Rambam, Mishneh Torah, Laws of Kings 6:10
רמבם, משנה תורה, הלכות מלכים, ו:י
ולא האילנות בלבד, אלא כל המשבר כלים, וקורע בגדים, והורס בניין, וסותם מעיין, ומאבד מאכלות דרך השחתה-- עובר ב”לא תשחית”
Not only one who cuts down a fruit tree, but anyone who destroys household goods, tears clothing, demolishes a building stops up a spring, or ruins food deliberately, violates the prohibition of Bal Tashchit,‘do not destroy.' [Translation by Big Green Jewish]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. In what ways is each of these actions destructive? How are they different?

2. Why is there a prohibition to destroy? What types of behaviors can we learn from these prohibitions?

Time Period: Medieval (Geonim through the 16th Century)