Rashi, Babylonian Talmud, Pesachim 8b
רשי, תלמוד בבלי, פסחים ח:
הרי זה צדיק גמור - בדבר זה, ולא אמרינן שלא לשמה עושה, אלא קיים מצות בוראו שצוהו לעשות צדקה, ומתכוין אף להנאת עצמו שיזכה בה לעולם הבא או שיחיו בניו.
[One who gives tzedakah so that his child may live] is a fully righteous person - one is a righteous person in this matter, and we do not say that she did the mitzvah not for its own sake, for she fulfilled the Creator’s commandment to give tzedakah even though she intended it for her own benefit or for his children's welfare. [Hartman translation]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. To what extent does motivation matter when doing social justice work?

2. In what ways is activism beneficial for the do-ers?

Time Period: Medieval (Geonim through the 16th Century)