Mishneh Torah, The Laws of Transgressors 3:3
בני התועים האלה ובני בניהם שהדיחו אותם אבותם ונולדו בין הקראים וגדלו אותם על דעתם, הרי הוא כתינוק שנשבה ביניהם וגדלוהו ואינו זריז לאחוז בדרכי המצות שהרי הוא כאנוס ואף על פי ששמע אחר כך [שהוא יהודי וראה היהודים ודתם הרי הוא כאנוס שהרי גדלוהו על טעותם] כך אלו שאמרנו האוחזים בדרכי אבותם הקראים שטעו, לפיכך ראוי להחזירן בתשובה ולמשכם בדברי שלום עד שיחזרו לאיתן התורה.
The children of these mistaken ones and their descendants, who have been lead astray by their parents, were born amidst the Karaites, and have been raised according to their opinions, are like children who have been taken captive among them, and raised by them. They do not take quickly to the ways of the commandments and they are comparable to the status of an individual who acts under duress. Even if such a person later learns that he is a Jew and becomes acquainted with Jews and their religion, he is nevertheless to be regarded as a victim of compulsion, for he was reared in their erroneous ways. The same is true for those who follow in the footsteps of their misguided ancestors. Therefore, it is proper to influence them to return in repentance and draw them near with words of peace until they return to the ever-flowing Torah. [Translation by Rabbi Steve Greenberg]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

How are captive children similar to someone who acts under duress?

How are Karaite children like captive children?

Are there other people that are like captive children?

What are the advantages and disadvantages to labeling someone a captive child?

Time Period: Medieval (Geonim through the 16th Century)