter on the threshing floor where nothing

untoward actually happens; only after marriage is it explicitly stated that intercourse took place leading to an immediate pregnancy. Thus the family tree at the end of the Book leading to David, expresses a longing for a future messianic redemption.

This reading of the Book finds its echo in certain rabbinic teachings that became even more developed in the mystical tradition. Commending on a phrase in Job, “Who can withdraw purity from impurity, not one? (Job 14:3): a Midrash explains:

Abraham came from Terah, Hezekiah from Ahaz, Josiah from Amon, Mordechai from Shimei, Israel from idolaters, the world to come from this world. Who could to this? Who could command this? Who could decree this? No one [but God] the unique One of the world! (Bamidbar Rabbah 19:1).

The Sins of Biblical Figures, Part 4 of 4, by Rav Amnon Bazak

[T]he Tanakh teaches us that even great people make mistakes, succumb to temptation, or commit transgressions; and that the way to deal with sin is through genuine repentance, which may always be accepted. However, we do not start out with this important educational message and then seek support for it in the text; rather, we learn the text and deduce this message from it. Chazal's teaching that "If someone is greater than his fellow, then his evil inclination is likewise greater" (Sukka 52a) is no empty statement. This message is a central one both in the midrashim and in the approach of the commentators over the generations. Biblical characters are complex, and it is difficult to find a single one of them who is described and depicted in a purely positive manner throughout. It is no coincidence that Chazal name only four individuals who died without sin – all four of them playing only a very minor role in the narratives of the Tanakh.

Rav Shimshon Raphael Hirsch, one of the greatest commentators in recent generations, expressed this view most eloquently:

"The Torah never presents our great men as being perfect… The Torah never hides from us the faults, errors and weaknesses of our great men. Just by that it gives the stamp of veracity to what it relates. But in truth, by the knowledge which is given us of their faults and weaknesses, our great men are in no wise made lesser but actually greater and more instructive. If they stood before us as the purest models of perfection we should attribute them as having a different nature, which has been denied to us… It may never be our task to whitewash the spiritual and moral heroes of our past, to appear as apologists for them. Truth is the seal of our Torah, and truthfulness is the principle of all its true and great commentators and teachers." (Commentary on Bereishit 12:10-13)