Rambam, Hilchot Isurei Biah 21:8
רמב“ם, הלכות איסורי ביאה, כא:ח
נשים המסוללות זו בזו אסור וממעשה מצרים הוא שהוזהרנו עליו שנאמר כמעשה ארץ מצרים לא תעשו, אמרו חכמים מה היו עושים איש נושא איש ואשה נושא אשה, ואשה נשאת לשני אנשים, אע"פ שמעשה זה אסור אין מלקין עליו, שאין לו לאו מיוחד והרי אין שם ביאה כלל, לפיכך ב אין נאסרות לכהונה משום זנות ולא תיאסר אשה על בעלה בזה שאין כאן זנות, וראוי להכותן מכת מרדות הואיל ועשו איסור, ויש לאיש להקפיד על אשתו מדבר זה ומונע הנשים הידועות בכך מלהכנס לה ומלצאת היא אליהן.
It is forbidden for women to rub against each other; it is among the “ways of the Egyptians,” about which we were warned in Leviticus 18:3 and about which our sages expounded, “What would they (the Egyptians) do? A man would marry a man, a woman would marry a woman, and one woman would marry two men. While the behavior is prohibited, one does not punish it with lashes because no specific biblical prohibition has been violated and no sexual intercourse took place at all. Consequently, such women are not prohibited from marrying a priest because of looseness, and neither is a [married] women prohibited from remaining with her husband[after a same-sex extramarital affair] because this behavior is not formally considered sex. It is, however, appropriate to punish such women with lashes imposed [not by the Torah but] by the court since they have violated a prohibition. A man ought to be exacting with his wife on this matter and should prevent her from associating with women known for this, not to permit those women to visit her nor her to visit them. [Translation by Rabbi Steven Greenberg]
Time Period: Medieval (Geonim through the 16th Century)