Rav Kook, in Tzvi Yaron, Mishnato shel haRav Kook
Within the workers' organization, which is formed for the purpose of guarding and protecting the work conditions, there is an aspect of righteousness and uprightness and tikkun olam. The workers' organization may sue both the employer and the worker who causes this [problem], for unorganized labor brings damage and loss of money to workers. For the unorganized worker works under worse conditions, both in regard to wages and in regard to working hours, etc. And this is likely to make working conditions worse in general.

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. To whom does this demand apply?

2. What is our responsibility and role in encouraging labor unions and worker rights?

3. Does Rav Kook's use of "tikkun olam" in the situation parallel our contemporary understanding of "tikkun olam?" How so/not?

Time Period: Modern (Spinoza through post-WWII)