Margie Klein, "Preaching What I Practice: The Power of Jewish Organizing," in Righteous Indignation: A Jewish Call for Justice. eds Rabbi Or. N Rose, Jo Ellen Green Kaiser, Margie Klein (Vermont: Jewish Lights Publishing, 2008) P. 37
Organizing is a self-fulfilling prophecy, or, as I like to think of it, meeting God halfway in the work of creating a just world. Each day, each week on Shabbat, each year on Passover, we must remember that we are always in a moment of possibility, and together we can change the world.
1. How does this relate to the Jewish value of Tikkun Olam? 2. Are you someone who does the "organizing" and rallies people together to fight for justice, or do you wait for someone to ask you to get involved?
Time Period: Contemporary (The Yom Kippur War until the present-day)